Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/306

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y 344 C 35. Amid norio (jEeorcJii II. A. D. 1736. Cuftoms or Excife ; Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every the faid Offence and Offences (hall and may be enquired of, examined, tried and determined in any County within that Part of the Kingdom of Great Britain called England, in fuch Manner and Form as if the fame Offence had been therein committed. ' XXVII. And whereas in Ships from Foreign Parts Goods are often concealed in falfe Bulk Heads, ' between the Linings and falfe Knees, or in concealed Lockers, or in the Ballaft or falfe Package, ' and other Places, which the Officers of the Cuftoms cannot eafily find out or difcover, in order to their ' being landed without Payment of Duties, and fuch Goods are not by any Law liable to Forfeiture, ' unlels the fame be found after clearing the Ship by the proper Officer or Officers of the Cuftoms ; ' AllCoods found For Remedy whereof be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all Goods which fhall be found concealed after CO ncealed as aforefaid, or concealed in any other Place on board any Ship or Veffel at any time after the port at the Cu-" Mafter thereof fhall have made his Report at the Cuftom-houfe, and which fhall not be comprized or rtom-houfe, for- mentioned in the faid Report, fhall be forfeited and loft, and fhall and may be feized and proiecuted by fci ' ed > any Officer or Officers of the Cuftoms, and the Mafter, Purler or other Perfon having the Charge or &c XI forfeit"' Command of fuch Ship or Veffel (in cafe it can be made appear that he was any ways confenting or privy •J ,-ebie the Va- to fuch Fraud or Concealment) (hall forfeit Treble the Value of the Goods fo found, to be divided and ' 1<: ' recovered in fuch Manner as herein before is mentioned. ' XXVIII. And whereas the Punifhment to which fuch Perfons as fhall forcibly obftruct or hinder ' any Officer of the Cuftoms or Excife, being on board any Ship, Boat or Veffel within the Limits of ' any of the Ports of this Kingdom, are liable by Law, hath proved infufficient : ' For preventing the Perfons forcibly faid Offences, be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid twenty-fourtli cbrtrufting or j-j a y Q f j une one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-fix, if any Officer or Officers of the Cuftoms or Ex- ftcer°on n board" cife, being on board any Ship, Boat or Veffel within the Limits of any of the Ports of this Kingdom, be m theExecution forcibly hindred, oppofed, obftrucled, wounded or beaten, in the due Execution of his or their Office or "Ve^rar^crt-^ Duty, by any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, either in the Day or Night, all and every Perfon and Per- ed, not exceed- fons fo forcibly hindring, oppoiing, obftructing, wounding or beating the faid Officer or Officers in the ins 7 Years, Execution of his or their Office, and all fuch as fhall act in their Aid or Alfiftance, being convicted thereof, fhall by Order of the Court before whom fuch Offender or Offenders fhall be convicted, be transported to fome of his Majefty's Colonies and Plantations in America, for fuch Term as fuch Court as other Felons fhall think fit, not exceeding feven Years, in the fame Manner as by one Act made in the fourth Year by the Acts f t h e Reign of his late Majefty King George the Firft, of Glorious Memory, intituled, An Act for 4 & 6 Geo. 1. t j }e f ur tf Hr p reven tjng Robbery, Burglary and other Felonies, and for the more effectual Transportation of Felons, and unlawful Exporters of Wool, and for declaring the Law uponjhne Points relating to Pirates ; and by one other A6t made in the fixth Year of the Reign of his faid late Majefty, intituled, An Ac! for the better preventing Robbery, Burglary and other Felonies, and for the more effectual Tranfportaiion of Felons ; the Offenders therein mentioned are to be tranfported to the faid Colonies and Plantations ; and if any fuch Offender or Offenders fhall return into Great Britain or Ireland before the Expiration of the faid Term, contrary to the Intent and Meaning hereof, he or they fo returning fhall fuffer as Felons, and have Execution awarded againft them as Perfons attainted of Felony, without Benefit of Clergy. Officers may go XXIX. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, 'i hat from and after the faid twenty- onboard Coaft- fourth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-fix, it fhall and may be lawful to and for any ftarch^r pro- Officer or Officers of the Cuftoms or Excife, producing his or their Warrant or Deputation, Warrants hibited Goods, or Deputations (if required) to go on board and enter into any Coafting Ship or Veffel, which fhall be within the Limits of any of the Ports of this Kingdom, and to rummage and fearch the Cabbin and all other Parts of all fuch Coafting Ships or Veffels, for prohibited and uncuftcmed Goods, and fuch Of- and continue on fleer and Officers is and are hereby authorized and impowered to ltay and remain on board all fuch board duriog.the Ships and Veffels, during the whole Time that the fame fhall continue within the Limits of any fuch the Port. taym Po rt as aforefaid ; and if any Perfon cr Perfons whatfoever lhall obftruct, oppofe, moleft, let or hinder any Officer or Officers of the Cuftoms or Excife, in going or remaining on Board any fuch Coafting Ship or Veffel, or in the entring or fearching the Cabbin, or any other Part thereof, every fuch Perfon 100 1. Penalty all( j p er fons fhall for every fuch Offence, forfeit and lofe the Sum of one hundred Pounds, to be divided Officer!" l " S an d recovered in fuch Manner as herein before is exprefled. 100I. Penalty XXX. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Perfon or Perfons who keep M A1 &°k fe w or ^ la 'l keep any Tavern, Alehoufe, Virtu alii ng-Houfe, or other Houfe where Ale, Wine, Brandy or ingiy harbour- " other ftrong Liquors fnall be fold by Retale, fhall after the twenty-ninth Day of September one thou- ing any Perfon fand feven hundred and thirty-fix, knowingly receive, harbour or entertain any Perfon or Perfons againft p Sai I 1 ?T h ? r? f whom any Capias or other Procefs of Arreft lhall have iffued, for having beat, abufed or obftrucled any fuedforobftVac- Officer or Officers of the Cuftoms or Excife in the Execution of their Office, or for any Offence or Of- tingOiBcers,&c. fences that are or fhall be committed againft any of the Laws now in being for preventing Frauds in relation to the Revenues of Cuftoms or Excife, or for any Crime or Crimes whatfoever that fhall be committed or done in Prejudice of the faid Revenue, and to which Capias or other Procefs the Sheriff or other Officer having Execution of the faid Procefs fhall have returned, that fuch Perfon or Perfons cannot be found, and which Perfon or Perfons fhall not have appeared to the faid Procefs, or for any ■other Offence, Fraud or Misdemeanor in this Aft mentioned, or to the Prejudice of his Majefty's Cu- ftoms or Excife, or fhall knowingly harbour, receive or entertain any Perfon or Perfons, who having been in Prifon for any of the faid Offences fhall have efcaped, or who fhall have been convicted for the fame, and fhall fiy from Juftice, fhall forfeit one hundred Pounds, to be recovered and divided in fuch Manner as is herein before expreffed, and be rendred incapable of having a Licence for keeping or of keeping any Tavern, Alehoufe or Victualling-Houfe, or felling Wine, Ale, Brandy or other ftrong Liquors by Re- 4 XXXI. Provided tale, for the future.