Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/134

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7 2 C. 33, 34. Anno quarto Georgii II. A. D. 17 31. C A P. XXXIII. An Aft for obviating a Doubt which hath arifen concerning the ufual Allowance made upon the Delivery of Letters fent by the Penny Poll to Places out of the Cities of London and Wejlminfter and Borough of Southzvark, and the refpedtive Subuibs thereof.

  • X7 HE REAS upon the firft Eftablilhment of the Office called the Penny Pojl Office, the Car-
  • W riage or Conveyance of the Letters by that Port was confined to the Cities of London and

' Wejlminjler, the Borough of Soutbwark, and the refpedtive Suburbs thereof; and whereas upon the ' Application of the Inhabitants of feveral Towns and Places within the Compafs of ten. Miles round ' the City of London, and upon their voluntary Offer to allow and pay to the Meffengers or Perfons car- ' rying or tranfmitting fuch Letters, in confideration of their being obliged to travel with an Horfe to 4 Places at that Diftance, one Penny upon the Delivery of every Letter directed to any Perfon at any ' Place out of the Cities of London and Wejlminjler and Borough of Southzvark, and the refpeclive ' Suburbs thereof, over and above the Penny paid upon putting every fuch Letter into the Penny ' Poll Office in London, the Carriage and Conveyance of Letters and Pacquets by the faid Poll,'

  • commonly ca' ed The Penny Pojl, was extended ten Miles round the City of London, and one Penny

' hath been conllantly allowed to and taken by fuch Meffengers, on the Delivery of every Letter direct- ' ed to any Perfon at any Place out of the Cities of London and Wejlminjler, the Borough of Southward,

  • and the refpective Suburbs thereof, over and above the Penny paid upon putting fuch Letter into

' the Penny Port Office in London; and whereas by Reafon of the Provjfions contained in an Act of g Ann. c 10. ' Parliament made in the ninth Year of the Reign of her late Majefty Queen Anne, intituled, 6 ,Ga. i.e. zi. ' An Ac! for efiabhftring a General Pojl Office for all her Majefty's Dominions, and for fettling a weekly Sum §• S 1 ' ' out of the Revenues thereof, for the Service of the War, and other her Majejly's Occafions, fome Doubts ' have lately arifen, whether the Meffengers or Perfons carrying or tranfmitting fuch Letters, could ' lawfully receive and take the faid Allowance of one Penny, upon the Delivery ot every Letter, direct- ' ed or delivered to or for any Perfon, at any Place out of the Cities of London and Weftminjler, the '* Borough of Southzvark, and the refpective Suburbs thereof, over and above the Penny paid upon put-

  • ting fuch Letter into the Penny Poll Office in London; ' For obviating and taking away all fuch

Doubts, be it declared and enacted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and Fenny Poftmen by the Authority of the fame, That nothing in the faid Act of the ninth Year of her faid late Majefty's carrying Letters Reign fhall or ought to be conftrued to extend to reftrain or hinder any fuch Meffenger, or Perfon carry- Wei°mtnfter°or m S or tranfmitting Letters by the faid Poft, commonly called The Penny Pojl, from demanding or tak- Southwark, ing for every Letter originally fent by the Penny Poft, and not firft patting by the General Poft and may demand id. from thence tranfmitted by the Penny Poll, which hath been or lhall be delivered to or for any Perfon, at Delivery. at any pj ace out f the Cities of London and Wejlminfter, the Borough of Southzvark, and refpective Farther Pnvi/i- Suburbs thereof, one Penny, over and above the Penny paid upon putting every fuch Letter into the <ms concerning Penny Poll Office, and that no fuch Meffenger or other Perfon fliall incur, or (hall be deemed, adjudged ¥ofto§ce, t.t. or la k en t0 have incurred, or to incur any Penalty or Forfeiture whatfoever, for demanding and taking s.6Cn. 1. c. 5 i3. f° r any fuch Letter fo delivered or to be delivered as aforefaid, one Penny, over and above the Penny paid upon putting fuch Letter into the Penny Poft Office, or for detaining or delaying any fuch Letter, until fuch one Penny for any fuch Letter fo delivered or to be delivered as aforefaid, was or ihall be paid; any Thing in the faid Act, or in any other Law or Statute .to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding, C A P. XXXIV. An Act for repairing the Road leading from the Town of Fulham in the County of Middlefex through Fulham fields, to the great Road near the Pound at Hammerfmith in the faid Coun- ty. P R. The Toll is to continue from zo May 173 1. for 21 Years. Continued by 23 Geo. 2. t. 10. Anno