Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/424

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362 This Aa not to hinder any Games in Pa- laces where the King re- fides ; nor to affeft the Right to any Lands, &c. held by Lot. Limitation of Actions, General Iflue. Treble Cofts. Concerning un- lawful Gaming fee farther 13 Geo, Preamble, re- citing the Afis 22 Hen. 8. c. 5. j Anns, ftat. 1. c. iS. 11 & 12 W. 3. c. 19. C. 29. . Anno duodecimo Georgii II. A. 0.1739 of ten Pounds for each Offence ; one Moiety whereof to be paid to any Perfon or Perfons who fhall fu. for the fame, and the other Moiety thereof to the Poor of the Parifh or Place where fuch Offence fhal be committed ; and fhall be recovered with full Cofts of Suit, by Action, Bill, Plaint or Informatioi in any of his Majefty's Courts of Record, or at the Affize for any County ; in which Action Bill Plaint or Information, no Effoin, Protection or Wager of Law, nor more than one Imparlance fhal be allowed ; fuch Profecution being commenced within fix Months next after fuch Refufal of fuch Juf tices or Mayor. X. Provided always, and it is hereby enacted and declared, That nothing in this Act, or in am former Acts againft Gaming contained fhall extend to prevent or hinder any Perfon or Perfons frori gamine or playing at any of the Games in this or in any of the faid former Acts mentioned within am of his Majefty's Royal Palaces, where his Majefty, his Heirs or SuccefTors fhall then refide. XI. Provided always, and it is hereby further enacted and declared, That nothing herein container fhall extend, or be any ways conftrued, deemed or taken to extend, or in any Sort to affect or pre judice any Eftate or Intereft in, out of, or to any Manors, Honours, Royalties, Lands, Tenements Advowfons, Prefentations, Rents, Services and Hereditaments whatfoever, which fhall or may at am Time or Times hereafter be according to the Laws now in being legally allotted to, or held by or b Means of any Allotment or Partition by Lots ; but that all Perfons who now are, or that (hall here- after become, really and truly feized as Part-owners, Joint-tenants, and Tenants in Common of am Manors, Honours, Royalties, Lands, Tenements, Advowfons, Prefentations, Rents, Services and He- reditaments, fhall, and he, (he and they, and his, her and their Heirs and Affigns is, and are herein made and continued capable to accept and take fuch Eftates and Intereft, and Parts therein, in fuel and the like Manner, and to fuch and the like Ufes, as he, fhe or they might, would or could havi done by, or by virtue, or in Confequence of any Lot, Scroll, Chance or Allotment whatfoever. had this prefent Act never been made ; any thing herein contained to the contrary thereof notwith (landing. XII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Suit or Action fhall be com- menced or profecuted againft any Perfon or Perfons for any thing done in purfuance of this Act, every fuch Suit or Action fhall be commenced within three Calendar Months next after the Fact was com- mitted, and not afterwards ; and fhall be laid or brought in the County, City or Place where the Cauft of Action fhall arife, and not elfewhere ; and the Defendant and Defendants therein fhall and may plead the General IfTue, and give this Act and the fpecial Matter in Evidence at the Trial to be hac thereupon, and that the fame was done in purfuance of or by the Authority of this Act ; and if the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs fhall become nonfuited, or difcontinue his, her or their Action or Actions, Suil or Suits, or if upon Demurrer Judgment fhall be given againft the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs ; the Defendani or Defendants mall and may recover treble Cofts, and have like Remedy for the fame, as any De- fendant or Defendants hath or have for Cofts in any other Cafes by Law. c. 19. 18 Geo. 2. c. 34. 29 Geo. 2. c. 7. 30 Geo. c. 24. CAP. XXIX. An Aft for the more eafy afiefllng, collecting and levying of County Rates. WHEREAS by an Act paffed in the twenty-fecond Year of the Reign of King Henry the Eighth, for repairing and amending Bridges and Highways : And whereas by another Ac! paffed in the firft Year of the Reign of her late Majefty Queen Anne, to explain and alter the faid A<5t, it is, for the more eafy taxing and collecting the Money for the Repair of fuch Bridges and Highways thereunto adjoining (amongft other Things) enacted, That the Juftices of the Peace within the feveral Limits of their Commiffions fhall at their General or Quarter- Seflions of the Peace have full Power and Authority, upon due Prefentment to them made that any Bridge within their respec- tive Commiffions or Authorities is out of Repair, and which by them hath ufually, or ought to have been repaired and maintained, to make Affeffments upon every Town, Parifh or Place within then refpective Commiffions for that Purpofe, in Proportions upon each respective Town and Parifh as they ufually have been affeffed towards the Repair of Bridges ; which Affeflments are to be levied and collected in the Manner prefcribed by the faid Act : And whereas by an Act paffed in the eleventh and twelfth Years of the Reign of his late Majefty King William the Third, to enable Juftices of the Peace to build and repair Gaols in their refpective Counties, it is (amongft other Things) enacted, That it fhall and may be lawful for the Juftices of the Peace, or the greater Number ol them, within the Limits of their Commiffions, upon Prefentment of the grand Jury or grand Juries, at the Affize, great Seflions and general Gaol Delivery, held for the fame County, of the Infufficiency or Inconveniency of their Gaol or Prifon, to conclude and agree upon fuch Sum or Sums of Money, as upon Examination of able and fu indent Workmen fhall be thought neceffary for the building,; firiifhing and repairing a publick Gaol or Gaols, belonging to the Shire or County whereof they arer Juftices of the Peace ; and by Warrant under their Hands and Seals, or under the Hands and Seals' of the greater Number of them, by equal Proportions to diftribute and charge the Sum or Sums of Money to be levied for the Ufes aforefaid upon the feveral Hundreds, Lathes, Wapentakes, Rape, Ward or other Divifion of the ("aid County, in the Manner prefcribed by the faid Act; which faid Act was revived and continued by an Act paffed in the tenth Year of the Reign of her late Majefty Queen Anne for feven Years, and to the End of the then next Seffion of Parliament, and made perpetual by an Act of the fixth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King George the Firft : ' And