Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/242

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180 C. 6. Anno octavo Georgii II. A. D. 1735. Perfuafion of the People called Quakers, made in Writing, before one of the Judges at Wcjlmirfler, or a Matter in Chancery, Ordinary or Extraordinary, be brought with fuch Deed Conveyance, or Will, wherein one of the Wimefles to the Execution of fuch Deed or Conveyance, or to the figning or pub- Ijfhing fuch Will, (hall fwear or affirm, That he or ihe faw the laid Deeds executed, or, in cafe of Wills, fuch Will figned and publifhed by the Deviforor Teftatrix, . Inrolment at XXV. And be it further enacted, That every fuch Inrolment of every fuch Deed of Bargain and full Length to Sale, and Regiftry at full Length, of fuch Deeds, Writings, Conveyances, and Wills in the laid Re- Entry e ofa Me- & l ^ CT Office, as aforefaid, fhall be deemed and adjudged to be the Entry of a Memorial thereof, pur- morial, ' luant to this Act, and (hall have the fame Force and Effect upon the Eitate therein mentioned, in re- lation to all fublequent Deeds, Conveyances and Wills, and to all other Intents and Purpofes, as if a Memorial of fuch inrolled Deed or Deeds, Writing, Conveyance or Will, fo regiftred at full Length, had been entred in the faid Regifter Office as aforefaid, purfuant to the faid Acl, and the Certificate figned and indorfed on fuch Deeds of Bargain and Sale fo inrolled, or on fuch Deeds, Conveyances or Wills regiftred at full Length, fhall be taken and allowed as Evidence of fuch Inrolments or Regiftries in all Courts of Record whatfoever. Remitter's Fees XXVI. And be it further enacted, That every fuch Regifter fhall be allowed for the Entry of every ' fuch Memorial, as is by this Act directed, the Sum of one (hilling, and no more, in cafe the fame do not exceed two hundred Words but if fuch Memorial (hall exceed two hundred Words, then after the Rate and Proportion of four pence an hundred for all the Words contained in fuch Memorial over and above the firft two hundred Words ; and the like Fees fortle like Number of Words contained in every fuch Bargain and Sale inrolled, and Deeds, Writings, Conveyances and Wills regiftred at full ■ Length, as aforefaid, and in every Certificate or Copy given out of the faid OfHe, and no more ; and for every Search in the faid Office, one (hilling, and no more. andAttendance. XXVII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That every fuch Regifter, or his furn- cient Deputy, fhall give due Attendance at his Office every Day in the Week except Sundays and Holi- days, between the Hours of nine and twelve in the Forenoon, and the Hours of two and five in the Afternoon, for the Difpatch of all Bufinefs belonging to the faid Office, and that every fuch Regifter, or his Deputy, as often as required, (hall make Searches concerning all Memorials that are regiftred, Deeds of Bargain and Sale inrolled, and Deeds, Writings, Conveyances, and Wills fo regiftred at full Length as aforefaid, and give Certificates concerning the fame under his Hand, if required by anyPer- fon, teftihed by tv/o credible Witneffes. foooi. e se?ud- e XXVIII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That every Regifter, at the Time of ty. his being fwoin into the faid Office as aforefaid, fhall enter into a Recognizance with two or more fuf- ficient Sureties, to be approved of by five or more of the Juftices of the Peace of the faid Priding, that were prefent at his Election, by Writing under their Hands and Seals, to be regiftred at the next Ge- neralQuarter-Seffions of the Peace for the faid Riding, of the Penalty of two thoufand Pounds, unto his Majefty, his Heirs and Succefibrs, to be taken by the fame Juftices of the Peace that approved of his Security, conditioned for his true and faithful Performance of his Duty in the Execution of his fa.'d Office, in all Things directed and required by this Act; the fame to be tranfmitted by the fame Juftices of the Peace, within one Month next after the Date thereof, into the Office of his Majefty's Remem- brancer of the Exchequer, there to remain amongft the Records of the faid Court. Penalty on Re- XXIX. And be it further enacted, That if any fuch Regifter, or his. Deputy, (hall neglect to per- fea e fDut eS " f° rm his or their Duty in the Execution of the faid Office, according to the Rules and Directions in u y ' this Act mentioned, or commit or fuffer to be committed any undue or fraudulent Practice in the Exe- cution of the faid Office, and be thereof lawfully convicted, then fuch Regifter (hall forfeit his faid Office, and pay Treble Damages with full Cofts of Suit, to every fuch Perfon or Perfons as (hall be injured thereby, to be recovered by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information in any of his Majefty's Courts of Record at IFeJhninjler, wherein no Eflbin, Protection, Privilege, or Wager of Law fhall be allowed, nor any more than one Imparlance. HtjF when » be" XXX. Provided neverthelefs, and be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That when any vacated. Regifter fnall die, or furrender his Office, and there (hall within the Space of three Years from ,and after fuch Death or Surrender, no Misbehaviour appear to have been committed by fuch Regifter in the Execution of his faid Office, then and in fuch Cafe, at the End of the faid three Years after his Death or Surrender, the faid Recognizance fo entred into by him, fhall become void and of none Effect, to all Intents and Purpofes whatfoever. Penalty onFor- XXXI. And be it further enacted, That if any Perfon or Perfons fhall at any^ Time forge or counter- gery, feit any Entry of the Acknowledgement of any Bargainer in fuch Bargain and Sale as aforefaid, or any fuch Memorial, Certificate, or Indorsement, as is herein mentioned or directed, and he thereof lawfully convidted, fuch Perfcn or Perfons fhall incur and be liable to fuch Pains and Penalties as in and by an Act made in fifth Year of Queen Elizabeth, intituled, An Ail againft Forgery offalfe Deeds and Wri- tings, are imposed upon Perfons for forging and publishing falfe Deeds, Charters, or Writings fealed, Court Rolls or Wills, whereby the Freehold or Inheritance of any Perfon "or Perfons, of, in, or to any and Perjury. Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, fhall or may be molefted, or charged ; and that if any Pei fen or Perfons fnall at any Time forfwear himfclf, ^or, being a Quaker, fhall falfely, malicioufly, and cor- ruptly affirm, before the faid Regifter, or lis Deputy, or -before anyjud^e or Maft-.r in Chancery,, in any of the Ca'es herein mentioned, and be thereof lawfully convicted, fuch Perfon or Perfons fhall in- cur and be liable to the fame Penalties, as if the fame Oath had been made in any oi the Courts of Re- cord at Wcftminfter. XXXII. And