Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/43

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The TITLES of the STATU T.E S. eight Pence Half-penny, remaining in the Receipt of his Majefty's Exchequer, arifen by Sale of Lands in the Ifland of Saint Chriflopher' 's ; and for the further ap- propriating the Supplies granted in this Sefiion of Par- liament. 24. An Act for amending and enforcing the Laws relating to Rogues, Vagabonds, and other idle and diforderly Perfons, and for reducing the fame into one Act of Parliament; and al'fo for amending the Laws for erecting, providing, and regulating Houfes of Correc- tion. 25. An Act for the more effectual Maintenance and Well-keeping of Staines Bridge and Egbam Caufeway, being the Highway from London to the W eft Parts of England. . 26. An Act to revive, explain and amend an Act made in the fixteenth and feventeenth Years of the Reign of his late Majefty King Charles the Second, intituled, An Act for making the River of Med way navigable, in the Counties of Kent and Suffex. 27. An Act for prohibiting Commerce with Spain. 28. An Act for continuing the feveral Laws therein men- tioned, relating to the Premiums upon the Importation of Mails, Yards, and Bowfprits, Tar, Pitch, and Tur- pentine; to BritiJ/j-mzde Sail Cloth, and the Duties payable on Foreign Sail Cloth; to the Greenland, and to the Whale Fifhery ; for granting a further Bounty for all Ships employed in the Whale Fifhery during the prefent War ; for exempting Harponeers and others employed in the Greenland Fifhery Trade, from being impreffed ; and for giving further Time for the Pay- ment of Duties omitted to be paid for the Indentures and Contracts of Clerks and Apprentices. > 29. An Act for confirming and enlarging the Powers granted by his Majefty to the Governors; and Guar- dians of the Hofpital for the Maintenance and Educa- tion of expofed and deferted young Children, by his moft Gracious Charter, bearing Date the feventeenth Day of October in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-nine, and to enable them to execute the good Purpofes of the faid Charter. 30. An Act for further enlarging the Term granted by an Act of the ninth and tenth Years of the Reign of King William the Third, For cleanfeng and making na- vigable the Channel from the Hithe at Colchefter to Wi- venhoe ; and for making the faid Act, and another Act of the fifth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King George the Firft, For enlarging the Term granted by the faid Act of the ninth and tenth Years of the Reign of King William the Third, more effectual. PRIVATE ACTS, Anno 1.3 Georgii II.

  • ' A ^ ^^ ^ or I5atl i ran ' z i n g John-Georg Liebenrood, Bar-

J~ tholomezv-Chriflopher Lutyens,. and others. 2. An Act for explaining feveral Powers contained in the Will of William late Lord Craven, for making Join- . tures and Leafes, and for rendering the fame Powers more effectual for the Purpofes thereby intended. 3. An Act for confirming and eftablifhing an Exchange, agreed upon between the Lord of the Manor, and the Rector of the Parifh Church of Great Bircham in the County of Norfolk ; and for promoting and facilitating an Inclofure, intended to be made of divers Commons, Common Pafture, and Wafte Grounds, lying in the iaid Parifh of Great Bircham, 4. An Act to enable William Grierfon, the cfJefi Son of Sir Robert Grierfon of Lag, Baronet, to fue or maintain any Action or Suit, notwithftanding his Attainder ; and to remove any Difability in him, by reafon of his faid Attainder, to take or inherit any Real or Perfonal Eftate, that may have defcended or otherwife come to- him, fince his late Majefty's moft Gracious Pardon, dated the twenty-ninth Day of June in the eleventh Year of his Reign, or that fhall hereafter defcend or otherwife come to him. 5. An Act to enable Thomas Bettefvorth Efquire, and his Heirs Male, to take and ufe the Surname of Bi!fon 7 purfuant to the Will of Leonard Bilfon Efquire, tle- ceafed. 6. An Act for naturalizing Amalie Sophie de Wallmodert. 7. An Act for naturalizing Anthony l^azeille, Stephen Saint Andre, and others. 8. An Act for naturalizing Ifaac Olier, Chriflian Schutte, John-Daniel Cotton, and Henry Lyell. 9. An Act to explain and enlarge the feveral Powers for appointing Portions and fettling Jointures, which are contained in certain Letters Patent bearing Date the twenty-fecond Day of October in the twenty-fixtlv Year of the Reign of King Charles the Second, where- by certain yearly Penfions, ifTuing out of the hereditar/ Revenue of Excife, do now ftand limited to William Duke of Cleveland, and Charles Duke of Grafton, and the Heirs Male of their Bodies refpectively. .10. An Act for vefting the Inheritance of Part of the Eftate of George late Earl of Halifax, deceafed, ifi Truftees, for Payment of his Debts,. Daughters Por- • tions, and Legacies. 11. An Act for confirming and eftablifhing certain Ar- ticles of Agreement made between Maurice Conyers Efquire, Lerd of the Manor of Rujlhall in the County of Kent, and the Right Honourable William Lord Aber- gavenny, and other Freehold Tenants of the faid Ma- nor, relating to certain Buildjngs and Inclofures made and erected in and upon Part of the Waftes of the faicj Manor, and for making the faid Agreement more effec- tual, for. the Purpofes thereby intended, 12. An Act to enable Sir William Morice Baronet, to grant to the Incumbent of the Parifh Church of We-> rington in the County of Devon, and his SucceiTors, and the Parifhioners of the faid Parifh, a Piece of Ground belonging to the Capital Meffuage of Werington in the faid County. 13.. An Act for eftablifhing and confirming an Agreement? .between William Gore Efquire,. .Executor of Ediuard Gore Efquire, deceafed, and Mary Gore, Widow of Thomas Gore Efquire, deceafed, for herfelf^ and on the Behalf of Charles Gore an Infant, relating to the Sum> of three thoufand Pounds, paid by Francis Freeman Gentleman, to the faid Ediuard Gore. 14. An Act for exchanging feveral Lands and Grounds- belonging to Thomas Iniuen Efquire, in the Parifh of ! Wootton in the County of Bedford, for other Lands of equal Value- in the fame Parifh, belonging to the Ma-' fter, Fellows, and Scholars of Sidnay-Siffex College in Cambridge. 15. An Act for felling Part of the fettled Eftate of Henry Talbot Efquire, in the Counties of Warwick and Derby ;.■ and for fettling another Eftate in the County of Rut- land, of greater Value, to the fume Ufes. 16. An Act for making Divifiorcs,. Inclofuie3, and Allot- ments of the open Corn Fields, and Common Pailure, in the Lordfhip of Bewholm, otherwife Beiuham, in.