Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/436

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Anno duodecimo Geogiii II.
A. D. 1739


An Act for establishing and well-governing an Hospital or Infirmary in the City of Bath.


'WHEREAS the Medicinal and Mineral Waters of the City of Bath, in the County of Somerset have been found by long Experience to give great Relief to Perfons labouring under, or being afflicted with divers Diseases, nineties or Disorders incident to human Bodies ; but it very often hap- pens, that poor Persons so afflicted live at a great Distance from the said City of Bath, and cannot bear the Expence of going thither, and attending to use the said Waters, by reason whereof great Numbers of such poor Persons have been prevented from using and trying such Waters for their Be- nefit and Relief: And whereas his most Excellent Majefty hath out of his Royal Bounty, and divers other charitable and well-disposed Persons, have contributed and railed by free Gift the Sum of four thousand Pounds and upwards, in order to erect an Hospital or Infirmary in the said City of Bath, for the Relief and Support of such indigent and poor Persons resident in and belonging to Great Britain and Ireland, as are not able without such Charity to have any Benefit from the said Waters, and have actually begun to build such a Hospital or Infirmary, and are now carrying on the same, not doubting but that it will by the present and future Subscriptions and other Charities be compleated and continued for the Benefit of Futurity : And whereas the said Charity deserveth to be promoted and encouraged, and will greatly tend to the Honour and Good of the Publick ; but as the good and generous Intentions of his said most Excellent Majesty, and the said charitable and well-dispoaed Per- sons, cannot be so well and fully effected without an Act of Parliament, for the promoting, establish- ing and making good and effectual the said pious and charitable Intentions;' May it please your most Excellent Majesty that it may be enacted, &c.


  • Governors appointed; who are declared a Body Corporate and Politick, &c. T
  • The Building veiled in the said coporation.
  • Nine to be a Quorum.
  • Methods of admitting Patients.
  • Persons minuted to succeed in Turn.
  • To be supplied with Money exclusive of any Benefit to be received from the Hospital.
  • Persons loitering about the City after they are discharged to be treated as Vagabonds.
  • Persons admitted into the Hospital not to obtain a Settlement.
  • Patients to have the Use of the old hot Bath and the old Pump, &c.
  • The Money and Hospital to be managed by a President, 3 Treasurers and 32 Assiftants.
  • To be chosen annually.
  • Their Proceedings subject to the Inspection of the Corporation.
  • Money arising by Sale of Lands, &c. to be laid out in the Purchase of others, for the use of the Corporation.
  • Members or Governors dying, &c. others to be elected in their Stead.
  • Governors impowered to make By-laws. President to vote as a Member at general Courts;
  • and to have a calling Voice ;
  • and may appoint another Member to act in his Absence.
  • Physicians, &c. to be chosen in a general Asembly.
  • Corporation to consist of 50 Members at least.
  • Actions to be laid in Com' Somerset, &c.



An Act for aecertaining, preferring, and improving the Navigation of the River Lee, from the Town of Hertford to the Town of Ware in the County of Hertford; and for preserving and improving the said River from the said Town of Ware to the new Cut or River made by the Mayor, Commonalty, and Citizens of London; and for enabling the Governor and Company of the New River the better to supply the Cities of London and Westminster, and the Liberties and Suburbs thereof, with good and wholseome Water.
13 Eliz. c. 18. WHEREAS there hath been and still is an ancient and accustomed Navigation on that Part of the River Lee, which runs from the Borough and Town of Hertford in the County of Hertford, to Ware Bridge in the Town of Ware in the same County; which Navigation hath formerly at different Times, been carried on through different Branches of the said River; but the same for many Years past hath been and now is carried from the said Borough and Town of Hertford through a Channel running to Ware Mills, unto and through a Cistern or Lock near the said Mills, and from thence to Ware Bridge in the said Town of Ware, and from thence to the River of Thames: And whereas the Governor and Company of the New River brought from Chadwel and Amwell to London, have, for many Years past, had and received into the said New River, a considerable Quantity of Water which issued out of the said River Lee, at the Mouth or Opening of Manifold Ditch, which lies between the laid Town of Hertford and the said Town of Ware: And whereas several Disputes have arisen between the Corporation of the said Borough and Town of Hertford, and the Inhabitants of the said Town of Ware, and the said Governor and Company, touching the Water issuing out of the said River Lee into the said New River, and touching the Course of the said Navigation : And for ending thereof, and for preventing the like for the future, and for improving the Navigation of the said River Lee, the Corporation of the said Borough and Town of Hertford, and the Inhabitants of the said Town of Ware, and and the said Governor and Company, who have puchased Ware Mills aforesaid, have agreed that the Navigation between Hertford and Ware Bridge may be fixed and ascertained in the present Channel, and that the Quantity of Water which is to be taken from the River Lee, into the said New River, may be ascertained in the Manner, and upon the
