Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/41

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The TITLES of the STATUTES. Purchafe of Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, to be fettled to the Ufes and upon the Trufts therein mentioned. 6. An Act for difcharginj; the Eftate of "John Shcrwin Efquire, in the County of Hertford, from the Ufes, Trufts and Covenants in his Marriage Settlement, and for fettling an Eftate in the County of Nottingham, and Town and County of the Town of Nottingham, of greater Value, in lieu thereof, to the like Ufes. 7. An Act to enable Sir James Mackenzie of Roy/Ion, to fell Lands and Hereditaments in the Sheriffdom of Edin- burgh, for Payment of Debts and Incumbrances charged upon and affecting the fame. 8. An Act for veiling the fettled Eftate of Stamp Brookf banit Efquire, in the Counties of Suffolk and Cambridge, in him and his Heirs ; and for fettling the Manor of Helaugh, and divers Lands and Hereditaments in He- laugh, in the County of the City of York, of greater Va- lue, in lieu thereof. 9. An Act for felling and difpofing of Part of the Eftate of John Worth Efquire, a Lunatick, for difcharging the Debts, Portions and Incumbrances, charged upon, and affecting the fame. 10. An Act for confirming certain Articles of Agreement between the Lord of the Manor of Hunmanby, and the Vicar and Freeholders of Hunmanby in the County of York, for inclofing Part of the Moor of Hunmanby afore- faid. 11. An Act to enable John Mould Efquire, and his Iffue Male, to take and ufe the Surname and Arms of Moore, purfuant to the Will of John Moore Efquire, deceafed. a 2. An Act to enable John Crouch Efquire, eldeft Son of Pyke Crouch Efquire, deceafed, and the Heirs Male of his Body, to take and ufe the Surname of Pyke, pur- fuant to the Will of John Pyke Efquire, deceafed. 13. An Act to enable Charles Gregory Efquire, now called Charles Gregory Wade, and his Ilfue Male, to ufe the Surname of Wade. J4. An Act to enable Rijley Brewer, and his Heirs, to take and ufe the Surname and Arms of Rijley, purfuant to the Will of Paul Rijley Efquire, deceafed. iS. An Act for naturalizing James "Tracy, Chrijlian Burck- hard Reyhlen, Zacharias Nieman, and Sufannah Hubert. J 6. An Act to enable Edward Duke of Norfolk to grant building Leafes for ninety-nine Years, of all or any Part of his Lands in or neaT the Tovvnfhip of Sheffield in the County of York. 17. An Act for confirming and eftablifhing an Exchange, agreed to be made between Thomas Holies Duke of Newcaftle, and Sir Miles Stapleton Baronet, of their fet- tled Eftates in the County of York ; and for fettling the Lands given in Exchange to each Party, to fuch Ufes as the Lands, for which the fame are exchanged, ftood fettled. 18. An Act to enable the moft Noble William Duke of Portland to grant building Leafes of certain Meffuages, - Pieces and Parcels of Ground in Soho Fields in the County of Middle/ex, for a further Term than he is im- powered to grant by his Marriage Settlement. 19. An Act for difcharging feveral Lands in Nofeley in the County of Leicefter, purchafed by the Executors of Philip Earl of Chejlerfield, deceafed, from the Ufes and Limitations contained in the Will of the faid Earl ; and for veiling the fame Lands in Truilees to be fold ; and with the Money arifing thereby to purchafe other Lands to be fettled to the fame Ufes, lo. An Act for difcharging Part of the fettled Eftate of William Earl Confer, in the County of Hertford, from the Ufes and Limitations of a former Settlement; and for fettling and lecuring an Equivalent for the fame, to the like Ufes. 21. An Act for Sale of Part of the Eftate of William Earl of Inchiquin in the Kingdom of Ireland, for Payment of the Debts and Incumbrances charged thereupon ; and for fettling fuch Part thereof as fhall remain unfold, ac- cording to his Marriage Agreement. 22. An Act to eftablilh and confirm an Agreement made between Sir William Courtenay Baronet, and his Brother Henry Reginald Courtenay Efquire, and to render the fame effectual for the feveral Ufes and Purpofes therein mentioned. 23. An Act to eftablifh a Jointure on Dame Elizcbr'.h Dajhwood, Wife of Sir Ja?nes Dafrjjood Baronet ; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned. 24. An Act for the Exchange of certain Lands in the feveral Parifhes of Wroughton and Liddyard Treagooze in the County of Wilts, between the Governors of the Hofpitals commonly called the Charter-Houfc, and Thomas Beiiet of Salthrop in the faid County of Wilts, Efquire. 25. An Act to enable the acting Executors and Tefta^- mentary Guardians named in the Will of Edward War- ren, late of Poinion in the County of Chefler, Efquire, deceafed, by felling Part, and leafing other Parts of his fettled Eftate, to raife Money for difcharging the In- cumbrances thereon, and to provide a fufficient Main- tenance for his Son during his Minority, in eafe of art Eftate directed to be fold by the Will of John Warren Efquire, deceafed. 26. An Act for confirming certain Articles of Agreement made between Edward Weftall and his Wife, and Ro- bert Corr an Infant, and others ; and to enable the faid Robert Corr to perform a Contract for Sale of certain. Lands therein mentioned. 27. An Act for Sale of Part of the Eftate of Jordan Long- date Efquire, in the County |of York, for Payment of Debts and Incumbrances affecting the fame. 28. An Act for Sale of Part of the Eftate late of Sir John Lear Baronet, deceafed, in the County of Devon, for Payment of his Debts ; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned. 29. An Act for veiling divers Lands and Hereditaments in the County of Somerfet, being Part of the fettled Eftate of Thomas Fownes Efquire, in Triift to be fold ; and for fettling other Lands in the County of Devon', of greater Value, to the fame Ufes, in lieu thereof. 30. An Act for inclofing Part of certain Common Fields in the Townfhip of Pailton in the County of War- wick. 31. An Act for inclofing Part of a Common, or Wafte Grounds, called Hill-fide, otherwife Lambden Common, in the Manor and Parifh of Odiham and County of Southampton. 32. An Act for dividing and inclofing the Common Fields lying in the Manor of Shipton Moyne, within the Parifh of Shipton Moyne and Dovel in the County of Glouce/ler 9 commonly called the North and South Common Fields. 33. An Act to enable John Bell Efquire, and his Iffue, to take and ufe the Surname of Lane, and the Arms of James Lord Vifcount Lane/borough, deceafed, purfuant to his Will. 34. An Act for naturalizing Adrian Coltee Ducarel. 35. An Act for naturalizing John Dejhons. d 2 PUB LICK