Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/112

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50 C. 9. Anno quarto Georgii II. A. D. I73i- Allowance for or the High Treafurer for the Time being, are hereby irnpowered to caufe fuch an Allowance out of the prompt Pay- s ums fo to be contributed, or any of them, for prompt Payment to be made, as he or they in his or their Difcretions lhall think meet and reafonable. " Treafury to appoint Managers. Tickets to be prepared. Treafury to appoint Receivers. Managers 41 to examine the Books, and deliver them to the Receivers. Tickets to be delivered at AceountantGe sieral of the .Bank to give Credit to the Perfons named in the Certifi- cates for the Sums therein contained. Certificates af- fignable. Annuities on Tickets to bear Intereft at 3I. per Cent, per Ann. payable half yearly. To be free from Taxes. Bank to appoint a Chief Cafhier and Accountant General. 10/. apiece. Receivers on 30 Aug. 1731, to re-deliver the Books to the Managers. Tickets not difpofed of, to be " returned into the Exchequer as Ca(h. Tickets of the middle Columns to be rolled up, and put into " a Box marked (A). The Managers lhall prepare Books divided into two Columns, and upon the " innermofl Column lhall be printed 80,000 Tickets, &c. and 8,000. lhall be called The Fortunate Tickets, " that is to fay, Two of them feverally 10,000/. four of 5,000/. two- of 3,000/. five of 2,000/. fourteen " of 1,000/. twenty-one of 500/. two hundred and thirty-feven of 100/. feven thoufand feven hundred " and fifteen of 20/. which with 500/. to the firft drawn Ticket, and 1,000/. to the lair drawn, will " amount in the whole to 260,000/. which being added to 540,000/. (the Principal payable on the re- " maining 72,000 blank Tickets) amount to 800,000/. Tickets in the outermoir Columns to be put " into the Box (B). No Money to be received after 30 Jug. 1731. The whole to be performed by 18 " Nov.. 1731. On 24 Nov. 1731, the Boxes to be brought into Guildhall. Fortunate Tickets to be printed. c: Forging Tickets, &c. Felony. Managers to be fworn. Contributors failing in Payment of the whole " Sum, to forfeit the Money advanced. Undifpofed Tickets to be kept as Calh. Managers, &c. to be " rewarded out of the additional Duties on Stamps. Guardians may contribute for Infants. The " Tickeis to be exchanged for Certificates. EX P. XXIX. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Accountant General of the Bank of England for the Time being, to whom the faid Certificates are to be directed as aforefaid, lhall, upon receiving and taking in of the faid Certificates or any of them, give Credit to the Perfons named therein, in a Book or Books to be by him provided and kept for that Purpofe, for the principal Sums contained in every fuch Certificate and the Perfons to whofe Credit every the faid principal Sums (hall be entred in the faid Book or Books, his, Iter or their Executors and Adminiftrators lhall and may have Power to affign and transfer the fame, or any Part, Share or Proportion thereof, to any other Per- fon or Perfons, Bodies Politick and Corporate whatfoevei', in other Books to be provided and kept By the faid Accountant General for that Purpofe ; and the principal Sums, fo affigned or transferred, (hall carry the faid Annuity of three Pounds per Centum per Annum, and fhali be taken and deemed to be Stock transferrable by this Act, according to the Power and Authority herein after mentioned, until Redemp- tion thereof as aforefaid ; and the faid Accountant General of the Bank of England for the Time being is hereby authorized and directed to cancel and file the Certificates as they (hall from Time to Time be received and taken in by him, and to give the Perfons bringing the fame, a Note under his Hand, tefh- fying the principal Money for which they have Credit in the laid Book or Books, by Reafon or Mea«s of the Certificates fo received, taken in and cancelled as aforefaid, and of the Annuity attending the fame. XXX. And it is hereby enacted, That every Perfon fo to be named in the faid Certificates, his, her and their Executors, Adminiftrators and Affigns lhall have, receive and enjoy, and be intitled, by Force and Virtue of this Act, to have, receive and enjoy an Annuity or Annuities after the Rate of three Pounds per Centum per Annum for the refpe.'iive principal Sums fpecified in fuch Ce:tificate, until Redemption thereof, according to the Provifo herein after contained in that Behalf, out of the Money of the faid yearly Fund by this Act elfabliihed and appropriated for that Purpofe ; which Annuities (hall be payable and paid half yearly at the Fealt-Days above mentioned, by even and equal Portions, or within fix Days next after every or any fuch Feaft-Days, until the faid Annuities lhall be redeemed, by paying off the faid refpective principal Sums, and all Arrearages of the fame Annuities, if any be, according to the Provifo herein after mentioned; the firft Payment to begin and be made at the Feaft of the Nativity of our Lord Chrift one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-one, or within fix Days after ; and that the faid yearly Sum of twenty-four thoufand Pounds, or fo much thereof as (hall be fafficient from Time to Time to anfwer and fatisfy the faid Annuities, af;er the Rate of three Pounds per Centum per Annum, as the fame lhall become due, are and (hall be appropriated and applied thereunto, and (hall not be di- verted or divertible to any other Ufe, Intent or Purpo'c whatsoever. XXXI. And it is hereby enafled, That the fai'd Annuities, payable after the Rate of three Pounds per Centum per Annum, and all and every the principal Sums for which the fame are to be payable, (hall be free from all Taxes, Charges and Impofitions whatfoever. XXXII. And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Governor -nd Company of the Bank of England and their Suceeffors, (hall from Time to Time, until the faid Annuities after the Rate of three Pounds per Centum per Annum (hall be redeemed according to this Act, appoint and employ one fufficient Perfon within their Office in the City of London, to be their Chief or Firft Cafhier, and one other fufficient Perfon within the fame Office, to be their Accountant General ; and that the faid Cafhier or Calhiers, to whom the faid Monies (hall from Time to Time be iflued (or Payment of the faid An- nuivies after the Rate of three Pounds per Centum per Annum, (had from Time to Time without Delay apply and pay the fame accordingly, and render his Account thereof according to the due Courfe of the Exchequer; and the faid Accountant General for the Time being lhall from Time to Time infpect and examine all Receipts and Payments of the faid Calhier, and the Vouchers relating thereunto, in order to prevent any Fraud,' Negligence or Delay ; and that all Perfons and Corporations who (hall be intitled to uny ot the fame Annuities lb to be payable by the Calhier of the Bank of England for the Time being, purluant '