Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/353

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A. D. 1738. Anno undecimo Georgii II. C. 7. 291 <■ likewife reciting, That the faid two laft-mentioned Adts were by another Adt made in the fourth Year 4 Geo. i.e. 13.

of the Reign of his late Majefty King George, further continued from the faid firft Day of May

' one thoufand feven hundred and eighteen, until the firft Day of May one thoufand feven hundred 1 and twenty-feven ; and it was, by the faid Adt paffed in the ninth Year of the Reign of his faid 1 late Majefty King George,, further recited, That it was found, the faid Sum intended to be raifed 1 by the faid Act of the eleventh and twelfth Years of his faid late Majefty King William the Third, ' was not fufticient for the Purpofes of the faid former Adts (feveral Breaches and unforefeen Accidents ' having happened by Storms and the Rage of the Sea, and extraordinary Works having been found ' neceffary to be done for fecuring the faid Harbour of Dover) and that unlefs a further Sum was ' raifed the faid Harbour could not be effectually repaired and fecured according to the Intent of the ' laid former Adts, but that the ufeful Works then begun and carried on for the Benefit of the Pub- ' lick, would be wholly loft, and the faid Harbour again fall to decay, and the Town itfelf be in Dan- ' ger of being utterly loft and deftroyed ; and it was alfo recited by the faid Act made in the ninth r Year of his laid late Majefty King George, That the ancient Harbour of Rye was formerly of great '• Ufe and Benefit to Trade and Navigation, but the fame was then choaked up and almoft ruined by ■ the fttifting of the Beach without, and fettling of the Sullage within, and by ftopping the Flux of 1 the Tide, fo that for preventing the utter Lofs of the faid Harbour of Rye it was necelfary to open ' the fame, and to let the Tide have free Courfe through certain Places in the faid laft Adt mentioned ! near to the faid Harbour, or into fuch other Cut or Channel as ihould be found moft proper and ' expedient to reftore the faid Harbour ; wherefore, and to the End the Works at Dover Harbour

  • might be compleated and finifhed, and the fame Harbour be effectually repaired and fecured, and that

' the faid Harbour of Rye might be repaired and reftored to its ancient Goodnefs, and fecured for the 4 Benefit of Trade and Navigation, it was by the faid laft-mentioned Adt enadted, That the faid Adts ' reipedtively made in the eleventh and twelfth Years of the Reign of his late Majefty King William ' the Third, and the fecond Year of the Reign of her late Majefty Queen Anne (for the Repair of Dover " Harbour) and every Claufe, Matter or Thing in them or either ot them contained, and not altered by ' the faid Adt made in the ninth Year of the Reign of his faid late Majefty King George, fhould con-

  • tinue and be in full Force and Virtue till the firft Day of May, which fhall be in the Year of our Lord

' one thoufand feven hundred and forty-four, for the Purpofes in the faid former Adts, and the faid Act ' of the ninth Year of his faid late Majefty King George, mentioned ; and that the faid Duty of three i Pence per Tun granted by the faid firft-recited Adt, made in the eleventh and twelfth Years of the ' Reign of his faid late A4ajefty King William the Third, for the Repair of Dover Harbour, upon ' all Ships and VeiTeis therein defcribed, (hould by virtue of the faid Adt made in the ninth Year of the ' Reign of his faid late Majefty King George, from the faid firft Day of May one thoufand i'even hun- ' dred and twenty-three, be collected and received in fuch Manner, and by fuch Officers and Perfons ' respectively, as in and by the faid recited Adt of the eleventh and twelfth Years of the Reign of his ' faid late Majefty King William the Third, was directed and appointed ; which faid Duty of three ' Pence per Tun was by the faid Act of the ninth Year of his faid late Majefty King George, directed ' to be appropriated, divided and paid for the Benefit of the faid Harbours of Dover and Rye refpedtive- ' ly, in Manner following ; that is to fay, one third thereof fhould be paid to the Treafurer for Dover ' Harbour for the time being, to be applied to fuch Ufes and Purpofes, as in and by the faid former ' Acts are directed ; and the other two thirds Ihould be paid to fuch Perfon as fhould be appointed ' Treafurer for the faid Harbour of Rye : And whereas by another Act paffed in the tenth Year of »° Ge0 - '■ c - 7« 

  • the Reign of his faid late Majefty King George, for making more effectual the laid Act made in

' the ninth Year of his Reign, for compleating the Repairs of the faid Harbour of Dover, and for re- if ftoring the faid Harbour of Rye to its ancient Goodnefs, fo far as the fame related to the Harbour of '. Rye, it /was recited, That it was found, that the faid Harbour of Rye might be made more ufeful and '■ commodious, by opening and making a new Cut or Channel from the U'inchelfea Channel, right out

to the Sea, than if the Method propofed by the faid recited Act made in the ninth Year of the Reign 

' of his faid late Majefty King George, fhould be purfued : but it being doubted whether the Powers ' given by the faid laft-mentioned Act did extend to the making any new Cut or Channel elfewhere

  • than in the Places defcribed in the faid Adt ; therefore to explain and amend the laid laft-mentioned

'• Act, it is enacted, That the CommilTioners and the Truftees for repairing and reftoring to its ancient ' Goodnefs the faid Harbour of Rye, and their Succeffors, or any eleven or more of 'them, • fhall and may ' erect, or order and caufe to be done from time to time, all Matters and Things which they fhall rind ' or judge neceffary for opening or making any new Cut or Channel from IVincheJjea Water to the Sea ' and for doing all other Works neceffary for effecting the Purpofes of the faid /fct paffed in the tenth ' Year of the Reign of his faid late Majefty King George : And whereas very large Sums of Money ' have been laid out and expended in carrying on the Repairs of both the faid Harbours, and great Pro- 1 grefs hath been made in fuch Repairs, but the fame cannot be finifhed and compleated, unlefs the ' Term and Powers granted and given in and by the faid former Ads be further continued and en- ' larged ;' To the end therefore that fo ufeful and beneficial Works for the Service of Trade and Navi- gation may be effectually carried on and performed, may it pleafe Your Majefty that it may be enact- ed, C2Y. ' The Adt of 9 Geo. 1. c. 30. continued for 21 Years. The Duties to difcharge Debts contracted by tliis Farther cntarget " and the foi mer Acts. Duties affignable for Money borrowed. " h V G«. z. c. *. P p 2 CAP,