Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/419

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A. D. 1739. Anno duodecimo Geo rgi 1 II. C. 26. 357 XIV. Provided neverthelefs, That if any Parcel or fingle Piece of wrought Gold (hall be brought or fent to the faid Office to be affayed, which according to the Rates or Prices above limited fhall not amount to the Sum of fifteen Pence; that then there (hall be paid for affaying and marking fuch Parcel or fingle Piece of wrought Gold, a Price or Reward not exceeding fifteen Pence; any thing herein contained to the contrary in any wife notwithstanding. Xv'. And te it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That it (hall and may be lawful to and for the faid Wardens and Commonalty, and their Succeffdrs, or for fuch Perfon or Perfons as the Court of Afiiftants of the faid Company (hall authorize and appoint, to afk, demand, take and receive, of and from all and every Perfon and Perfons who (hall from time to time, after the faid twenty-eighth Day of May one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-nine, bring or fend to the fnid AlTay-office any Piece or Parcel of large Silver Plate weighing four Pounds Weight Troy, or lefs, for the affaying and marking every fuch Piece or Parcel, a Sum of Money or Reward not exceed- ing five Pence; and for every Piece or Parcel of fuch Plate weighing above four Pound Weight Troy, there (hall be taken out and detained, a Diet not exceeding ten Grains per Pound Weight Troy: And the faid Wardens and Commonahy, and their Succeflbrs, and fuch Perfjn or Perluiis as the Court of Afiiftants of the faid Company fhall authorize and appoint, (hall and may, and they are hereby impowered to afk, demand, take and receive for allaying, trying and marking the feveral (mail Wares of fiver fo lowing, of and from the Perfon and Perfons, who (hall from time to time after the (aid twenty-eighth Day of May one thoufand kven hundred and thirty-nine, bring the fame to the faid AlTay-office to be allayed and marked, fuch Prices or Sums of Money, as they fhall from time to time think fit, fo as fuch Prices or Sums of Money do not exceed the Prices or Sums of Money following; that is to fay, For every Sword-hilt, five Pence; for every Snuff-box, three Pence three Farthings; for every Pair of Spurs, three Pence three Farthings r for every Watch- c.'fe or Watch-box, two Pence Plalfpenny; for every Knife or Fork-haft, five Farthings; for every Pair of Buckles, one Half-penny; for every Pair of Tea-tongs, five Farthings; for every Dozen of Tea-fpoons or Tea-ftraine:s, three Pence three Farthings; for Belt-buckles, Belt-locks, Runners and Pendants, two Pence Halfpenny apiece; for every Orange-drainer or Nutmeg-grater, five Farthings; for every Dram-cup, three Farthings; for every Dozen of Seals, three Pence three Farthings; tor . . every Salt-feller, five Farthings; for every Pair of Clafps, three Farthings;• and for every Dozen ot Buttons, three Pence three Earthings. XVI. Provided neverthelefs, That if any Parcel or fingle Piece of Wrouht Silver Plate (hall be brought or fent to the faid Office to be affayed, which according to the refpective Rates or Prices- herein before limited (hall not amount to the Sum of five Pence; then there (hall be paid for affay- ing and making fuch Parcel or (ingle Piece of Silver Plate, a Sum of Money or Reward not exceed- ing five Pence; any Thing herein contained to the contrary in any wife notwithftan ling. XVII. Provided always, and it is hereby enacted and declared, That if any Perfon or Perfons fhall Penalty on refa- refufe or neglect to pay fiich refpeciive Prices, Sums of Money or Rewards, as may by this- Act be de- £ n? to w ' he manded, and are hereby refpectively required to be paid on account or for the Purpofes aforefaid; that i n g™&°, a ay ~ then it (hall be lawful for any Warden or Deputy-warden of the faid Company for the time being, to refufe to affay, try or mark all or any of the Plate of fuch Perfon or Perlbns fo neglecting to pay,. until fuch Prices, Sums of Money or Rewards as aforefaid, (hall be actually paid. XVIII. Provided alfo, and it is hereby declared, That it (hall and may be lawful to and for the Trie fame Prices Affayers at York, Exeter, Briftol, Cbeftcr, Norwich ar.d Nezvca/Ile upon Tyne, and every of them for '? ^ P ex •"• j the time being, to afk, demand, take and receive, the like Rates or Prices refpectively;, for alfiy- &c . ' ing and marking wrought Plate of Gold or Silver, as the Company of Goldfmiths in London are hereby impowered to receive and take, and (hail and may refufe to affay, try or mark Plate, for any Default of Payment. XIX. Provided likewife, and it is hereby enafted and declared, That in cafe the faid Prices, SumsO^'P'^^^ of Money or Rewards, hereby given, granted or allowed, for the aifaying and marking wrought appii e d° w Plate, fhall raife more Money than fhall be fufficient to defiay the neceffary Expences of the faid refpective Affay-offices, then the Overplus Money (if any) fhaM be applied, from time to time, in- the profecuting Offenders againft this Act; and if fuch Profecutions (hall not require the whole Over- plus (if any) that then the faid Prices, Sums of Money or Rewards, (hall afterwards be leffened in Proportion by the faid refpective Companies of Goldfmiths; and tlrey are hereby required to take" fo much lefs for the affaying, trying and marking wrought Plate for the future, as will anfwer trie-" Purpofes aforefaid only, without bringing any Profit to any of the faid refpective Companies; any Thing herein contained to the contrary hereof in' any wife notwithftan .'ing. XX. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the did twenty- Array-office tar- eighth Day of May one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-nine, the AiTay-office of the. faid Gem- ^^P^j*".^ pany of Goldfmiths in London fhall be kept open for the taking in Plate, from feven of the Clock the Morning*, in the Morning till nine, of the Clock of the fame Morning, every working Day or Hall Day; and &c. the Weigher fhall take in the fame, with the Notes or Memorandums thereof hereby directed to be fent. therewith, and he' (trail weigh, and take an Axccount thereof before the fame be affayed; and afterwards weigh the Plate back, and deliver the fame to the Owner or- his Order; and when and 1 as often as the_ common Affayer or common A flayers of the faid Company, or fuch common. Affayer or common Affayers, or his and their AfTiuant or Affutants, or any of them (fuch Affayers and Af- iiftants being from time to time appointed by the Court of Afiiftants of the faid Company, and fworn truly to execute their refpe.etive Offices) or any Affayer at York, Exeter, Brijicl, Cbefler; Nor- wich or Newcajlk upon Tyne, (hall find or difcover any Parcel of Plate to be of a courier Allay thafa,. ths-