Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/154

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92 C. 24. Anno quinto Georgii II. A. D. 1732; and no more, per Pound Weight Averdupoize, and in that Proportion for a greater or leffer Quantity ; and the Perfons nominated and appointed by Virtue of the firft mentioned Aft, to manage and collect the faid Inland Duty arifing thereby, fhall and are hereby impowered to take and receive the Sum of one Shilling and fix Pence per Pound and no more, for.all Coffee of the Growth and Produftofthe Britijb Plantations above mentioned; any Thing in the faid. Aft to .the contrary notwithftanding. to be applied as II. Provided and be it enacted, That the faid Duty (hall be applicable to the Ufes and Purpoles con- wGeaiJc. 10. tained and declared in the faid Aft of the tenth Year of his faid late Majefty's Reign, and all Officers • 'employed in managing and collecting the fame, and all Perfons importing, felling, buying or dealing, in fuch Coffee fhall be fubject to the Rules, Limitations, Reftrictions, Forfeitures and Penalties to be profecuted, received and divided in the Manner thereby prefcribed and directed, . Planter, or his III. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid twenty-fifth oft e hof t t°he nake Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-five, no Coffee ihaH'be fuffered to be put on. Growth, board any Ship or Veffel in any of his Majefty's Colonies and Plantations in America, until the Planter or Grower of fuch Coffee, or his known Agent, fhall make Oath or Affirmation, in Writing. before two- of his Majefty's Juftices of the Peace in or near the Place where the faid Coffee grew (which Oath or Affirmation fuch Juftices are hereby impowered to adminifter) that the fame is actually of the Growth i and Produce of fuch Planter's or "Grower's Plantation lying in the Diftrict, Divifion or Pariih of within the I-lland or Colony of which Oath or Affirmation fhall be ■ anH produce a produced to the Collector, Comptroller and Naval Officer, or any of them,, by the Perfon or Perfons • Copy to the who fhall enter or fhip fuch Coffee, before the Entry and Shipping thereof for Great Britain ; and fuch Collector. Perfon or Perfons fhall likewife make Oath or Affirmation before the faid Officers,, or any two of them, that the Coffee then to be fhipped is the very fame Coffee, and no other than what is mentioned in fuch - Oath or Affirmation of the Planter or Grower, or his- known Agent as aforefaid, , which Oath or Affir- mation the Collector and Comptroller of the Cuftoms, and Naval Officer at the- Port where the faid • Coffee is to be loaded, or any two of them, are- impowered to adminifter ; and the faid Collector and Comptroller, and Naval Officer are hereby required to deliver a Certificate of fuch Affidavit or Affir- mation, under their refpeftive Hands and Seals, to the Commander or Mafter of fuch Ship or Veffel, Commanders of on Doar d or " which the faid Coffee is to be fhipped ; and the Mafter or Perfon having Command of fuch Veffels to make -Ship or Veffel fhall, before clearing his Ship or Veffel, alfo make Oath in the like Manner, that he has Oath ofcheRe- received fuch Coffee on board liis Ship or Veffel, and that he has no 'more or other Coffee on board Coffee or^boL-d ^' s ' ^ m P °r Veffel than fuch for which Proofs fhall be made as aforefaid, and that he. will not take or and of no other ■ receive any more. Coffee on board before, his Arrival in Great Britain, and making a Report of his La- ding there,' for which Affidavit or Affirmation, and Certificate, the faid Collector and Comptroller, or Fee for the Naval Officer fhall receive as a Fee or Reward the Sum of five Shillings, and no more ; and all Certi- 0ath " ficates of fuch Affidavits or Affirmations fhall, by the Commander or Mafter of- fuch Ship or Veffel im- porting fuch Coffee into this Kingdom^ be ■ produced, by fuch Mafter or Perfon having Command of the Ship or Veffel, to the Collector and Comptroller of the Cuftoms at the Port where fuch Ship fhall unlade at the Time of making his Report,, and fhall at the fame Time deliver to fuch Collector and Comptroller a Certificate under the Hands and Seals of the Collector and Comptroller of the Cuftoms, and Naval Officer of the Port or Place where fuch Coffee fhall have been, fhipped, or any two of "them, teftifying the particular Quantities of fuch Coffee which fhall be fo laden, and of which fuch Proofs Particulars to be fhall be. made as aforefaid,. fpecifying the Package or Packages in which the- fame is contained, with the fgecified. particular Marks, Numbers and Weights of each Package ; and the faid Mafter fhall likewifemake Oath, or if he be one of the People called Quakers, folemnly affirm before them, that the Coffee. in the faid Certificate or Certificates mentioned was truly taken on board^ as in the faid Certificate or Certificates is expreffed, and that after his Departure from the Place or Places where fuch Coffee mentioned in the faid Certificate or Certificates was laded, he did not take on board, or permit to be laded on board, his faid Ship or Veffel, either at Sea or elfewhere, any Parcel or Parcels of Coffee, and that all the Coffee onboard his faid Ship is mentioned and fet forth in the faid Certificate or Certificates ; and upon the Entry of fuch Coffee at the Cuftom-houfe, and paying or fecuring the feveral Duties then due there- Trie Goods to upon, a Mark fhall be fet on every Parcel, denoting it to contain- Coffee of the Growth of the BritiJ/j fcc marked. Plantations, and where and by what Ship imported, and thereupon fuch Parcel' or Parcels of Coffee fo marked.fhaH'be lodged in a Warehouse or Warehoufes, purfuant to the Directions of the faid Act paffed •in the tenth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty ; and. the Importer or Proprietor of any Parcel or Parcels of Coffee, or any other Perfon who fhall be imployed-by fuch Importer or Proprietor to make -in Entry with the Receiver or Collector of the faid Inland Duty, fhaD deliver to the faid Receiver or 1 Collector the laid Certificate or Certificates of the Affidavit or Affirmation of the Growth of the faid Coffee in the Britijb Plantations, made before the Collector and Comptroller of the Cuftoms or Naval Officers, together with the faid Oath or Affirmation made, as aforefaid, by the Mafter of fucli Ship or. Veffel, at the Port where fuch Coffee was taken on board, together with the Oath orAffirmation,- or a Copy-thereof, made by the Planter or Grower before two of his Majefty's Juftices of the Peace there, • in the Manner before directed ; as alfo the faid Certificate of the Package, Marks and Numbers of the • Coffee fo laden on board ; which faid Certificate or Certificates, Oath, or Affirmation, fhall remainwith; the faid Collector or Receiver of the faid Inland Duty. Penalty on re- IV. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Commander, or other Perfon reiving or land- having Charge of any Ship or Veffel, fhall take in, or permit or fuffer to be taken in at any of his Ma- foreSiGrowth jefty's Plantations in America, or at Sea, or in any Creek, Harbour or other Place in America, or fhall except from ' land, fuffer or permit to be landed, out of any Ship or Veffel in any of the faid Plantations, any Coffee Great Britain. f the Growth, or Produce of any foreign Country, except fuch. Coffee as fhall be regularly exported from