Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/417

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A. D. 1739. Anno duodecimo Georgii II. C. 26. 355 the faid Claufe, and the Powers therein contained, fhall from and after the laid twenty-eighth Day of May one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-nine, ceafe and determine ; any thing therein contained to the contrary notwithftanding. VIII. And be it further enacted, That from and after the faid twenty-eighth Day of May one thou- tool, Penalty fand feven hundred and thirty-nine, if any Goidfmith or Silverfmith, or other Perfon whatfoever, (hall °" <or 8' n 3 caff, forge or counterfeit, or caufe or procure to be cart, forged, or counterfeited, any of the Marks or ■ a . mps " Stamps of the fa'.d Company of Goldfmiths in London., or any of the Marks or Stamps appointed to VeaUd'h^' *"*" be ufed for marking wrought Plate at York, Exeter, Brijiol, Chefter, Norwich or Nevjca/ile upon Tyne, or v Geo?i. r. r ,. any of them ; or fliall cart, forge or counterfeit, or caufe or procure to be caft, forged or counterfeited, »*«* <». < any Mark, Stamp or Impreffion, to referable any Mark, Stamp or Impreffion, to be made with any ■&"/,}.. .'" Mark or Stamp to be ufed by the faid Company of Goldfmiths in London, or by the Wardens or Af- wiihout Bcvft fayers at York, Exeter, Brijiol, Cbejler, Norwich, or Newcajile upon Tyne, or any of them in purfuance 'f-Ckrgg. of this Ait or any other Acts of Parliament now in Force; or fliall mark or (lamp, or caufe or procure to be marked or damped, with any fuch counterfeit Mark or Stamp, any wrought Plate of Gold or Silver whatfoever, or any Wares of Brafs. or other bafe Metal iilvered or gilt over, and' refembling Plate of Gold or Silver ; or (hall tranfpofe or remove, or caufe or procure to be tranfpofed or removed, from one Piece of wrought Plate to another, or to any Veffel of fuch bale Metal as aforefaid, any of the Marks Stamps or Impreffions made, or to be made, by or with any of the Marks or Stamps of the faid Company of Goldfmiths in London, or of the Wardens or Afiayers at York, Exeter, Brijiol, Chefter, Norwich or Newcajile upon Tyne, or any of them, ufed or to be ufed for the Purpofes aforefaid, in pu fu- ance of this or any other Act of Parliament now in Force j or fliall fell, exchange or expofe to Sale any Manufacture of Gold or Silver, or export the fame out of this Kingdom, with any fuch fuch forged or counterfeit Mark, Stamp or Impreffion ihereon, or any Mark, Stamp or Impreffion fo tranfpofed or removed from another Piece of Plate as aforefaid, knowing fuch Mark, Stamp or Im- preffion to be forged, counterfeited or tranfpofed or removed as aforefaid ; then fuch Goidfmith, Silver- fmith or other Perfon fhall for every or any of the faid Offences forfeit and pay the Sum of one hundred Pounds, to be recovered and difpofed of as in this Act is mentioned ; and for Default of Payment theieof, or any Part thereof, fhall be committed by the Court in which Judgment (hall be given there- on, to the Houfe of Correction for the County, City or Liberty where convicted, there to remain and be kept to hard Labour for any Time not exceeding the Space of two Years, or until Payment be made of the faid Forfeiture. ' IX. And whereas great Frauds and Abufes are daily committed by the private working and manu- claufe to pre- l facturing cf Silver Plate, without the Notice or Knowledge of the Commiffioners or Officers appointed vJorkin- of sfu

  • by his Majefty for managing the Duty, notwithftanding the Powers given for preventing the fame by an ver Plate.

& Act made in the fixth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King Gegrge, for laying a Duty on 6 Geo i c it '* wrought Plate : Now for the better preventing fuch Frauds and Abufes, and theDifcovery of fuch pri- ' vate Workhoufes or Places for the future ;' Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid twenty-eighth Day of May one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-nine, every work- ing Goidfmith and Silverfmith, and other Manufacturer of Gold or Silver whatfoever, who (hall at any time or times after the faid twenty-eighth Day of May one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-nine, work or make, or caufe to be wrought or made, any Gold or Silver Veffel, Plate, or Manufacture of Gold or Silver whatfoever, by this Act required to be marked by the faid Company of Goldfmiths, or by' the faid Wardens or Affayers at the Cities or Places aforefaid reflectively, fhall from time to time fend with every Parcel of fuch Gold or Silver to the Affay Office of the laid Company, or to the faid Wardens or Affayers, a Note or Memorandum in Writing containing the Day of the Month and Year, the Christian and Surnames of the Worker or Maker, and Place ot his Abode, all the Species in fuch Parcel of Plate, and the Number of each Species, with the total Weight of fuch Parcel ; which Note or Memorandum (hall be entred in like Manner by fome Officer or Servant of the faid Company, or by the faid Wardens or Affayers, or their Servants, in one or more of their Book or Books, and fliall be afterwards filed ; and the Officer or Servant of the faid Company, or fuch Warden or Affayer as afore- faid, who (hall fo enter and file fuch Notes or Memorandums, (hall monthly tranfmit or deliver on Oath into the all the Notes or Memorandums by him or them received of or for Silver Plate affayed and marked at the refpective Affay-offices, or true Copies thereof; and the Commiffioners of Excife (hall and may, and they are hereby fully authorized and impowered monthly or oftner if they fhall think fit, to appoint any Perfon or Perfons to infpect and examine the Book or Books in the Affay-offices, in order to check any Account or Accounts of wrought Plate chargeable with the faid Duty ; and for every Default of fuch Goidfmith, Silverfmith, or Manufacturer of Gold or Silver, and of fuch Officer or Servant of the faid Company of Goldfmiths as aforefaid, and for every Default of fuch Warden or Affayer at any of the faid other Cities or Places, touching or concerning any of the before-mentioned Premiffes, he, each, and every of them, fliall forfeit and pay the Sum of five Pounds, to be recovered and difpofed of as herein after is mentioned ; and for want of Payment the Offender fliall be committed by the Court, in which Judgment fhall be given thereon, to the Houfe of Correction for the County, City, or Liberty where convicted, there to remain and be kept to hard Labour for any Time not exceeding the Space of three Months, or until Payment be made of the faid For- feiture. ' X. And whereas by a Claufe contained in the faid Act of the fixth Year of the Reign of his late

  • Majefty King George the Fkft, it is enadied, That any Perfon or Perfons exporting by way of Mer-

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