Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/262

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200 C. 26. Anno o£tavo Georgii II. A. D. J 735. Heads of the Agreement. fn denture of Feoffment. tion in Front, Height, Breadth, Strength and Beauty with Portugal Roiv, or in a more firm or beau- tiful Manner : Al.o, that there fhould be forty Foot by the Standard Diftance between each of the faid Rows or Ranges of Buildings, and Lincoln's Inn Wall : Alfo that all the reft and Refidue of the faid Field fhould., within two Years then next, at the Colts and Charges of the faid Sir William Cow- per, Robert Henley, and James Cowper, be levelled, plained and caft into Grafs Plotts and Gravel Walks of convenient Breadth, railed all along on each Side, and fet with Rows of Trees, according to a Plott or Model thereto annexed ; and that for the future no Building, other than the faid two Rows or Ranges, fhould be erected upon the faid Field, or any Part thereof (except one Water-houfe in the Middle of the faid Field, which fhould not exceed in Proportion the Breadth of ten Yards Square) Alfo, that the faid Sir William Cowper, Robert Henley, and James Cowper, the Survivors or Survivor of them, or the Heirs of fuch Survivor, fhould at their Charges build and fet up, in the Middle of the faid Wall of Lincoln's Inn, a large Pair of Gates, and Free- done Stairs, with a fair and eafy Defcent out of the Walks belonging to the faid Society, into the faid Field, for the Ufe and Conveniency of the Students of the faid Society: And the faid Sir Liflebon Long, and other the faid Truftees, on Be- half of the faid Society, thereby agreed, that the faid Sir William Cowper, Robert Henley, and James Cowper, fhould and might carry on their laid Building, in the Sort and Manner therein and herein before expreffed, and not otherwife, without any Lett or Difturbuance of the faid Society, as in and by the faid in Part recited Articles, Relation thereunto being had, may more fully and at large appear : And whereas by Indenture of Infeoffment, with Livery and Seifin thereon indorfed, bearing even Date with the faid recited Articles, and made between the fame Parties, therein reciting more at large the Agreement between the faid Parties, to the Effect herein before fet forth ; it is thereby witnefied, That the faid Sir William Cowper, Robert Henley and James Cowper (to the Intent the reft and Refidue of the faid Field might be kept open for the Air, and not built upon further than as by the faid Ar- ticles was agreed) in Confideration of five Shillings, did grant, bargain, fell, infeoff and confirm un- to the faid Sir Lijlebon Long, and the faid other Truftees, and the Survivors and Survivor of them, and the Heirs cf luch Survivor, all the reft, Refidue or Body of the faid Field therein, called Copfield alias Cupfield, containing by Eftimation, from the Eaft Side of the faid Field, lying next Lincoln's Inn Wall aforefaid, thirty Pole, be the fame more or lefs, and from the North Side of the faid Field unto the South Side thereof, thirty and three Pole, more or lefs, by Agreement, according to the faid Articles, not to be built upon; to hold unto the faid Truftees, and the Survivors and Survivor of them, and the Heirs of fuch Survivor, to the Ufe of them and their Heirs for ever, upon Truft that they fhould, prefently after the Sealing and Delivery of the faid Indenture, make a Leafe of the faid Premiffes to the faid Sir William Cowper, Robert Henley, and James Cowper, their Executors, Adminiitrators and Affigns, for the Term of nine hundred Years, without Impeachment of Wafte (other than the erect- ing new Buildings) at one Shilling per Annum Rent, with a Covenant, amongft others, on the Part of the faid Sir William Cowper, Robert Henley, and James Cowper, that the laid Premiffes fhould at all Times thereafter remain and continue under the Covenants, Limitations, Trufts and Agree- ments therein and herein before-mentioned ; and another Covenant for the faid Sir William Cowper, Robert Henley, and James Covjper, their Executors, Administrators and Affigns, fulfilling and per- forming the faid Agreements, as in and by the faid Indenture, Relation thereunto being had, may more fully appear : And whereas in and by one other Indenture, bearing Date the twentieth Day of the fame 'June one thoufand fix hundred and fifty-feven, the faid Sir Lijlebon Long, and other the Tru- ftees aforefaid, did make a Leafe of the faid Field to the faid Sir William Coivpcr, Robert Henley, and James Cowper, for the faid Term of nine hundred Years, without Impeachment of Wafte, with a Provifo to be void, and for the faid Truftees Re-entry, in cafe of any Building on the faid Field, by the faid Sir William Coxvper, R.bert Henley, and James Cowper, as in and by the faid Indenture of Leafe doth and may more fully and at large appear: And whereas, in purfuance of the faid Agreements, the faid Sir William Cowper, Robert Henley, and James Cowper, proceeded in and finiihed their faid two Rows of Buildings, from the faid forty Foot from Lincoln's Inn Wall "aforefaid, up, to and adjoining to the Buildings then erected Weftward from Lincoln's Inn Wall aforefaid, on a certain Field or Parcel of Ground called Pursfield, and afterwards railed in the faid Fieds or Parcel of Ground called Cop- field alias CupfieU, and at the Extent of the faid Field Weftward, caufed Pofts to be fet up, and Rails to be made crofs from South to Notth, bounding the fame from the faid Field called Pursfield; which faid two Fields called Copfield alias Cupfield and Pursfield contain the Buildings and large fquare Piece or Parcel of Ground, now and forfome Years paft called Great Lincoln's Inn Fields : And whereas the faid Sir William Cowper, Robert Henley^ and James Cowper, are all fince dead, and their Right and Intereit in and to the faid Houfes fo built by them, and in and to the faid Field called Copfield, otherwife Cup- field, is now vefted in Anthony Henley, of the Grange, in the County of Southampton Efquire, and Wil- liam Cowper of the Parifh of Saint James's, in the County of Middlefex Efquire, their, fome, or one of their Affignee or Affigns : And whereas the faid great Square now called Lincoln's Inn Fields, fituate in the feveral Parifhes of Saint Giles in the Fields, Saint Clement Danes, and Saint Andrew Holborn, in 1 the County of Middle/ex, hath for fome Years paft laid wafte and in great Diforder, whereby the fame 11 has become a Receptable for Rubbifh, Dirt and Naftinefs of all Sorts, brought thither, and laid not 1 only by the Inhabitants of the faid Fields, but many others, which has not been removed or taken away by the feveral Scavengers of the Parifhes wherein the faid Fields are fituate as aforefaid ; but alfo, for want of proper Fences to inclofe the fame, great Mifchiefs.have happened to many of his iVIajdty s Subjects going about their lawful Occaiions, feveral of whom have been killed, and others maimed and hurt by Horfes, which have been from time to time aired and rode in the faid Fields ; and, by rea- son of the faid Fields being kept open, many wicked and diforderly Perfons have frequented and met ' together