Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/26

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The TITLES of the STATUTES. 15. An Act to enable the prefcnt and future Proprietors and Inhabitants of the Houfes in Red-lion Square, in the County of Middlefex, to make a Rate on themfelves for raifmg Money fufficient to inclofe, pave, watch, clean and adorn the faid Square. 16. An Act for explaining and amending an Act paffed in the ninth Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, intituled, An Acl for building a Bridge crofs the River Thames, from the New Palace Yard in the City of Weftminiter, to the oppofite Shore in the County of Surrey. 17. An Act for repealing the prefent Duty on Sweets, and for granting a lefs Duty thereupon ; and for ex- plaining and enforcing the Execution of an Ait pafled in the ninth Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, inti- tuled, An A SI for laving a Duty upon the Retailers of Spi- rituous Liquors, and for Ucenfmg the Retailers thereof ; and for appropriating the Supplies granted in this Seflion of Parliament ; and for making forth Duplicates of Ex- chequer Bills, Lottery Tickets and Orders, loft, burnt or otherwife deftroyed. iS. An A<St for rebuilding the Church of the Parifh of Saint Olave, in the City of London, and in the Borough of Southwark, in .the County of Surrey. ' 19. An Aft for the more effectual preventing the unlaw- ful playing of Interludes within the Precincts of the two Univerfities, in that Part of Great Britain called England, and the Places adjacent, and for explaining and amending fo much of an Act pafled in the laft Sef- fion of Parliament, intituled, An Ad for laying a Duty upon the Retailers of Spirituous Liquors, and for Ucenfmg the Retailers thereof, as may affect the Privilege of the faid Univerfities, with refpect to licenfihg Taverns, and all other Publick Ploufes within the Precincts of the fame. 20. An Act to enable the Magiftrates and Town Coun- cil • of the Burgh of Lanark, to repair and maintain their Bridge over the River Clyd at Clydjholm, in the Shire of Lanark. 21. An Act for making the Chapel in the Hamlet of Ab- thorpe and Foxcoate, in the Parifh of Towce/ler, in the County of Northampton, a Parifh Church, and for ap- pointing a Diftrict or Parifh thereto, and for enabling the Mailer of the Free Grammar School within the faid Hamlet of Abthorpe and Foxcoate to i>e Vicar of the faid Parifh Church. 22. An Act for the better regulating the nightly Watch and Bedels within the City of London, and Liberties thereof; and for making more effectual the Laws now in being, for paving and cleanfing the Streets and Sewers in and about the faid City. 23. An Act for explaining and amending and making more effectual feveral Aits of Parliament made in the "fourth, fixth and tenth Years of the Reign of his late Majefty King George- the Firft, reflectively, for re- pairing the feveral Roads therein mentioned in the Coun- ties of Surry, Kent and Suffex ; and for enlarging the Terms and Powers by the faid Acts granted ; and for repairing the Road lying between Nonefuch and Wor- cejler Parks, in the Parifh of Cuddington in the faid County of Surry. 24. An Act for enlarging the Term and Powers granted by an Ait paffed in the ninth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King George the Firft, intituled, An Acl for repairing and widening the Road leading from the Black Bull Inn in Dunftable in the County (^Bedford, to tlje Way turning out of the faid Road up to Shafford Houfe in thi County of Hertford ■> and for preventing the dri- ving of Cattle through private Grounds and Paffages, to avoid the Payment of the Toll charged upon Cattle by an Act of the firft Year of the Reign of his late Ma- jefty, and the eighth Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, For repairing the Roads front South Mims ti Saint Albans in the faid County «/"Hertford. 25. An Act for the better regulating the nightly Watch and Bedels within the Liberty of Saffron Hill, Hatton Garden, and Ely Rents, in the Parifh of Saint Andrew Holborn, in the County of Middlefex. 26. An Act for Relief of infolvent Debtors. 27.^ An Act for laying a Duty upon Apples imported from foreign Parts; and for continuing an Ait paffed in the fourth Year of the Reign of his prefent Ma- jefty For granting an Allowance upon the Exportation of Britifh made Gunpowder ; and for taking off the Draw- back upon Exportation of foreign Paper ; and for the better fecuring the Payment of the Bounty on the Ex- portation of Britifh made Sail-Cloth ; and for giving further Time for the Payment of Duties omitted to be paid for the Indentures and Contracts of Clerks and Apprentices. 28. An Act to explain and amend fo much of an Act made in the twelfth Year of the Reign of Queen Anne, intituled, An Acl for reducing the Laws relating to Rogues, Vagaboyids, Jlurdy Beggars and Vagrants, into one Ail of Parliament; and for the more effectual punijhing fucb Rogues, Vagabonds, fturdy Beggars and Vagrants, and fending them whither they ought to be fent, as relates to common Players of Interludes. 29. An Act for enabling his Majefty to fettle a Revenue for fupporting the Dignity of her Royal Highnefs the Princefs, in cafe (he fhall furvive his Royal Highnefs • the Prince of Wales, and for exempting fuch yearly Sum or Sums of Money, as his Majefty hath granted, or fhall grant to his faid Royal Highnefs, from the Pay- ment of Fees, Taxes and other Charges whatfoever, and for enabling his faid Royal Highnefs to makeLeafes of Lands, Parcel of the Dutchy of Cornwall, or annex- ed to the fame. 30. An Act for repealing the Duties payable ad Valorum, upon foreign Oyflers imported into this Kingdom, and for laying another Duty thereon. 31. An Act for regulating the Company of Watermen, Werrymen, and Lightermen rowing on the River Thames, between Gravefend in the County of Kent, and Windfor in the County of Berks. 32. An Act for continuing an Act for the more effectual punifhing wicked and evil difpofed Perfons, going armed in Difguife, and doing Injuries and Violences to the Perfons and Properties of his Majefty's Subjects, and for the more fpeedy bringing the Offenders to Ju- ftice ; and for continuing two Claufes to prevent the cutting or breaking down the Bank of any River or Sea Bank, and to prevent the milicious cutting of Hop- binds, contained in an Act paffed in the fixth Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign ; and for the more effectual Punifhment of Perfons removing any Materials ufed for fecuring Marfh or Sea Walls or Banks, and of Perfons malicioufly fetting on Fire any Mine, Pit or Delph of Coal, or Cannel Coal, and of Perfons unlawfully hun- ting or taking any Red or Fallow Deer, in Forefts or Chafes, or beating or wounding Keepers, or other Officers, in Forefts, Chafes or Parks ; and for the more effectually fecuring the Breed of Wild-fowl. 33. An Act for making navigable the River Rodon, from a little below a Mill called Barking Mill in the County of EJ/ex, to lllford Bridge » the. faid County. 34- An