Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/490

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424 C. .33. Anno decimo quarto Georgii II. A. D. 1741. ' ing fuch Bridges, or more commodioufly rebuilding tliem : And whereas there is no Power given by ' the Lrws in iking for the rebuilding or repairing of County Bridges to the Juftices of the Peace, to 'put chafe any fuch Pieces or Parcels of Ground : And whereas by an Act made in the thirteenth Year of '"the Reign of his preterit! Majefty, intituled, An Act for the amending and enforcing the Laws relating to ' Rogues, Vagabonds and other idle and dij orderly Perfons, and for reducing the fame into one Acl of Parlia- ' ment ; and alfo for amending the Laws for erecling, providing 'and regulating Houfes of Correction ; it is ' (antongft other Things) enacted, That upon the Prefentmeni of the Grand Jury at the Affizes, Great ' Seffion, or General Gaol Delivery, held for any County or Liberty, that there is no Houfe of Cor- ' reftion, and that it will be neceffary to provide one or more Houfe or Houfes of Correction in fuch ' County or Liberty, or that the Houfe or Houfes of Correction in any fuch County or Liberty is or are ' not fufneient, and want to be enlarged ; the Juftices of the Peace at their General or Quarter- Seflions ' fhall have Power to build, erect or enlarge one or more fit or convenient Houfe or Houfes of Correc- ' tion, or to purchafe one or more convenient Houfe or Houfes for that Purpofe, or to purchafe Land ' to erect fuch Houfe or Houfes of Correction upon, and to make a convenient Backlide or Baeklides ' Outlet or Outlets thereto : And whereas in fome Counties and Liberties, where it is neceffary to have ' a Houfe or Houfes of Correction, there is or may be no Affize, Great Sefilon, or General Gaol De- ' Jivery, and in Confequencc there can be no Prefentment of fuch Grand Jury, fo that in fuch Cafes the ' laid Act is rendered ineffectual:' Therefore for the better repairing and rebuilding County Bridges, and for fupplying the Defects of the faid recited Act, fo far as the fame relates to the repairing, enlarg- ing, building and providing Houfes of Correction, Be it enacted by the King's mod Excellent Majefty, by and with fhe Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this juftices at their prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That from and after the twenty-fourth Quauer-sefTions Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and forty-one, the Juftices of the Peace of any County, City, may purchafe Riding, Liberty or Divifion, at their General S-sflions, or General Quarter-Seffions affembled, or the County Bridges, major Part of them, fhall have Power, and are hereby authorized, to purchafe of, or agree or contract Concerning ' with, any Perfon or Perfons, Bodies Politick or Corporate for any Piece or Parcel of Land'adjoininw or ^Bridges fie far- near t0 an y County Bridge within the Limits of their refpecYive Commiflions, for the more commodious C 40. '"' ' enlarging Or convenient rebuilding the fame ; which Pieces or Parcels of Land fhall not exceed one Acre ji Geo. 2. c. 20. in the Whole for any fuch Bridge, and fhall from time to time be paid for by the refpective Countv Treafurers out of any Monies raifed or to be raifed by virtue of an A6t made in the twelfth Year of rite Reign of his prefent Majefty, intituled, An Ail for the more eafy affcjfing, collecting and levying of dun:-; Rates ; fuch Treafurers being thereunto authorized, by Orders under the Hands and Seals of the refpec- tive Juftices of the Peace at their General Seflions, or General Quarter-Seffions, or the major Part of them ; which Lands fo purchafed, fhall be conveyed to fuch Perfon or Perfons as the faid Juftices of the Peace at their General Seflions, or General Quarter-Seffions, or the major Part of them fh?Il refpectively appoint, in Truft, and for the Ufes and Purpofes of enlarging or rebuilding fuch Bridges refpectively. and have Power U- -And De lt further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid twenty-fourth to enlarge Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and forty-one, the Juftices of the Peace of any County, City, Houfes of Cor- Riding, Liberty or Divifion, at their General Seflions, or General Quarter-Seffions affembled, or the section. major Part of them, where there fhall be no Affizes, Great Seffion, or General Gaol-Delivery held, upon the Prefentment of the Grand Jury to fuch Juftices at their General Seflions, or General Quarter- Seffions,- fhall have- as full Power and Authority to repair or enlarge any Houfe or Houfes of Correct tion already built, or to purchafe any Houfe or Houfes for a Houfe or Houfes of Correction, or to buik or erect any Houfe or Houfes of Correction, or to purchafe Land to erect fuch Houfe or Houfes of Cor- rection upon, and to make a convenient Backlide or Backfides, Outlet or Outlets thereto, as if fncl Prefentment had been made at the Affizes, Great Seffion or General Gaol-Delivery, in fucli Manne as is directed, and by the fame Ways and Means as are provided in and by the faid recited Act made in the thirteenth year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty ; any thing in the faid Act contained to th< contrary thereof in any wife notwithstanding, 10 EHx. e.if. ' HI. And whereas it is enacted in and by the faid Act made in the thirteenth Year of the Reign o 7 Jac. 1. c. 4. ' his prefent Majefty, That the Juftice or Juftices of the Peace, who fhall make any Pafs for conveying 11 & ii W. 3. t an y R oue, Vagabond or incorrigible Rogue, fhall at the fame Time caufe to be delivered to the Con j Ann. fiat. 2. ' ftable a Certificate, afcertaining the Manner of conveying fuch Rogue, Vagabond or incorrigible Rogue i. ij. ' and that when the Place to which the Perfon or Perfons apprehended are to be fent, lies remote, ar* I J?""' '• v- ' there be- one or more Counties, Ridings or Divifions intervening, the Conftable or other Officer, t> i<). 4 w j lom f ucn p a r s an d Certificate lhall be given, fhall forthwith caufe the Perfon or Perfons therein name ' to be conveyed to the next Houfe of Correction in the fame County, Riding or Divifion, where he n ' they fhall dwell : And whereas it has been fometimes found inconvenient, and has ere. ted an extra ' ordinary Expence, to fend the Perfon or Perfons apprehended, who was or were to be immediat I

  • ■ paffed to fome diftant County, Riding or Divifion, by fuch Juftice or Juftices, to the Houfe of Correc

■' tion in the fame County, Riding or Divifion, where he or they dwell, fuch Houfe of Correction ofte ' lying out of the direct Way to the Place where fuch Perfon or Perfons was or were to be paffed Juftice? of the For Remedy whereof, be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid twttl I'eace may fend ty-foi>rth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and forty-one, it fhall and may be lawful for an! tne^riioitconve- Juftice or Juftices of the Peace, to fend any Perfon or Perfons who lhall be apprehended as a Rogue; nient Houfe of Vagabond or incorrigible Rogue, to the Houfe of Correction in the County, Riding or Divifion, when Correftion, &c he or they dwell, or to any other Houfe of Correction in the fame County, Riding or Divifion, as lha 4