Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/453

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A. D. 1740. Anno decimo tertio Georgii II. C. 8. 387 ed by the King's mod Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That if any Perfon or Perfons who ihall be hired or employed in the working up of any Woollen, Linen, Fuftian, Cotton or Iron Manufactures, fhall, after the firft Day of May one thoufand fevcn hundred and forty, purloin, imbezil, fecrete, fell, pawn, exchange, or otherwife illegally difpole of any

the Materials with which he, fhe or they lhall be refpectively intrufted to work up fuch Woollen,

Linen, Fuftian, Cotton or Iron Manufactures, whether the fame or any Part thereof be or be not firft wrought, made up or manufactured, or ihall reel fhort or falfe Yarn, the Perfon or Perfons fo offending, and being thereof convicted in Manner and Form as is prefcribed by the faid recited Act for the Conviction of Pcrfonswho (hall embezil or purloin any of the Materials therein mentioned, he, (he Manufacturers or they fhall feverally forfeit double the Value of the Damages, which the Owner or Owners of fuch of Woollen, Materials, whether the fame or any Part thereof be or be not manufactured, fhall refpectively fuftain ^ Material's thereby, together with fuch Cofts of Profecution for every fuch Offence as fhall be adjudged reafonable to forfeit dou- by the Juftice of the Peace, before whom fuch Offender or Offenders refpectively fhall be convicted ; ble Value; and in cafe immediate Payment of the refpective Forfeitures, together with fuch Cofts of Profecution as aforefaid, (hall be neglected or refufed to be made, that then it (hall and may be lawful to and for the fame Juftke of the Peace, before whom fuch Conviction (hall be made, to caufe the laid Offender or Offenders to be committed to the Houfe of Correction, to be there whipped, and kept to hard Labour for any Time not exceeding fourteen Days ; and in cafe of a further Conviction for or on a Second or or be fe " t t0 other fubfequent Offence of any Perfon, for embeziling or purloining any of the Materials in the faid correction °and Act mentioned, either before the fame or any Part thereof fhall be wrought, made up or converted into whipp'd. merchantable Wares, the Perfon or Perfons fo offending (hall, for every Second or other fubfequent For a f econ<1 Offence, being thereof convicted in Manner as is mentioned in the faid recited Act, forfeit four Times or other future the Value of the Damages, which the Owner or Owners of fuch Materials, whether the fame be or be Offence to for- not wrought, made up or manufactured refpectively, (hall fuftain thereby, together with fuch Cofts of theVatae lMea Profecution as fhall be adjudged reafonable by the Juftice before whom fuch Offender or Offenders (hall be thereof refpectively convicted ; and in cafe immediate Payment of the refpective Forfeitures, together with fuch Cofts of Profecution as aforefaid, lhall be neglected or refufed to be made, that then fuch Juftice, or any other Juftice of the Peace for the County, Riding, Divilion, City, Town or Place, where fuch Offences fhall be committed, lhall caufe the faid Offenders refpectively to be committed to or fent t0 tI)e the Houfe of Correction, to be there kept to hard Labour for any Time not exceeding three Months, nor Houfe of Cor- lefs than one Month, as to fuch Juftice (hall feem reafonable ; and alfo during the Time of fuch Of- region, sfender or Offenders refpective Commitment or Commitments, fhall caufe the faid Offender or Offenders to be publickly whipped in the Market Town where fuch Offender or Offenders fhall be refpectively anc i p U bijckly committed, at the Market-place or Crofs of fuch Town once or oftner as to fuch Juftice fhall feem rea- whipp'd. fonable. II. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That every Perfon or Perfons who from and Receivers fub- after the firft Day of May one thoufand feven hundred and forty, fhall buy or receive, accept or take, by jeft to the way of Gift, Pawn, Pledge or Sale, of or from any or either of the Perfons herein or in the faid recited fame PenaltleSi Act mentioned, any Woollen, Linen, Fuftian, Cotton or Iron Manufactures, either before or after the [fame fhall be wrought, made up, manufactured or converted into merchantable Wares, knowing the ifame to be fo purloined or embeziled, and being thereof lawfully convicted in Manner before-mentioned, lie, fhe and they fhall feverally fuffer, and are hereby fubjected to the like Forfeitures and Penalties re- fpectively, as are by this or the faid recited Act, inflicted on Perfons purloining or embeziling fuch of the. Materials, or Manufactures enumerated or mentioned in the faid before recited Act, or herein be- 'fore in this prefent Act. III. And it is hereby further enacted and declared, That the Forfeitures mentioned and incurred by Forfeitures, the faid recited Act, and alfo the Forfeitures created or given by this prefent Act, fhall, from and after half to the in* pie faid firft Day of May one thoufand feven hundred and forty, when recovered, be applied in Manner ^d haf/to"' following (that is to fay) one Moiety thereof to the Ufe of the Party or Parties injured, and the other the Poor of the Moiety thereof to the Ufe of the Poor of the Parilh only where the Offence fhall be committed, with Parifl i- the like Liberty and Benefit of appealing to all Parties, as is given in and by the faid recited Act of the 'firft Year of her faid late Majefty. ' IV. And whereas many Frauds and Abufes have of late been likewife committed bv Perfons employ- ' ed in cutting out and manufacturing of Skins, Leather and other Materials into Gloves, Breeches, 1 Boots, Shoes, Slippers and other Wares and Manufactures, by purloining, embeziling, fecre;ing, fel-

ling, pawning or exchanging fuch Skins, Leather and other Materials, or in fome other Manner,
wherefore it is become neceffary to make Provifion for dilcovering, preventing and punifhing fuch Of-
fences ;' And for the better regulating fuch Perfons as are or fhall be employed in the Premiffes laft

mentioned, be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if from and after the faid firft Day of Workers in May one thoufand feven hundred and forty, any Perfon or Perfons hired or employed, or to be hired or Leather to pay employed, in cutting, paring, wafhing, drefling, fewing, making up, or otherwife manufacturing of Da " na y ^ Gloves, Breeches, Leather, Skins, Boots, Shoes, Slippers, Wares or other Goods or Materials to be imbezilment ; made ufe of in any of the Trades or Employments, or in Manner laft mentioned, or in any Branch or Particular thereof, (hall fraudulently purloin, embezil, fecrete, fell, pawn or exchange, all or any Part of the Gloves, Breeches, Leather, Skins, Parings or Shreads of Gloves or Leather, or other Materials with which he, fhe or they fhall be intrufted to work up or manufacture, or fhall purloin, imbezil, fecrete, fell, pawn or exchange any Gloves, Breeches, Boots, Shoes, Slippers or Wares, when made, wrought up or manufactured, or do or wilfully permit any other Act, whereby to leffen the Value of fuch or any D d d 2 Part