Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/37

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The TITLES of the STATUTES. 2jf. An Aft for repairing the Road leading from Eland to the Town of Leads in the Weft Riding of the County of ■York. ■ 26. An Act for making a Chapel lately built by John Coppin Efquire, at Market Street in the Parifh of Caaington in the County of Hertford, a perpetual Cure and Benefice ; and for other Purpofes therein men- tioned. 27. An Aft to enable the Parifhioners of the Parifh of Saint Botolph without Aldgate, in the City of London, and County of Middlcfex, to rebuild the Church of the faid Parifh. 28. An Act for repairing the Roads from Doncafter through Ferry-lridge, to the South Side of Tadcafter Crofs ; and alfo from Ferry-bridge to Weatherby, and from thence to Borough-bridge in the County of ■York. 29. An Act for enlarging the Term and Powers granted by an Act paffed in the twelfth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King George the Firft, intituled, An Ac! for repairing and widening the Road from Horfley Upright Gate, leading down Bowden Hill in the County of Wilts, to the Top of Kingfdown Hill in the PariJI) of Box in the faid Couuty. 30. An Aft for appointing new Commiffioners and Trus- tees for putting in Execution an Aft paffed in the eighth Year of the Reign of her late Majefty Queen Amu, inti- tuled, An Aft for vefting the Eflate and Ejfefts of John Coggs, and John Dann, Goldjmiths and Copartners, in Truflees, for the fpeedier Payment of their Creditors, arid •for determining Differences thereupon. 31. An Act for repairing the Road from Doncafter (through the Parifh of Pemftm) in the- County of York, to Salter's Brook in the County of Ghefter ; and alfo the Road from Rotherham in the faid County ©f "-York, to Hartelife Hul'm the faid Parifh of Penijhn. 32. An AcT: for repairing and enlarging the Roads from the Town.of Selby m the Weft Riding- of the County of York, to the Town of Leeds ; and from thence (in two feveral Branches, one through Bradford and Horton, and the other through Bowling and Wtbfey) to the Town of Halifax in the fame Riding. 33. An Aft to fupply.fome Defefts in the Laws for re- pairing and rebuilding County Bridges, for repairing, enlarging, erefting, and providing Houfes of Correction, and for pafling Rogues and Vagabonds. 34. An Aft to continue an Aft for Relief of Debtors with refpeft to the Imprifonment of their Perfons, and two fuMequent Afts for explaining and amending the fame ; and alfo to continue an Aft for the free Importation of Cochineal and Indico. 35. An Aft for continuing an Aft paffed in the feventh Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, To explain and amend a former Aft paffed in the eleventh Year of the ■ Reign of his late Majefly King George the Firft, For the better regulating the Manufacture of Cloth in the Weft Ri- ding of the County of 'York, and for making the faid Afts more effeftual. 36. An Aft for opening a Trade to and from Perfia through Rujfa. 37. An Aft for reftraining and preventing feveral unwar- rantable Schemes and Undertakings in his Majefty's Colonies and Plantations in Atnerica. 3§. An Aft for the Encouragement and Increafe of Sea- men, and for the better and fpeedier Manning his Ma- jefty's Fleet. 39, An Aft for furveying the Chief Ports and Head Lands oa the Coafts of Great Britain and Ireland, and the Iflands and Plantations thereto belonging, in er<?ei to the more exaft Determination of the Longitude »n<J Latitude thereof. 40. An Aft to enable the Commiffioncrs for building a Bridge crofs the River Thames, from the City of //.>/ - minfter, to the oppofite Shore in the County of St to raife a further Sum of Money towards finifhing the faid Bridge, and to perform the other Trulls repofed in them, and for exchanging of Tickets unclaimed in the TVejiminfter Bridge Lottery of the twelfth Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, and for making Provifion for Tickets in the faid Lottery, loft, burnt, or otherwife deftroyed. 41. An Aft for granting to his Majefty the Sum of one million out of the Sinking Fund, and for applying, other Sums therein mentioned, for the Service of the Year one thoufand feven hundred and forty-one; and for allowing a Drawback of the Duties upon Coals ufed in Fire Engines for draining Tin and Copper Mines in the County of Cornwall; and for appropriating the Sup- plies granted in this SefJion of Parliament ; and for ma- king forth Duplicates of Exchequer Bills, Lottery Tickets, and Orders, loft, burnt, or otherwife deftroy- ed ; and for giving further Time for the Payment of Duties omitted to be paid for the Indentures and Con- tracts of Clerks and Apprentices, 42. An Aft for the Prefervation of the Publick Roads in that Part of Great Britain called England. 43. An Aft to enable Thomas Smith Efquire, Lord of the Manor of Farlington, in the County of Southampton, to fupply the Town of Portfmoulh, and Parts adjacent,- with good and wholefome Water, at his own proper Cofts and Charges. PRIVATE ACTS, Anno- 14 Georgii II. 1. A N "Aft for naturalizing John De Pefters, Efq; J 2. An Aft for enabling Robert Duke of Manchefter to make a Jointure on his prefent Dutchefs, and' to make Leafes of certain Parts of his Eflate, and' for other Pur- pofes therein mentioned. 3. An Aft for veiling the Seat and Eftates of Nicholas late Earl of Scarfdale, deceafed,- in the feveral Counties of Derby and Nottingham, comprifed in his Settlement and Will, and the Furniture there at his Death, iri Truflees,. to be fold for fpeedier Payment of his Debts, and pre- ferving the Surplus, to go according to his faid Set- tlement and Will. 4. An Act for veiling in William Wildman, Lord Vifcount Barrington in the Kingdom of Ireland, for Life, cer- tain Meffuages and Tenements in the City of London, late the Eflate of Mary Lady Vifcountefs Barrington, his Wife, upon the Terms mentioned in their Marriage Settlement. 5. An Act for enabling Sir John Jennings, and George Jennings Efq; his Son (a Minor) to convey certain Eftates in Surrey and Hertfordshire, for the Benefit of the faid George Jennings, and fuch Wife as he fhall marry, and the Iffue of fuch Marriage- 's. An Act for veiling Part of the Tithes of Ryegate, in the County of Surrey, in Robert Scaiven, Efq; and his Heirs, and for fettling another Eflate to the Ufes limited of the faid Tithes by the Will of Sir William Scaiven Knt. deceafed. 7. An Act for veiling the Freehold and Leafehold Eftates late of Thomas Leivis of Soberton Efb; deceafed, m

  • Tnjfteea,