Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/123

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A. IX 1731* Anno quarto Georgii II. C. 18, 19. 61 "' unload 2 d. per Tun. For every Veffel that fhall come in, and neither load nor unload, 2 s. each* " from twelve to fifty Tuns, and if above fifty Tuns, 4*. For all Goods not enumerated, one twelfth '* Part of the ufual Freight from London to Newhaven. Duty to be paid by the Importer. Commif-

    • fioners to appoint Collectors. Commiffioners may affign the Duties as a Security for Money to be bor-

" rowed. The Books to be laid before the Quarter-Seffions of Sujfex yearly at Michaelmas. No Ballad " or Duft, £sV. to be thrown into the Harbour. Commiffioners dying or refufing to act, furviving Com- " miflioners to eleft others.' CAP. XVIII. An Aft to prevent counterfeiting the Paffes, commonly called Mediterranean Pajfes. « TT7HEREAS certain Treaties or Conventions have been concluded, and are fubfifting between For firmer Law ' W the King's mod Excellent Majefty and the feveral States and Governments of Barbary, for efta- """""} J 7o' ' blifhing and preferring. a firm and inviolable Peace between his Majefty and the faid States and Govern- 5 ihz.'c. 14. • ments, and their refpective Dominions and Subjects, by which Treaties it is ftipulated and agreed, IGeo. 1. e. 22.^ • That all Ships and Veflels belonging to his Majefty, or any of his Subjects, may freely pafs the Seas, ^"a.'f.g.lgi ' and fafely enter and come into the Ports and Harbours of the faid refpective States and Governments, ' without any Lett, Hindrance, Seizure or Moleftation, upon producing Paffes of a certain Form under ' the Hand and Seal of the Lord High Admiral of Great Britain and Ireland, or of the Commiffioners ' for executing the Office of Lord High Admiral of Great Britain and Ireland for the time being; and ' in Conformity to thofe Treaties, and purfuant to feveral Orders of his Majefty's moft Honourable ' Privy Council; fuch Paffes have from Time to Time been iffued and are commonly called Mediterranean ' Pajfes : And whereas divers wicked and ill-difpofed Perfons, Subjects of his Majefty, have made and ' forged fuch Paffes, and have counterfeited the Seal of the faid Office and the Hands of feveral of

  • ' the Commiffioners for executing the faid Office of Lord High Admiral of Great Britain and Ireland,

• and have fold and publifhed fuch falfe and counterfeit Paffes in Parts beyond the Seas, or elfewhere, ' which Practices- do not only tend to the manifeft Prejudice of his Majefty's Revenue and the Lofs ' and Damage of the Merchants of this Kingdom, by fubjecting their Ships,- Perfons and Effects to ' be feized and detained ; but may alfo occafion a Breach of the Peace, Amity and Friendfhip between • this Kingdom and the States and Governments afore-mentioned, fhould fuch Offenders go unpuniihed : • And whereas the faid Crimes and Offences, being frequently committed in foreign Parts, are not triable

  • ' or cognizable in any Court of Great Britain or Ireland;' For remedying fuch Defect and Inconve-

nience, and alfo for inflicting a more exemplary Punilhment upon fuch Offenders, Be it enacted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Tem- poral, and Commons in this prefent 'Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That Counterfeiting ' if any Perfon or Perfons, after the twenty-fourth Day of June in the Year of our Lord one thoufand p^^pS?*™ feven hundred and thirty-one, (hall within Great Britain or Ireland, or any other His Majefty's Do- without Benefit minions, or without, falfly make, forge or counterfeit, or caufe or procure to be falfly made, forged of Clergy. or counterfeited, or wittingly or knowingly act or affift in the falfe making, forging or counterfeiting any Pafs or Paffes for any Ship or Ships whatfoever, commonly called a Mediterranean Pafs or Mediterranean Pajfes, or fhall counterfeit the Seal of the faid Office, or the Hand or Hands of the Lord High Admiral of Great Britain and Ireland for the Time being, or of any Commiffioner or Commiffioners for executing the faid Office for the Time being, to any fuch Pafs or Paffes, or fhall alter or erafe any true and authentick Pafs or Paffes iffued or made out by the Lord High Admiral of Great Britain and Ireland, or the Commiffioners for executing the faid Office for the Time being, or fhall utter or publiffras true amy fuch falfe, forged, counterfeited, altered or erafed Pafs or Paffes, knowing the fame to be falfe, forg- ed, counterfeited, altered or erafed, all and every fuch Perfon and Perfons, being in due Form of Law- convicted of any of the Offences aforefaid in any proper Court of Great Britain, Ireland, or any of his Majefty's Plantations beyond the Seas, where fuch Offence fhall be committed reflectively, fhall be adjudged guilty of Felony, and fhall fuffer Death as in Cafes of Felony without Benefit of Clergy. ■ II. Provided always, and it is hereby further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every Thefe Crimes the Crimes and Offences before-mentioned, which fhall be done or committed in any Country or Place M?eft" e DomU out of Great Britain, either within the Dominions of his Majefty, his Heirs or Succeffbrs, or without; nions, or with-" fhall and may be enquired of, tried, heard, determined and adjudged in any Shire or County of Greater., maybe tried Britain, by virtue of the King's Commiffion or Commiffions of Oyer and Terminer and Gaol Delivery, Great' Britaln° f or before any Court of Jufticiary in Scotland reflectively, in the fame Manner as if fuch Offence or Of- &c. * fences was or were done or committed within the fame County or Shire where fuch Offender or Offenders Concerning For- fhall be tried ; any Law,- Statute, Cuftom or Ufage to the contrary notwithftanding, ^GelUlTtZ 31 G* X, C, 22. CAP. XIX. An Aft for repairing and keeping in Repair the Pier and Harbour of Ilfordcombe, in the County of Devon; P R.

  • TT J HE RE AS the Harbour of Ilfordcombe in the County of Deven hath by long Experience been ■

' VV found to be of great Ufe and Benefit to the Weftern Parts of this Kingdom, and to all feafaring

  • Men, who by the Strefs of Weather have been driven upon that Coaft ; and whereas the Key or Pier
  • of the faid Port or Harbour, which contains eight hundred fifty and fix Feet in Length or thereabouts,

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