Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/525

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A.D. 1742. Anno decimo quinto G e o r g 1 1 II. C. 23 25. 459 I HI. Provided always, and it is hereby enacted and declared by the Authority aforefaid, That nothing Provifo. jn this Act fhall extend or be conftrued to extend, or relate to, or exclude the Treafurer or Comptroller of the Navy, the Secretaries of the Treafury, the Secretary to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, or Se- Concerning Parli- cretaries of the Admiralty, the Under Secretary to any of his Majefty's Principal Secretaries of State, or amm fee father the Deputy Paymaster of the Army, or to exclude any Perfon having or holding any Office or Employ- ' 8 G ">- z - c - » 8 - went for Life, or for fo long as he fliall behave himfelf well in his Office; any Thing herein contained I 9 C(,,2,tl18, to the contrary notwithstanding. 3' £». 2. e. 14. CAP. XXIII. • « Geo.z.c.zo. An Act for fecuring to John Byrom, Mafter of Arts, the fole Right of publifhing, for a certain Term of Years, the Art and Method of Short-hand invented by him. P R. CAP. XXIV. An Act to empower the Juftices of the Peace of a Liberty or Corporation, to commit Offenders to the Houfe of Correction of the County, Riding or Divifion, in which fuch Liberty or Corporation is fituate. HE RE AS Doubts and Queftions have arifen, touching the Commitment of Offenders, by g Gm> Juftices of the Peace of Liberties and Corporations, to the Houfes of Correction of Counties, c. 7. ' Ridings or Divifions, in which fuch Liberties and Corporations are fituate, though the Inhabitants of ' fuch Liberties and Corporations contribute to the Maintenance and Support of fuch Houfes of Correc- ' ' tion ;' Be it therefore declared and enacted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Ad- vice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affem- bled, and by the Authority of the fame, That in all Cafes, where any Perfon liable by Law to be com- j u ft; ces of L -_ mitted to the Houfe of Correction, fliall be apprehended within any Liberty, City or Town Corporate, bertyTr Corno-" whole Inhabitants are contributory to the Support and Maintenance of the Houfe or Houfes of Correction ration, mdy of the County, Riding of Divifion, in which fuch Liberty, City or Town Corporate is fituate ; it fhall -commit Offen- and may be lawful for the Juftices of the Peace of fuch Liberty, City or Town Corporate, to commit d c™'<. the Houfe fuch Perfon to the Houfe of Correction of the County, Riding or Divifion, in which fuch Liberty, City °{ K c°™f'° n & °. or Town Corporate is fituate ; which Perfon fo committed, fliall and may be received, detained, deafr, ' . with and ordered, and be fet and kept to hard Labour, or conveyed and fent away, or discharged, and be - ' er Pn ™fi- fubject and liable to the fame Correction and Punifliment, to all Intents and Purpofes, as if committed 'jufike^l'^Geo. by any Juftiee or Juftices of the Peace of the fame County, Riding or Divifion. 2. c. 18. 18 Geo. 2. c. 2o„ 24 CVo. 2. c. 44 & 55. 26 Geo. 2. c. 14® 27. 27 Geo, 2; c. 16 Sf 20. iW, j.V. 13, C A P. XXV. .,--,;,,. , 3 An Act to impower the Importers or Proprietors of Rum or Spirits of the Britijh Sugar Planta- Z2 c%. 2 . c. 4. trons to land the fame before Payment of the Duties of Excife charged thereon, and toiW.&M.-jiat. lodge the fame in Warehoufes at their own Expence ; and for the Relief of Ralph Barrow? f&lw m, in refpect to the Duty on fome Rock Salt, loft by the overflowing of the Rivers Weaver <• ' s . * ' ' ' ' ° 7 ts 8 W. . 3 . c, and Dane. 3 o. 8 & 9 W, J9. io£f 11 W. 3. c. 4&f 21. 12 W. i,c. I J. I Ann. fiat. 1'. c. 14. A.Ann.c.12. 12 Ann. fiat. a. c. 3. 3 (Seo. I. c. 4. 6 Geo. It c, 21, 3 GtB ( 1, c. 18. 11 Geo, 1. c. 30, 2 Geo. 2. c. 23. 6 Geo. 2. c. 17. 7 Geo. 2. c. 14. 9 Geo. 2. c. 23. 10 Geo. 2. c, 17. 11 Geo. 2. c. 26. HEREAS the feveral Rates, Duties and Charges of Excife npon all Strong Waters, Brandy, Spirits or Aqua Vita, imported from beyond the Seas, are by the . feveral and refpedtive Acts

  • charging and impoftng the fame, directed and required to be from Time to Time fatisfied and paid by

' the Merchant or Merchants, Importer or Importers of the fame in ready Money, upon his or their En- ' try or Entries made, and before the landing thereof : And whereas the permitting Rum or Spirits of the ' Growth or Manufacture of his Majefty's Plantations in America? to be landed before Payment of the fe- ' veral Rates, Duties and Charges of Excife now impofed thereon, and to be put into Warehoufes, upon ' the Proprietor or Proprietors, Importer or Importers of fuch Rum or Spirits, firft giving good a -id fuf- ' ficient Security for the Payment of the fame, will be an Eafe and Convenience to the Proprietor and ' Proprietors, Importer and Importers thereof, and may caufe and promote a larger and greater Im.porta- ' tion thereof ;' Be it therefore enacted by the King's rnoft Excellent Majefty, by, and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament .affernbled, and by the Authority of the fame, That from and after the twenty-ninth Day of September one thoufand Rum, &e. m- feven hundred and forty two, all fuch Rum or Spirits of the Growth, Produce or Manufacture of the ported frok Brit'tjl) Sugar Plantations, as fliall be imported into the Kingdom of Great Britain, directly from the faid Br ' tl * ' * Sugar Plantations, or any of them, upon the Entry thereof may forthwith, and before Payment of all or J^^'l' any Part of the faid Duty of Excife, be landed from on board the Ship or Veffel ill which the fame fhall be fo imported, and carried or put into fuch Warehoufe or Warehouses as fliall be for that PurpoJe'pi vided at the Charge of the refpective Proprietor or Proprietors, Importer or Importers of ! : . ; or Nnn2 spirits,