Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/480

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414 C. 9? 10. Anno declmo quarto Georgii II. A. D. 174 ' faid Indenture made for the Management of the faid Undertaking for recovering and preferving t faid Navigation, and of the Affairs relating thereto, as by the faid Indenture may more fully appea And whereas the Monies advanced and paid in and upon the faid Indenture, having been laid out making the faid Depofit of ten thoufand Pounds in South Sea Annuities, as in the faid Act is directe and for other the Purpofes in the faid Indenture mentioned, great Progrefs was thereby made in r covering the faid Navigation ; but the fame not being perfected, and it being neceffary to raife fu ther Monies for that Purpofe, it was by Deed Poll, bearing Date the feventeenth Day of Augujl 01 thoufand feven hundred and thirty-fix (and executed by much the greater Part both in Number ai Value of the faid Subfcribers to the faid Indenture) agreed to advance ten per Centum more on each their refpective Subfcriptions to the faid Indenture, for the Purpofes in the faid Indenture exprefli concerning the faid forty thoufand Pounds ; and afterwards there being a Neceffity to raife furth Monies for the perfecting the faid Navigation, by another Deed Poll, bearing Date the third Day March one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-fix, and executed likewife by much the greater Pa in Number and Value of the faid Subfcribers to the faid Indenture, it was agreed by the faid Sul fcribers to the faid Deed Poll to advance twenty Pounds per Centum more on their refpective Sul fcriptions to the faid Indenture, for perfecting the faid Navigation; and whereas the Subfcribers the faid Indenture, and to the faid Deeds Poll, and Undertakers of the faid Navigation, having raife and paid in forty-feven thoufand eight hundred and thirty Pounds, the fame hath been laid out making the faid Depofit of the ten thoufand Pounds by the faid Act directed, as a Fund to anfw the Damages therein fpecified, and in cutting and making a new Channel for the faid River D through the adjacent Marfhes, near ten Miles in Length, and in making a Dam and Sluices crofs tl faid old Channel of the faid River, and deepening and fcouring thereof, and turning the faid Riv into the faid new Channel, and making other Works neceffary for the recovering and preferving tl Navigation of the faid River, and in Charges necefiarily attending the faid Undertaking : And where the joint Stock of the faid Undertaking, which was to confift of forty thoufand Pounds, having bet laid out as aforefaid, and proving infufficient to anfwer the Purpofes of the faid Proprietors, it w computed, that the Subfcribers paying in firft ten per Centum, and then twenty per Centum more c their refpective original Subfcriptions to the faid Indenture, would raife twelve thoufand Pounds more which twelve thoufand Pounds would be fufficient to anfwer the faid Purpofes : But, by reafon of fi veral of the faid Subfcribers to the faid Indenture not having fubferibed the faid Deeds Poll for tl Payment of the above mentioned ten and twenty per Centum on their original Subfcriptions to the fa Indenture, there was but forty-feven thoufand eight hundred and thirty Pounds railed : And where; the faid Undertakers, at a general Meeting held the eleventh Day of December one thoufand few hundred and forty, did agree, for the more effectual carrying on the faid Undertaking in the mo beneficial Manner under the faid Act, and for preferving and fecuring the Works already made, an inclofing and improving the Sands and Grounds verted by the faid Act in the faid Undertakers ; therein is mentioned, that the faid Joint Stock fhould confift of and be fifty-two thoufand Pound and that the faid Subfcribers fhould be allowed fo much of the faid Joint Stock, as fhall be in Pr portion to the refpective Sums paid in by each of them, and that what fhould remain unpaid of tl laid fifty-two thoufand Pounds Stock fhould be vefted in the faid Company, and that they would ei deavour to obtain an Act of Parliament for uniting and erecting the faid Undertakers and Proprieto of the faid Navigation of the faid River Dee into a Company, for the better enabling them to anfwi the Purpofes aforefaid, and for the better fettling and afcertaining their refpective Interefts in the Stoc of the faid Undertaking, in Proportion to the Monies by them fefpectively advanced, and to be ac vanced as aforefaid, and for the prefcribing a certain Method and Form of affigning their refpecth Interefts, in a fhort, eafy and effectual Manner, for the common Good of the faid Undertaking ; an the faid Undertakers have accordingly applied for fuch an Act to be paffed : And whereas it is reafor able and juft, that the faid Undertakers fhould obtain an Act of Parliament for the Purpofes aforefaid May it therefore pleafe your moft Excellent Majefty that it may be enacted, &c. ' Company may purchafe Lands. General Court to make Calls and By-laws. Act 6 Geo. 2. c. 3' ' to remain in Force. Not fubject to Commillioners of Sewers." CAP. IX. An Act for punifhing Mutiny and Defertion, and for the better Payment of the Army and the Quarters; EXP. C A P. X. An A<5t to explain and amend an Act: made in the third Year of the Reign of King the Firlr, intituled, An ASi for the recovering of fmall Debts, and for the relieving of pot Debtors in London. WHEREAS by an Act of Parliament made in the third Year of the Reign of King Jakv the Firft, intituled, An Aff for the recovering of fmall Debts, and for the relieving of poor Dt in London ; it is (amongft other Things) enafied, That every Citizen and Freeman of the City c LonSon, and every other Perfon and Perfons inhabiting, or that fhall inhabit, within the faid City c tire Liberties thereof, being a Tradefman, Victualler or a labouring Man, which then had or there S ' aft< •sSee farther 17 Geo. 2. c. 28. ziu-Gea. 2. c. 35, Preamble. S Jac. 1. c. 15.