Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/239

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A. D. 1735. Anno odtavo Georgii II. C. 6. 177 meanor in the Execution of the faid Office, the Security given for fuch Regifter deceafed (hall be X. And be it further enacted, That the Perfon to be appointed as aforefaid, upon the Death of arty Penalty on Mif- Regi'fter, to execute the (aid Office during the Time the fame (hall be vacant as aforefaid, lhall, he-fore he JJ^^rfm afl> enter upon the Execution thereof, take the Oath herein before appointed to be taken by fuch Regifler in £ dm-iog fuch and his Deputy, before two or more Jullices of the Peace for toe faid Riding (who are hereby Rh- Vacancy. powered to adminifter the fame Oath) and that if fuch Perfon fo appointed (halPbe lawfully convicted of any Neglect, Mifdemeanor, or fraudulent Practice, in the Execution of the faid Office, during fuch Va- cancy, he lhall be liable to pay treble Damages, with full Colts of Suit, to every Perfon that (hall be in- . jured thereby, to be recovered as is herein atter directed. XI. And be it further enadted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every Memorial of Deed*, The MeAod Conveyances, and Wills, fo to be entred and regiftred, (hall be put into Writing in Vellum or ParcK- of re 5 lftrtn 6«  ment, and brought to the faid Office, and, in cafe of Deeds and Conveyances, (hall be under the Hand and Seal of fome or one of the Grantors, or fome or one of the Grantees, his, her or their Heirs, Exe- cutors, or Adminiftrators, Guardians, or Truftees, attefted by two WitnefTes to the Execution of fuch Deed or Conveyance, which Witnefs (hall upon his Oath, or being a Quaker on his folemn Affirmation, S;V mm-h. before the faid Regifter or his Deputy, prove the figning and fealing ot fuch Memorial, and the Execu- tion of the Deed or Conveyance mentioned in fuch Memorial (or elfe the Perfon fo iigning and fealing the fame Memorial as aforefaid, or one of them, (hall, before the faid Regifler or his Deputy, acknow- ledge his or their figning and fealing of the faid Memorial, and the Execution of the Deed or Convey- ance mentioned in fuch Memorials ) and incafe of Wills,, the Memorial (hall be under the Hand and Seal of fome or one of the Devifees, his or their Heirs, Executors or Adminiftrators, Guardians or Tru- ftees attefted by two WitnefTes, one whereof (hall, upon his Oath, or being a Quaker on his folemn • Affirmation, before the faid Regifter or his Deputy, prove the figning and fealing of fuch Memorial, or the fame (hall be acknowledged in like Manner before the faid Regifter or his Deputy, by the Perfons fo figning and fealing the fame Memorial as aforefaid, or one of them (which refpective Oaths and Affir- mations the faid Regifter or his Deputy is hereby impowered to adminifter) ; and the faid Regifter or his Deputy is hereby alfo impowered to take the faid refpective Acknowledgements as aforefaid, and fhall enter a Memorandum of the taking the fame reflectively upon the faid refpective Memorials, with the Time when the fame was fo taken ; and the faid Memorandum (hall be figned by the faid Regifter or his Deputy, and alfo by the Party fo acknowledging the fame reflectively. XII. And be it further enacted, That every Memorial of any Deed, Conveyance or Will, fhall con- The Contents tain the Day of the Month and the Year when fuch Deed, Conveyance, or Will bears Date, and the of the Memo- Names and Additions of all the Parties to fuch Deed or Conveyance, and of the Devifor or Teftatrix of r '.^ e £ ° be re ~ fuch Will, and of all the WitnefTes to fuch Deed, Conveyance or Will, and the Places of their Abode, s ' and fhall exprefs or mention the Honors, Manors, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, contained in fuch Deed, Conveyance or Will, and the Names of all the Parifhes, Townfhips, Hamlets, Precincts or Extraparochial Places within the faid North Riding, where any fuch Honors, Manors, Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments are lying or being, that are given, granted, conveyed, devifed, or any way affected or charged by any fuch Deed, Conveyance or Will, in Inch Manner as the fame are expreffed or mentioned in fuch Deed, Conveyance or Will, or to the Tame Effect ; and that every fuch Deed, Conveyance and Will, or Probate of the fame, of which fuch Memorial is fo to be regirtred as aforefaid, fhall be produ- ' ced to the faid Regifter or his Deputy at the Time of entring fuch Memorial, who fhall indorfe a Certi- The Certificate fkate on every fuch Deed, Conveyance and Will, or Probate thereof, and therein mention the certain of regiftring. Da;,-, Hour and Time, on which fuch Memorial is fo entred or regiftred, expreffing alfo in what Book, Page and Number the fame is entred, and that the faid Regifter or his Deputy fhall fign the (aid Certi- ficate fo indorfed (which Certificate (hall be taken and allowed as Evidence of fuch refpective Regiftries in all Courts of Record whatfoever) and that every Page of fuch Regifter Books, and that every Memo- rial that fhall be entred therein, fhall be numbred, and the Day of the Month, and the Year, and the Hour or Time of the Day when every Memorial is regiftred, fhall be entred in the Margin of the faid Regifter Books, and of the faid Memorial ; and that every fuch Regifter fha!l keep an alphabetical Ka- lendarof all Parifhes, Extraparochial Places and Townfhips within the faid North Riding, with Reference to the Number of every Memoi ial that concerns the Honors, Manors, Lands, Tenements or Heredita- ments in every fmh Parifh, Extraparochial Place or Townfhip refpectively, and of the Names of the Parties mentioned in fuch Merorials. XIII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That a Memorial of fuch Deeds, Con- On what Con- veyances and Wills, as lhall be made and executed in any Place not within forty Miles of the faid ceHificae^ffiim publick Regifter Office, which do or may concern or affect any Honors, Manors', Lands, Tenements or^ granted. Hereditaments in the (aid Noith Riding, lhall be entred or regiftred by the aforefaid Regifter or his De- - puty, in cafe an Affidavit fworn, or a folemn Affirmation of a Perfon of' the Perfuafion of the People Called £h<akers made in Writing, before one of the judges at JVeffninfter, or a Mailer in Chancery, ordinary rtf extraordinary, be brought with the faid Memorial to the faid Regifter or his Deputy, wherein one of the WitnefTes to the Execution of fuch Deeds and Conveyances lhall fwear, or being a Shaker lhall affirm that he or (he faw the fame executed, and the Memorial figned and fealed as aforefaid, or wherein one of the WitnefTes to the Memorial of any Will (hall fwear, or being a Quaker (hall affirm that he or fhe faw fuch Memorial figned and fealed as aforefaid ; and the fame fhall be a Authority to the faid Regifter or his Deputy, to give the Party that brings fuch Memorial and Affidavit, or Affirmation, a Certificate of the regiftring fuch Memorial, which Certificate figned by the faid Re- . . gifrer or his Deputy, fhall be taken and allowed as Evidence of the Regiftries of the fame Memorials, in Vol. VI. 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