Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/498

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432 C. 38. Anno decimo quarto Georgii II. A. D. 1741, fpective Perfons, Societies or Partnerfhips, or againft any one or more of the Perfons, who contrary to this Act have or hath been or (hall be engaged or intereftcd in any fuch unlawful Undertaking or At- tempt ; and every fuch Aclion and Suit (tor what hath been or mail be fo undertaken, carried on, at- tempted or done in America) (hall be heard and determined in any of his Majefty's Courts of Record within any of his Majefty's Dominions, Colonies or Plantations in America ; and in every fuch Action TrebieDamatses and Suit the Plaintiff (in cafe he or (he recover) may and (hall recover Treble Damages, with Full and Full Cotts. Q Q ft s f Suit. Notes of Ame- II. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every Perfon and Perfons ncan Societies whatfoever, who- (hall be poflefled or of or intitled to any Promiffory Note or Notes, Bill or Bills, an^Court of which have been or (hall be iflued by any fuch Societies, Partnerfhips or Companies of Perfons in Record, (hall be Amirudi (hall and are hereby impowereJ to commence or bring at any Time hereafter, his, her or paid immedi.ite- t j ie j r Action or Suit, in any Court of Record in any of his Majefty's Dominions, Colonies or Plan- iy ' tations in America, againft the refpeclive Perfons, Societies, Partnermips and Companies, who have or (hall iffue fuch Notes or Bills, or againft any one or more of the Perfons who have been within the Space of fix Years laft paft, or (hall be hereafter engaged or interefted in any iuch unlawfuj Undertaking or Attempt, or who (hall have figned fuch Note or Notes, Bill or Bills, in order to recover prefent Payment in lawful Money of the full Sum mentioned or expreffed in fuch Note or Bill, to which Payment every fuch Perfon is hereby declared to be perfonally liable ; and in fuch Ac- tions or Suits, the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs lhall recover and have Judgment for immediate Payment by the Defendant or Defendants in lawful Money, of the full Sum mentioned in fuch Note or Bill, with hwful In- together with lawful Intereft for the fame from the Day of the Date of fuch Note or Bill, with Full tereit and Fuji" Cofts of Suit, although the Time limited for Payment according to the Tenor of fuch Note or Bill Co'ts. (hall not then be come or paft. Provifo. III. Provided always, That nothing herein contained lhall extend, or be conftrued to extend, to inflict any of the Fines, Pains, Penalties, Forfeitures, Punifhments or Treble Damages aforefaid, upon any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, who have or hath attempted, .promoted, undertaken, ailifted or car- ried on in America any of the Matters or Things declared to be illegal and void by this or the faid re- cited Act, if fuch Perfon or Perfons does or do within ten Days after Demand made, pay and difcharge fuch Sum or Sums of Money reflectively, as (hall be fecured or made payable by fuch Note or Notes, Bill or Bills ; and defift from, give up, relinquifh and wholly forbear to act further in any Sort, di- rectly or indirectly, in any fuch Matter or Thing, on or before the twenty-ninth Day of September one thoufand feven hundred and forty-one ; any thing herein contained to the comrary notwith- anc'rning Plan- fl. ant lj n „ tber 15 Geo. 2. c. 31 fi? 33. 24 Geo. 2. e. 51 Sf £%. 29 Geo. .a. c. .5 & 33. -30 Geo. 2. c.jq, CAP XXXVIII. An Aft for the Encouragement and Increafe of Seamen, and for the better and fpeedier Man- ning his Majefty's Fleet. Preamble. ' II 7HEREAS the Welfare and Profperity of his Majefty's Dominions are greatly concerned in 13 g«- 2. c. j. ' W giving all due Encouragement to Mariners and Seamen to enter voluntarily into the Ships of the ® '?• ' Royal Navy, for the Service and Defence of their Country ;' Be it therefore enacled by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, Bounty-money an d Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That from incwafed. and after the twenty-fifth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and forty-one, every able Seaman who fba'.l, on or before the firft Day of May one thoufand feven hundred and forty-one, voluntarily enter himfelf to ferve on Board any of his Majefty's Ships of War, Ihall receive and be intitled to a Bounty of five Pounds, over and above his Wages ; and every ordinary Seaman who (hall, on or before the firft Day of May one thoufand feven hundred and forty-one, voluntarily enter himfelf to ferve on Board any of his A4ajefty's Ships of War, lhall receive and be intitled to a Bounty of three Pounds, over and above his Wages. widows of II. And it is hereby further enacted, That if any Seaman, under the Degree of a Warrant v or a Seamen killed m Commiffion Officer, entering voluntarily into the Service of his Majefty, his Heirs and SuccelTors, (hall receive a C yea?s De killed or drowned in the faid Service, and (hall leave a Widow, to whom he was lawfully married ; Pay as Bounty, every fuch Widow fending or producing to the Commiffioners of the Navy a Certificate under the Hands of the Minifter, Churchwardens and Overfeers of the Poor of the Parilh wherein (he reiide?, that (he is the real Widow of the faid Seaman fo killed or drowned, ihall receive fuch Sum of Manev, by way of Bounty, as (hall amount to, and be equivalent with, one Year's Pay or Wages of fuch Seaman, computing the fame according to the Rate of the Monthly Wages or Pay he fer.v.ed for, or was intitled to, at the Time of his Death : And the Commiffioners of the Navy for the time being are hereby authorized and required, upon producing fuch Certificate at the Navy Office, to order and dire<t the Payment of fuch Bounty-money accordingly. AS 1 Geo. a. ' III. And whereas by an Act of Parliament made and paffed in the firft Year of the Reign of c. 14. re.ited. « hj s prefent Majefty, intituled, An Ati for encouraging Seamen to enter into his Majefty's Service, it was* ' enacted, That no Perfon whatfoever, who ihould lift and enter "himfelf to ferve his Majefty as a ' Seaman on Board any of his Majefty's Ships or Vefiels, ihould be liable to be taken out of his 4 Majefty's Service by any Procefs or Execution whatfoever (other than for fome criminal Matter) un- ' lefs