Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/327

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A. D. 1737. Anno decimo Georgii II. C. 19. 265 CAP. XIX. An Aft for the more effectual preventing the unlawful playing of Interludes within the Precincts of the two Univerfities, in that Part of Great Britain called England, and the Places adjacent; and for explaining and amending fo.much of an Act palled in the lafl: Seffion of Parliament, intituled, An Ail for laying a Duty upon the Retailers of Spirituous Liquors, and for lincenjing the Retailers thereof as may affect the Privilege of the faid Uni- verfities, with refpect to licenfmg Taverns, and all other Publick Houles within the Pre- cincts of the fame.

  • XT7HEREAS the Letters Patent of Kins Henry the Eighth, made and granted unto the Chan- Preamble.

' W cellor and Scholars of the Univerfity of Oxford, bearing Date the firft Day of April in the four- ■ c teenth Year of his Reign; and the Letters Patent of Queen Elizabeth, made and ganted unto the ' Chancellor, Matters and Scholars of the Univerfity of Cambridge, bearing Date the twenty-fixth Day of ' April in the third Year of her Reign; and alfo all other Letters Patent by any of her Progenitors or Pre- ' deceflbrs made to either of the corporated Bodies of the faid Univerfities, and all Manner of Liberties, ' Franchifes, Immunities, Quietances and Privileges, View of Frank Pledge, Law Days, and other f Things, whatfoever they were, the which either of the faid corporated Bodies of the faid Univerfities ' had, lield, occupied or enjoyed, or of Right ought to have had, ufed, occupied and enjoyed, were by

  • Authority of Parliament in the thirteenth Year of her Reign, confirmed to the Chancellor, Mafters and
  • Scholars of either of the faid Univerfities, and their Succeflbrs, for the great Love and Favour that her

' faid Majefty bore towards her faid Univerfities, for the great Zeal and Care that the Lords and Commons ' had for the Maintenance of good and godly Literature, and the virtuous Education of Youth, within

  • either of the faid Univerfities; and to the Intent that the ancient Privileges, Liberties and Franchifes of

' either of the faid Univerfities, granted, ratified and confirmed by the Queen's Highnefs, and her moft

  • noble Progenitors, might be had in greater Eftimation, and be of greater Force and Strength, for the

' better Increafe of Learning, and the further fuppreffing of Vice : And whereas Doubts have arifen or

  • may arife, whether by any of the faid Letters Patent, Liberties, Franchifes, Immunities or Privileges,

' or by any fubfequent Charter or Charters, or by the Laws and Statutes of this Realm, the Chancellor of ' either of the faid Univerfities, or the Vice-Chancellor thereof, or his Deputy, or any other Perfon or

  • Perfons, be fufficiently impowered to correct, reftrain or fupprefs common Players of Interludes, fettled,
  • refiding or inhabiting within the Precincts of either of the faid Univerfities, and not wandering abroad :

' And whereas the Erection of any Playhoufe within the Precincts of either of the faid Univerfities, or

  • Places adjacent, may be attended with great Inconveniencies ;' May it pleafe Your moft Excellent Ma-

jefty that it may be enacted, and be it enacted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Ad- vice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament afTem- bled, and by the Authority of the fame, That all Perfons whatfoever who fhall for Gain in any Playhoufe, Stage Players Booth or otherwife, exhibit any Stage Play, Interlude, Shew, Opera, or other Theatrical or Dramatical ^ie^of ditbjsr Performance, or act any Part, or affift therein, within the Precincts of either of the faid Univerfities, or univenity, to b«  within five Miles of the City of Oxford, or Town of Cambridge, fhall be deemed Rogues and Vagabonds ; treated as Vag-i- and that it fhall and may be lawful to and for the Chancellor of either of the faid Univerfities, or the bond3 -> &c - Vice-Chancellor thereof, or his Deputy reflectively, to commit any fuch Perfon to any Houfe of Correc- tion within either of the Counties of Cambridge or Oxford reflectively, there to be kept to hard Labour for the Space of one Month, or to the Common Gaol of the City or County of Oxford, or Town or County of Cambridge refpectively, there to remain without Bail or Mainprize for the like Space of one Month ; any Licence of the Chancellor, Mafters and Scholars of either of the faid Univerfities of Oxfo. d or Cambridge, Concerning Plays-, or any Thing herein or in any other Statute, Law, Cuftom, Charter or Privilege, to the contrary not- f" farther withftanding. 2 5 Ga>- *• '■ >«• ' II. And whereas by an Act made in the feventh Year of the Reign of King Edward the Sixth, AflyEdw. 6.

  • which prohibits all Perfons not licenfed according to the Direction of the faid Act to fell Wine by Re- c - S"

' tale, and permits no more than fhree Taverns or Wine Sellers in the City of Oxford, and four Taverns ' or Wine Sellers in the Town of Cambridge, it was provided, That the faid Act, or any Thing therein

  • contained, fhould not in any wife be prejudicial or hurtful to any of the Univerfities of Oxford and Cam-

' bridge, or to the Chancellor or Scholars of the fame, or their Succeflbrs, or any of them, to impair or ' take away any of the Liberties, Privileges, Franchifes, Jurifdidtions, Powers and Authorities to them, ' or any of them, appertaining or belonging, but that they, and every of them, and their Succeflbrs,

  • might have, hold, ufe and enjoy, all their Liberties, Privileges, Franchifes, Jurifdidtions, Powers
  • ana Authorities, in fuch large and ample wife, as though the faid Act had never been made, fo always,
  • that there fhould not be any more or greater Number of Taverns kept or maintained within any of the

' faid Towns of Oxford or Cambridge, than might be lawfully kept and maintained by the Provifion, true ' Meaning and Intent of the faid Statute : And whereas by an Act made in the twelfth -Year of the Rei*n !2 Gar. 2. c. 1.5, ' of King Charles the Second, intituled, An A3 for the better ordering the Selling of Wines by Retale, and 1 for preventing Abufes in the mingling, corrupting and viciating of IVines, and for Jetting and limiting the

  • Prices of the fame, it was provided, That the faid Act, or any"Thing therein contained, fhould not in
  • any wife be prejudicial to the Privilege of the two Univerfities of this Land, or either of them, nor to
  • the Chancellors or Scholars of the fame, or their Succeflbrs, but that they might ufe and enjoy fuch
  • Privileges as theretofore they had lawfully ufed and enjoyed ; And whereas by an Act made in the

Voii. VI. Mm • * ninth