Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/277

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A. D. 1736. Anno nono Georgii II. C. 20. 215 yearly Account ; and fhall by the faid Alderman be taken and allowed as a full and fufficient Difcharge for ail and every fuch Sum and Sums of Money fuch Collectors or Receivers fhall have received and naid into the Chamber of the City of London as aforefaid. XIII. And to the end that the Payment of the faid Rates and Affeffments for the Purpofes aforefaid may the more effectually, be enforced, be it further ena6ted by the Authority aforefaid, That every Free- Fr«emen not man of London liable to pay the faid Rates and Affeffments, who fhall have neglected or refufed to pay the paying the faid- faid Rates and Affeffments to the Perfon or Perfons authorized and irnpowered to collect and receive the £*?£',"',£,! fame or lhall have defired to be excufed from paying fuch Rates and Affeffments, fhall be under the fame from voting at Incapacity of voting at Elections within the faid City of London, as any Perfon or Perfons now is or are Elections. who do not pay their Scot or Lot to the feveral yearly Rates and Taxes to which the Citizens of London are at this Time or fhall hereafter become liable. XIV. And to the Intent that no Monopoly in lighting the faid City and Liberties thereof be for the time to come attempted, whereby the Expence thereof will be greatly enhanced, and the Work not fuf- ficiently performed ; Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That each Alderman, by and with the The Alderman Advice and Confent of his Deputy and the majority of his Common Councilmen, fhall and may, and ^f c "o contract he is hereby required, authorized and irnpowered to contract and agree for the Number of Lamps ne- for' fetting up, ceffary to be erected and fet up in and for his Ward, and the Charge thereof, on Ports or Irons, as he and trimming (hall think belt to order, and fhall be moft effectual for the Purpofes hereby intended ; and alfo that ' n e e 1 ^™ r , . s lor each fuch Alderman, with fuch Advice and Confent as aforefaid, fhall and may contract with any ' ' Perfon or Perfons for the lighting, trimming, muffing, cleanfing, fupplying, maintaining and re- but fuch Con _ pairing fuch Number of Lamps as fhall be neceffary for his Ward ; provided nevertheless, that fuch tia ft not to Contract be made for the Space of one whole Year and no longer at one Time, and fhall not exceed exceed the fuch Sum for each Lamp, as fhall be directed and ordered by the Mayor, Aldermen and Commons in ^"he^JvUycr' 1 Common Council affemblcd, in cafe they fhall think fit to fettle and direct the fame. & c . ' XV. Provided always, and it is further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Alderman, De- No Aldcrman puty or Common Councilman, during his Continuance in fuch Office, or any Perfon or Perfons in Truft & e . w be in- ' for him, them or any of them, fhall be concerned or interefted in any Contract or otherwife, for light- terefied in fiich ing the faid City or any Part thereof, or for providing and fixing any of the faid Lamps, Ports or Contr; " fts ' Irons, or other Materials neceffary thereto. XVI. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Chamberlain of the faid City of The Cliam . London for time being, (hall and may, and he is hereby authorized and required to pay all and Angular beriain to pay the Orders or Draughts on him to be made by the Alderman of each Ward, with the Advice of his De- a|1 Draughts puty, and the Majoiity of the Common Councilmen of each Ward refpectively, in difcharge of fuch ™y%i%°Aide™ Contract or Contracts they fhall or may refpectively enter into, as well for providing and erecting, man of the as for lighting, trimming, muffing, cleanfing, fupplying, maintaining and repairing the Lamps within Ward, &c. each and Angular the Wards of the faid City. And alfo, that he the faid Chamberlain for the time and enter thenj being fhall and he is hereby required to keep regular and clear Entries in a Book to be for that diiiinaiy in a Purpofe by him provided, of all and Angular the Receipts and Payments he fhall -make on the Ac- Book » count of lighting the faid City as aforefaid, dirtinguifhing each Ward under diftinct Heads ; to which tobeinfoefted Book every Citizen of London fhall and may have free Accefs in Office Hours, and fhall be per- without Fee, mitted to infpect the fame without Fee or Reward ; and alfo that the Chamberlain for the time be- ing fhall have the faid Account audited and parted in the fame Manner and by the fame Perfons who are now appointed or fhall be appointed to audit the Accounts of the Chamberlain of the faid City of London. ' XVII. And whereas feveral evil-difpofed Perfons have broken and may wilfully and malicioufly ' break and deftroy the Lamps hung out in the Streets of this City ; ' Now to prevent the like malicious Practices for the future, be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Perfon p ena ity n or Perfons fhall, from and after the twenty-ninth Day of September one thoufand feven hundred and malicioufly thirty-fix, wilfully or malicioufly break, throw down or extinguifh any Lamp that is or fhall be b ™^ k ™^*» hung out or fet up to light the Streets, or wilfully damage the Ports, Irons or other Furniture thereof, the' Lamps; • every Perfon fo offending therein, and being thereof convicted by the Oath of one or more Witnefs or Witneffes before any one or more Juftice or Juftices of the Peace for the City of London, fhall for the firft Offence forfeit the Sum of forty Shillings for each Lamp fo broken, thrown down, ex- tinguifhed or otherwife damaged, and for the fecond Offence the Sum of fifty Shillings, and for the third Offence the Sum of three Pounds, to be recovered and levied in fuch Manner as in this Act is mentioned. ' XVIII. And whereas it is impoffible to afcertain the exact Expence which may accrue to the faid ' City of London, in providing, fupplying and maintaining fuch Lights as aforefaid, as well from the

  • Alteration in the Price of Oil and other Materials, as from other unforefeen Accidents and Cafuahies

' which may happen ;' Be it therefore further enacted, That if at the Expiration of feven Years it Surplus '.fo- fhall be found that any Surplus fhall have arifen from the Money collected by virtue of this Act, over ?) es -'■•" '" and above what fhall have been iffued and applied in purfuance hereof, for the finding, fupplying b /^o:"eJ "of, and maintaining fuch Lights as <. r orefaid, fuch Surplus Money fhall remain in the Chamber of the faid City of London, to be applied either in Aid of the Orphans Fund, or in Abatement or Diminution of future Affeffments for the Purpofes of this Act, or to be otherwife difpofed of to or for the Ufe and Benefit of the Citizens of London, as they by any Act of Common Council fhall direct and appoint. XIX. And it is hereby further enacted, That the Mayor-, Aldermen and Commons, in Common Hw , Ri) wh Council affembled, fhall and they are hereby irnpowered and required at a Court of Common Council the Afii-fifrients, to be held, as foon as conveniently may be after the twenty-fourth Day of June one thoufand feven are to be made, hundred