Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/478

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412 C. 7. Anno decimcTquarto Georgii II. A. D, 1741. Perfons who have Power to fufpend Prohi- bitory Laws, County of Edinburgh, not being Corn Merchants nor Factors for Corn, nor any way interefted or con- cerned in any Corn to be imported, and who (hall each of them have and be in PofleiTIon of a Land Eftate of four hundred Pounds Scots per Annum of valued Rent, and bein° fkilful in the Price of Corn ^nd then arid there upon the Oaths of fuch two or more Perfons (and which Oath the faid Judges or any five of them, are hereby impowered to adminifter) and by fuch other Ways and Means as to them (hall feem proper and neceffary, to examine, enquire into and determine the common Market Prices of middling Corn and Grain and Oatmeal of the refpective Sorts and Kinds above-mentioned, as the lame (hall and may be commonly bought in the faid County and^City of Edinburgh, and to fix and afcertain the fame by a proper Act or Determination, to be fubfcribed under the Hand of one of the principal Clerks of Seffion, an authentick Copy of which Judgment and Determination (ha!l be tranf- mitted from the faid Judges to the chief Officer or Collector of the Cuftoms at the Port of Leith for the time being, and (hall be by fuch chief Officer or Collector kept and hung up in the Cuftom-houfe at Leith, and there be patent to all and every Perfon and Perfons who (hall delire to infpect the fame and (hall and may be feen and infpected accordingly without Fee or Reward ; and it (hall and may be' lawful for any Perfon or Perfons intending to import Victual into any Part of Scotland, or defirous to have fuch Victual imported, or for any Juftice of Peace within any County in Scotland, to inquire and demand an authentick Extract or Exemplification of fuch Act or Determination from one of the faid Cierk's Fee. principal Clerks of Seffion under his Hand and Seal, paying therefore the Price of one Shilling and no more, and to deliver the fame Extract or Exemplification to the Collector or chief Officer of any Port or Ports in Scotland, to be by him kept, hung up and made patent as aforefaid ; and that fuch Extract or Exemplification to be delivered, kept and hung up by fuch Collector or chief Officer in any Part of Scotland, which (hall certify, declare and afcertain the current Prices of Victual in the faid City Price of Visual, and County of Edinburgh to exceed the Rates and Prices following ; that is to fay, Wheat three Pounds Scots, or five Shillings Sterling the Winchejler Buffiel, confifiing of eight TVincheJler Gallons ; Bear and Barley one Pound feven Shillings Scots, or two Shillings and three Pence Sterling the TVincheJler Bufhel • Oats one Pound Scots, or one Shilling and eight Pence Sterling ; Peas and Beans one Pound ten Shil- lings Scots, or two Shillings and fix Pence Sterling the Winchejler Bufhel ; and Oatmeal eight Pounds Scots, or thirteen Shillings and four Pence the Bole, weighing eight Stone Troys, (hall be a fufficient Warrant to the Collector and other Officers of the feveral Ports in Scotland, to allow Victual from Ireland or other Parts beyond the Seas, to be entered, unihipped and landed without paying or being charged with any higher Duty than is herein after mentioned. II. And it is hereby further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That it (hall and jnay be lawful to and for the fame Perfons, who for the time being are by virtue of this Act authorized and required to exercife and execute the faid Power of Sufpenfion as aforefaid, and they are hereby refpectively autho- haveai(bPower rized and required, once in every thirty Days from the Time that fuch Sufpenfion (hall have taken to ^takeoff fuch Effect (fo long as there (hall be an Occafion or Neceffity for the fame) by the Ways and Means herein u pen ion. before mentioned, directed and appointed, or any of them, to examine and enquire into and determine the common Prices of middling Corn and Grain of the refpective Sorts and Kinds above mentioned ; and in cafe upon fuch Enquiry it (hall appear and be found, that the current Price of Victual in the faid City and County of Edinburgh (hall not exceed the Rates and Prices above-mentioned, upon which the Sufpenfion directed and intended by this Act is to be founded, then, and in fuch Cafe, they are hereby authorized and required, by a proper Act or Inftrument to be fubfcribed as aforefaid, to deter- mine and afcertain the fame, and tranfmit, or caufe to be tranfmitted, authentick Extracts or Exem- plifications of fuch Act or Inftrument to the chief Officer or Collector of the Cuftoms at the Port of Leith for the time being, and to the Collectors or chief Officers of all the other Ports in Scotland ; and which faid Extracts or Exemplifications (hall be by fuch Officers refpectively kept and hung up in the refpective Cuftom-houfes or Offices to which they refpectively belong, and there be patent to all Perfons who (hall defire to infpect the fame, and (hall and may be feen and infpected accordingly without Fee or Reward ; and fuch Extracts or Exemplifications (hall be fufficient Notice to the Collectors and other Officers of the feveral Ports in Scotland, that the Laws prohibiting the Importation of Victual from Ireland or other Parts beyond the Seas are again revived and in Force, and an Authority for them to ftop the entering, unlhipping and landing the fame. Former Duties HI- And be it declared and further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That fuch and the fame to be continued Cuftoms and Duties (hall be paid for any Corn or Grain imported by virtue and in purfuance of this b nC thi eS Ait tecl ^^~> as are cnar S e d an d directed to be paid upon foreign Corn imported, in and by an Act made and si Car. 2. c. 13. paffed in the two and twentieth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King Charles the Second, in- tituled, An Ail for Improvement of Tillage, and the Breed of Cattle ; and the faid Cuftom and Duty (hall be regulated by, and be collected and paid, according to the Rates and Prices to be fettled, afcertained and determined in purfuance of this Act, and not otherwife. AOsziCar. 2. IV. And it is hereby further enacted, That all the Claufes and Provifions contained, as well in the civ and faid Act of the two and twentieth of King Charles the Second, as in an Ait made in the Second relating toPay- Year of his prefent Majefty, intituled, An Att to afcertain the Cuftom payable for Corn and Grain im- ment of Duties, ported ; for better afccriaining the Price and Quantity of Corn and Grain, for which a Bounty is payable upon to remain in. Exportation ; for appropriating the Supplies granted in this Seffion of Parliament ; and for giving Time to Clerks and Apprentices to pay Duties omitted to be paid for their Indentures and Contrails ; or in either of them, relating to the Payment and Recovery of fuch Duties, which are now in Force and unrepealed, (hall extend to, take Place, and be in Force in that Part of the united Kingdom called Scotland; and that all Offences there committed againft any Parts of the faid Acts above-mentioned, relating to the faid Duties, (hall and may be profecuted in the Court of Seffion, or his Majefty Exchequer at Edinburgh. CAP.