Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/264

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202 C. 29. Anno odtavo Georgii II. A. D. 1735. 4 limiting the Times of Continuance of Commiffioners for forfeited Ejlates in England and Scotland refpecliveJy j

  • and for appropriating the Supplies granted to His Majefty in this Seffion of Parliament ; and to reclify Mi/.
  • nomers and OmiJJions of Commiffioners for the Land Tax, in the Year one thoufand feven hundred ana twenty-

S Ceo. 2. c. 23. 1 t fo ree . an( j f one otner ^a made in the fifth Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, intituled, An Ail for 4 making void thefeveral Contracts, for Sale of the Eflate of James late Earl of Dervs entwater, to William ' Smith Efquire, and alfo of the Annuity of two hundred Pounds during the Life of Charles Radcliffe, and 4 the Arrears thereof to Matthew White Efquire, and the fever al Conveyances made in purfuance of the ' fame; and of other Acts of Parliament made and paffed in the Reign of his faid late Majefty, the Ba- 4 rony, Manor or Lordfhip of Langley, in the County of Northumberland, and divers other Manors,

  • Lordfhips, Mefluages, Lands, Tenements, Rents, and Hereditaments, belonging to him the faid

' James late Earl of Derwcntwat-er and the (aid Charles Radcliffe, became vefted in his then Majefty, 4 and are now vefted in his prefent Majefty for the Ufe of the Publick : And whereas by the faid Act of

  • the fifth Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, the feveral Contracts which had been made for the Sale

' of the faid Premifles to the faid William Smith and the faid Matthew White were fet afide, and made ab- ' folutely void, and Power was thereby given to the Court of Exchequer to order the faid Premifles to be '* fold again, fubject to fuch Claims and Demands as had been allowed by the Commiflioners and Tru- ' ftees named in and according to an Act of the fourth Year of his faid late Majefty's Reign, for fuch 4 Eftate and Intereft as was vefted in his Majefty by virtue of the faid feveral Attainders, and of the 4 faid Act of the ninth Year of his laid late Majefty, and of the faid Act of the fifth Year of his pre- ' fent Majefty ; and the Purchafe Money was to be paid into the Receipt of his Majefty's Exchequer, 4 to be applied and difpofed of according to any Act or Acts of Parliament then after to be made for 4 that Purpofe ; and till fuch Sale, the Rents and Profits were to be applied and difpofed of according The Sum now * to any future Act or Acts of Parliament to be made for that Purpofe : And whereas there now re- remaining in the ' mains in the Receipt of his Majefty's Exchequer the Sum of feven thoufand one hundred eighty-two Exchequer. t Pounds, thirteen Shillings, which hath arifen out of the Rents and Profits of the faid Premifles fo vefted ' in his Majefty as aforefaid ; and there are alfo feveral Sums of Money in the Hands of the Collectors 4 and Receivers, and due and in Arrear from the Tenants and Farmers of the faid Premifles : And 4 whereas the Annuity or Rent Charge, and alfo the feveral Mortgages and Incumbrances of and upon 4 the faid Eftate of the faid late Earl of Derwentwater, or fome Part thereof (herein after particularly 4 mentioned) have been regularly claimed and allowed according to the Direction of the faid Act of the 4 fourth Year of his faid late Majefty's Reign; and there is now due, owing, ifluing and payable out of 4 the faid Eftate, or fome Part thereof, to the feveral Perfons herein after named, the feveral Sums of Claims allow- 4 Money and Annuity herein after mentioned ; that is to fay, To the Right Honourable Robert James cutofThe Pre- ' -^ord Petre, the Sum of twenty thoufand Pounds principal Money, with the Intereft thereof; to Cuth- mifles. ' ' hert Conftable alias Tunjlal, of Burton Conjlable in Holdernefs in the County of York Efquire, upon Mort-

  • g 3 g e j the Sum of five thoufand nine hundred Pounds principal Money, befides Intereft; to Mary

4 Chamberlain Spinfter, Edward Hopkins of the City of Coventry Efquire and Anna Maria his Wife, Ri- 4 chard Luther Efquire and Charlotte his Wife, upon Mortgage, the Sum of three thoufand Pounds prin- 4 cipal Money, befides Intereft ; to the Lady Catharine Radcliffe, fecond Daughter of Francis late Earl of 4 Derwentwater, one Annuity or yearly Rent Charge of one hundred Pounds, clear of all Taxes, for 4 the Term of her natural Life, with the Arrears thereof ;' To the End therefore that the faid Sums of Money, and all the Rents, limes and Profits of the Premifles, during the Continuance of his Ma- jefty's faid Eftate and Intereft therein for the Ufe of the Publick as aforefaid, may, fubject to the Pay- ments herein before and herein after mentioned, be difpofed of and applied to the Ufe and Benefit of the Publick, and in Eafe of his Majefty's good Subjects; We your Majefty's moft dutiful and loval Subjects, the Commons of Great Britain in Parliament afiembled, do moft humbly befeech your Ma- jefty, that it may be enacted ; and be it enacted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Content of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament 7,iSsl. 13 s. aflembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the faid Sum of feven thoufand one hundred eighty- che" '" the f Ex " two Pounds, and thirteen Shillings, fo arifing and produced out of the Rents and Profits of the faid clearing the'Yn- Premifles, and remaining in the Receipt of the Exchequer as aforefaid, fhall be iflued, appropriated and cumbrances, applied, in the firft Place for the paying and clearing off all Intereft and Arrears of the faid Annuity of tf?e fim/Mn' 1 f° one nun ^ re ^ Pounds a Year and Incumbrances herein before-mentioned, to the twenty-fifth Day of Greenwich 50 March, one thoufand feven hundred and thirty five; and after Payment thereof the Surplus and Refidue Hofpital. of the faid Sum of feven thoufand one hundred eighty-two Pounds and thirteen Shillings, fhall (except as is herein after excepted) be appropriated and applied, and is hereby appropriated and applied, towards the building and finifhing of the Royal Hofpital for Seamen at Greenwich, TheAppiica- II. And it is hereby further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all Sums of Money collected tion of the Ac- and received by the refperftive Receivers of the Rents and Profits of the faid Premifles fo forfeited and vefted in his Majefty as aforefaid, which were not paid into the Receipt of the Exchequer on or before the twenty-fifth Day of March in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-five, and all Arrears of Rents and Profits of the fame Premifles due and owing from the feveral Farmers, Tenants ' and Occupiers of any Part or Parts thereof at or on the faid twenty-fifth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-five, and all the Rents, Iflues and Profits of the faid Premifles which fhall, from and after the faid twenty-fifth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-five, grow, accrue, or become due and payable for and during his Majefty's faid Eftate and Intereft in the faid Pre- mifles (fubject in the firft Place to the Payment of the faid Annuity of one hundred Pounds a Year as the fame fhall grow due, and of all Principal and Intereft due and to grow due upon the feveral Incum- brances herein before-mentioned) (hall be iflued and applied, and are hereby appropriated and applied, 8' to