Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/492

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426 C. 35. Anno decimo quarto Georgii IL A. D. 1741. faid Weft Riding of the faid County of York, not being Dealers in Woollen Cloth, or being Owners, Farmers or Occupiers of any Fulling-mill, at their next Quarter-Seflions of the Peace to be nolden for the faid Riding, next after Midfummer one thoufand feven hundred and forty-one, or at fome Adjourn- ment of the lame, and at their General Quarter-Seffions of the Peace to be holden next after Eafter yearly, (hall and may, and tljey are hereby authorized and required to choofe and appoint fo many Men of good Character and Repute within the laid Riding, being Perfons following, or having been brought up in the Trade or Occupation of a Maker or Dreffer of Woollen Broad Cloth in the laid Riding, as they mail think convenient, to be Meafurers and Searchers of Cloth at the Mills in the faid Riding, over and above Inch Perfons as are or may be appointed Searchers by virtue of the faid former Acts, or either of them, and to appoint and ftation the Meafurers and Searchers fo to be chofen, at fuch Mills, and in fuch Manner, as to the faidjuftices at their General or Adjourned Seffions (hall feem meet and and appoint convenient; and fhall and may alfign, allow and appoint to the faid Meafurers fo to be appointed their yearly Sa- f nc f, yearly Salaries not exceeding the yearly Sum of twenty-five Pounds to each of them, as the laid Juftices at the laid General or Adjourned Seiiions, or the major Part of them, (hall think proper. On Searcher's ||, Provided always, and be it further enacted, That if any Perfon who (hall be fo appointed to parity! the next De a Searcher of fuch Cloth, (hall happen to die during the. Year which he is fo appointed to be a juitice may Searcher, or (hall by Sicknefs, or any other Accident, be rendered incapable of executing the laid choofe another, Office j that then and in fuch Cafe it (hall and may be lawful for any one fuch Juftice of the Peace as aforefaid, living near to the Place where fuch Searcher did or (hall refide, to appoint fome other proper to be approved Perfon qualified as aforefaid, to fupply the Place of fuch Searcher, until the next Eajler Selfions, to be auhenextEafter t ^ sre by rne lna J or P art °f fuch Juftices prefent confirmed, or another Perfon appointed in his Place; Seffions. and the Perfon fo confirmed or appointed, (hall take the fame Oath, and be inverted with the fame Powers, and liable to the fame Penalties for any Breach or Neglect of Duty, as the Searchers elected or to be elected at the EajL r Seffion by virtue of this Act are or ought to be. Duty of Mea- HI. And it is hereby further enacted, That the faid Meafurers fo to be appointed (hall and may, and furers. trie y are authorized and directed, at the refpective Fulling-mills where they (hall refpectively be ftationed or placed, jointly and together with the Mid-men of the faid Mills refpectively, meafure all the Whole Cloths and Ends which (hall be there milled refpectively, at the refpective Times, and in Manner herein after mentioned ; that is to fay, Such Cloths or Ends as (hall be ftreamed or warned, in the Goit or Mill- ftream of the faid Mills refpectively, lhall be meafured within fix, and not fooner than four Hours, after the fame (hall be fo ftreamed or warned ; and fuch Cloths or Ends as (hall not be. fa ftreamed and wafhed, (hail be meafured within four Hours after the fame (hall come out of the Stock- ■ IV. And it is hereby further enacted, That no_ Cloth-maker fhall take away his Cloth from any fuch Fulling-mill, before the fame has lain four Hours after it has been ftreamed or wafhed ; or be- fore the fame has lain four Hours after it has come out of the Stock (in cafe it (hall not be fo -wafhed or ftreamed) unlefs the fame fhall be fooner meafured and (tamped in Manner herein after mentioned by the Searcher, jointly with the refpective Mill-men at whofe Mills fuch Cloth (hall refpectively be mill- Penalty on the ed or fulled : And if any Cloth-maker fhall take away his Cloth from the Mill before the fame lhall be fo cioth-maker meafured and (tamped, every Perfon fo offending, and being thereof convicted upon the Oath of the thisAfl? 3 Mill-man or Meafurer at the Mill where fuch Cloth was fo fulled, before one or more Juftice or Juftices of the Peace for the faid Riding, or any Corporation within the fame (fuch Juftice or Juftices not being Traders or Dealers in the Woollen Manufacture, or Owners, Farmers or Occupiers of any Fulling-mill) every Perfon fo offending, fhall for every fuch Offence forfeit and pay the Sum of twenty Shillings, to be levied and recovered in fuch Manner as the Penalties inflicted and directed to be levied by the faid Act of the feventh Year of his prefent Majefty are directed and appointed to be levied and recovered, and to be- applied and.difpofed of in Manner following; that is to fay, One Moiety thereof to the Informer, and the other Moiety to the Treafurer of the Weft Riding of the County of York, Fuller and V. And it is hereby further enacted, That every A4ill-man who fhall have the Care of any Fulling- - "o h 'h hi akC mi " at l ^ e Time °f paffing this Act, on or before the firft-Day of May one thoufand {<tNt hundred and a Juftice, ' forty-one, and every Mill-man hereafter to be appointed to and employed as a Mill-man at any fuch Fulling-mill, in the faid Riding, within ten Days after he (hall be fo htft appointed and employed, and every Meafurer and Searches at the Time he fhall be appointed to the faid Office, fhall refpectively, and they are hereby required to take an Oath before fome Juftice of the Peace for the faid Riding, or any Corporation within the fame, that they will well and truly perform fuch Meafuring and Stamp- ed have aCer- ing, according to the Intent and Meaning of this Act; which Oath fuch Juftice of the Peace is here- OaST* °' U ' Ch kv authorized and required to adminifter, and to give fuch Mill-man and Searcher refpectively a Cer- tificate of fuch Oath's having been adminiftred and taken. Fuller and VI. And it is hereby further enacted, That the Fuller or Mill-man who fhall full or mill fuch Cloth, fe»dn sVi-^t anc * Meafurer or Searcher who fhall meafifre the fame, lhall affix or caufe to be affixed on every fuch eagn End of the Cloth, before it (hall be carried from the Mill, two Seals of Lead, to be furnilhed by the Clothier ; one Cloth ; • of which Seals (hail be fixed at one End of fuch Cloth by the Fuller or Mill-man, and the other of the faid Seals to be fixed by fuch Searcher or Meafurer at the other End of fuch Clothe and fuch Searcher or Meafurer, and Fuller or Mill-man refpectively, (hall rivet the Seals by them refpectively to be affixed on every fuch Cloth,' and each of them (lamp his Name, or Part thereof, upon the faid Seal or Rivet ; and- likewife (hall, in Figures plainly to be feen and diltinguifhed, ftamp the Length and Breadth of every and enter a De- fuch Cloth ; and immediately after the (aid Cloth (ha 1 be meafured, fealed and (tamped as aforefaid, the ci'ofh'in'aBo'ok Searcher fiamping the fame (hall enter in a Book to be provided by the Treafurer, and kept at the aml'the Maker's Fulling-mill for that Purpofe, the Name and Place of Abode of the Maker of every fuch Cloth, and Name and Place the Colour or Sort of the fame Cloth, and the Length and Breadth, on fuch Seals by fuch Fuller or «f Abode. . . Mill-man