Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/325

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Anno decimo Georgii II. the Deficiency of the Grants for the Year one thoufand ieven hundred and thirty-fix. ficiencyof tl XXXIV. And it is hereby alfo enacted, That out of all or any the Aids or Supplies provided as afore- Cramsfor hid. there (hall and may be iffued and applied any Sum or Sums of Money, not exceeding tenthoufand Jo^i!. 3*. ind' fortv-three Pounds three Shillings and ten Pence Farthing, to replace to the Sinking Fund the like jed.Tranhing, Suin paid out of the fame to make good the Deficiency of the additional Stamp Duties, purfuant to a "^ Smkin S Claule in an Act of Parliament paffed in the fourth Year of his Majefty's Reign, for railing one million two hundred thoufand Pounds by Annuities and a Lottery for the Service of the Year one thoufand to.ceol. tothe feven hundred and thirty-one ; and any Sum or Sums of Money not exceeding ten thoufand Pounds, pan y. towards the Maintenance of the Britijb Forts and Settlements belonging to the Royal African Company 4,oool. towards of England, on the Coaft of Africa ; and any Sum or Sums of Money not exceeding four thoufand s^p^'weii- Pounds, towards repairing and rinifhing the Collegiate Church of Saint Peter, fVeflminjflcr ; and there m infter. lhall and may be iffued to the Truftees for eftablilhing the Colony of Georgia in America, any Sum or 20,0001. to the Sums of Money not exceeding twenty thoufand Pounds, by them to be applied towards fettling and fe- Colony of Geor- curin<* the faid Colony. XXXV. And it is hereby alfo enacted, That out of all or any the Aids or Supplies provided as afore- faid there 'fhall and may be iffued and applied to the Governor and Company of Merchants of Great Britain trading to the South-Seas, and other Parts of America, and for encouraging the Filhery, at the faid Feaft of Saint Michael the Archangel, one thoufand feven hundred and thirty feven, any Sum or Sums of Money not exceeding one million, for or towards redeeming Part of the Annuities attending r.coo/KDl.for tan the Capital Stock of Annuities commonly called Old South-Sea Annuities, remaining due to the faid "deermng 9 1 '_ Company; from which Time a proportional Part of their faid Capital Stock of Annuities, and of the nuities." {Annuities attending thereon, and of the Allowance for Charges of Management, lhall ceafe and deter- mine for the Benefit of the Publick. XXXVI. And be it enacted, That the faid Aids or Supplies provided as aforefaid, (hall not be The aforefaid iflued or applied to any Ufe, Intent or Purpofe whatfoever, other than the Ufes and Purpofes before M ? n ' e s ^ i,e * mentioned, or for the ieveral Deficiencies or other Payments directed to be fatisfied thereout, by any undirected. particular 'daufe or Clauies for that Purpole contained in any other Act or Acts of this prefent Sef- ifion of Parliament. XXXVII And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid South Sea Company (hall forth- Soutlr Sea/Com* lvlde bute the laid . their million among JLU^f. *-J^ UtillUlUWU. kuilliiviv uiliV4lig U1^V4 Ul*k4.M.gJ..g XJ MJUVli W 1 1111.11 I I 1 1 U I V_ O 1_»1 .1 1 I l L 1 C 1 I S ■ ill in the faid Capital Stock of Annuities, by even and equal Dividends amongft them all, in Proportion to F ,u P° rtlon ' &■ their refpective Shares or Interefts therein. XXXVIII. And to the End, Intent and Purpofe that all truft Eftates and Interefts in the faid Capital Stock of Annuities of the South-Sea Company may be preferved and improved for the Benefit of the Perfons concerned therein, with the leaft Expence and Inconvenience to them ; Be it enafted by, the Authority aforefaid, That in all and every Cafes where, in purfuance of this Act, any Payments mao vofthe c*- or Dividends fhall be made of the Capital of any fuch Annuity Stock, as lhall be vefted in any Perfon or pitai of any Perfons in Truft for other Perfons, who have or claim diftinct or different Interefts therein, or fc* k A " n "ty Sj och any other Ends or Purpofes, for which the Capital Sum or Annuity ought to be preferved intire, fuch fons^nTruft" I Payments or Dividends of the Capital Stock of Annuities fhall not be paid or applied as Dividends of for others, &c. Profit, Annuity or Intereft, bat fhall remain in the Hands of fuch Trultecs refpectively, till otherwife J^j 1 ^' d ™ ds difpofed of at Imereft ; and for that Purpofe it (hall and may be lawful to and for the Truftee or p^d as DivL- Truftees, who fhall receive the fame, at his or their Difcretion, to lay out or difpofe of the fame or* dends of Profit, any Part thereof, in the Purchafe of fo much other Capital Stock of the fame Kind, as at the current'^^^™;.' 1

Market Price of fuch Annuity Stock the Monies received for fuch Dividends fhall; as near as conve- Hands,

niently maybe, extend to purchafe; which new purchafed Stock of Annuities fhall be transferred to- fuch Truftee or Truftees, and a Receipt or Receipts lhall be given and figned by the Perfon or Perfons who may pur- transferring the fame, for the Monies paid for the fame; and in cafe fuch Truftees refpectively, p^ e stock, ** by Writing indorfed on or annexed to fuch Receipts, and figned or acknowledged before one of the w hieh is to'be Mailers of the High Court of Chancery, (hall declare that the Monies in the laid Receipts. were.the transferred to^ Produce of the laid Dividends of the faid Capital Stock of Annuities, (which Signing or Acknowledg-.!^ a R eC e" Jt ' p ment fuch Mafters in Chancery are hereby required to accept or take) and each and every fuch Mafter.giv»n, &c. before whom the fame fhall be done, (hall at the fame time certify the fame, by fubferibing his Name thereto (for the doing whereof fuch Matter lhall be paid for each Certificate one Shilling and no mure) then and in every fuch Cafe, the Annuity Stock mentioned in fuch Receipts to be transferred, lhall re- Farther Prwifc fpectively go and'be deemed fubject and liable to ihe fame 'Fruits, for the Benefit of the fame Perfons,. c"^"™" 5 ' ** and for the fame Ufes, Ends, Intents and Purpofes, as the reft of the truft Annuity Stock remaining 20 Gto.z, <-. j.- in fuch Truftees refpectively will or ought to be fubject and liable- to ; and fuch Truftees refpectively y'<^»-a- «-* , lhall from thenceforth be indemnified from any Lots, Cliarges or Damages, on account of their fo ^ "' doing, at the Expences of the faid truft Eftates. ■ XXXIX. Provided always, Thar nothing in this Act contained fhall extend or be conftrued to extend This Aft not to to itftrain or prohibit any fuch Truftees from laying out or difpoiing of any of the faid truft Monies in Jf'l'^Vnrh any other Purchafes or any other Securities, whether publick or private, if they (hall fo think fit, in i n e g e ^ U t°Traft y " the fame Mariner and with the fame Freedom and Security to themfelves as they might have done if this Money in other Act had not been made. XL. And Achates.