Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/527

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A. D. 1742; Anno decimo quinto Georgii II. C. 25. 46 r Duties ; and the refpective Warehoufe Keeper or Warehoufe Keepers are thereupon to give fuch Impor- ter or Proprietor, or Perfon fo employed to take Care of the Delivery thereof, a Permit or Certificate to accompany fuch Rum or Spirits fo delivered out, which Permit or Certificate fhall be alfo figncd by the Excife Officer attending the faid Warehoufe or Warehoufes, who (hall be appointed by the Commiffi- oners for the faid Excife Duties or the major Part of them, to prevent the feizing thereof. VI. Provided always, That no Proprietor, Importer or Buyer of the faid Rum or Spirits, or other What QuratiriM Perfon or Perfons, to be by him or them appointed, fhall receive out of any fuch Warehoufes aforefaid, '° bc ™" VKW " any lefs Quantity of Rum or Spirits at one 'Time, than one Puncheon, Hogfhead or other Call:, con- taining not lefs than twenty Gallons, unlefs fuch Rum was for the Ufe of the Mariners and Seamen in the Voyage. VII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhali and may be lawful for the Pro- 1 ■ oc]< ■ , to ,he prietor or Importer of fuch Rum or Spirits, fo to be lodged in any fuch Warehoufe or Warehoufes as Wa " :t,ou ' ,:v ' aforefaid, to affix one Lock to every fuch Warehoufe, the Key of which fhall remain in the Cultody of fuch Proprietor or Importer; and to and for the Officer or Officers to be appointed by the faid Commif- lioners for the faid Excife Duties, to attend fuch Warehoufe or Warehoufes, to affix one other Lock upon every fuch Warehoufe or Warehoufes, the Key whereof to remain in the Cuffody of the faid Offi- cer for the faid Excife Duties ; and the faid Proprietor or Importer fhall and may in the Prefence of the ("aid Warehoufe Keeper or Excife Officer (who are hereby obliged to attend at all reafonable Times for that Purpofe) view, examine, fhew and receive out of the faid Warehoufe or Warehoufes, the faid Rum or Spirits or any Part thereof, not lefs than the Quantity herein before for that Purpofe mentioned, upon paying the faid Duty of Excife for the fame ; and upon producing fuch Certificate or Receipt from the Collector or Receiver of the faid Inland Duties of Excife, of the fame being paid in Manner as is herein before for that Purpofe particularly prefcribed. VIII. Provided always, and be it enacted, That all and every fuch Rum or Spirits of the Brltijh Sugar Rum In Warr- Plantations, as fhall be fo lodged in any Warehoufe or Warehoufes, fhall be fubject and liable to the houfes, fnbjeft- fume Duties, both of Excife and Cuftoms, to be applied to the fame Ufes and Purpofes, and to be mana- " ,h f e L 'Tp 0C ged and collected by the fame Perfons, and in the fame Manner, fubject and liable to all and every the ft ^ s ' fame Rules, Entries, Reftrictions, Regulations, Limitations, Penalties and Forfeitures, as are in and by the feveral Ads of Parliament, by which the faid Duties are granted or any of them, for that Purpofe par- ticularly defcribed, appointed, limited and enacted, fave and except in the particular Inftances hereby mentioned and provided for, and to be applied to the fame. IX. Arid be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That in cafe fuch Rum or Spirits fhall after Rums, &c. is- landed, be permitted or fuffered to remain in fuch Warehoufe or Warehoufes, in which the fame fhall be mainingin th e fo lodged for the Purpofes aforefaid, for any Time exceeding the Space of fix Months, after the fame fhall Warehoufes be fo landed and lodged in fuch Warehoufe as aforefaid; and the [mportor or Proprietor, or other Per- Months fon or Perfons by him or them appointed, fhall not within the faid fix Months pay, or caufe to be paid to the Collector or Receiver of the Excife Duties appointed to receive the fame, all and every the Duties of Excife, to which the fame are fubjeit and liable; and fhall omit to procure or bring fuch Certificate herein before directed to be had and made, from fuch Collector or Receiver to fuch Warehoufe Keeper or Ware- houfe Keepers, and to the Officer of Excife attending the fame, of the Payment of the faid Duties of Ex- cife, within the Time aforefaid ; that then it fhall and may be lawful to and for the faid Commiffioners (hall be fold by of Excife, or the major Part of them for the Time being, to direct and order fuch Rum or Spirits fo Auflion t0 P a y lodged in fuch Warehoufe or Warehoufes, for which the faid Duties fhall not be paid within the Time the Ddncs > &c - aforefaid, to be put up to Sale by publick Cant or Action to the belt Bidder or Bidders for the fame ; and ^Z"iU S Jrfh~ the Money arifing by fuch Sale, fhall be in the firft Place applied in Difcharge of the faid Duty fo pay- fa"hef'i6Gj!l. able thereon, and the Charges attending fuch Warehoufe or Warehoufes, and alfo the Expence of fuch c. %. .Sale ; and the Surplus of the Monies fo arifing by fuch Sale, (if any) after Payment of the faid Duties ijGeo. i. c 17. and Charges, fhall go and be paid to the Proprietor or Importer of the faid Rum and Spirits, who fo '9 c «- 2 - i; - 12 - landed and lodged the fame in the faid Warehoufe. 2 ° G " *■ '• 3«- 24 Geo. z. c. 40. zdGeo< 2, c. 13. 27 Geo, 2. c. II. 31 Geo. 2. c. 36, 32 Geo. 2. c. 29. 33 Geo. 2. c. 9 £f 2S. X. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That this Act fhall continue and be in Force Continuance of from the twenty-ninth Day of September one thoufand feven hundred and forty-two, to the twenty-ninth ^ s A . a " Day of September one fhoufand feven hundred and forty-nine, and from thence to the End of the next ' £™™ e c ,^ > Seffion of Parliament and no longer. Aid farther con- tinued ^y 3 1 Ceo, ' XL And whereas by the high Floods and overflowing of the Rivers Weaver and Dane at Leftwicb, *■ c - 3 6 - ' near Northwich, in the County of Chejier, in the Month of December one thoufand feven hundred and Dlli ; es on s a i t ' forty, twelve Tons of Rock Salt or thereabouts, belonging to Ralph Barrow of Noribwicb aforefaid, excufed to Ral.h ' were wafted and confumed ; and for fecuring the Payment of the Duty thereof, Bond was given by him Barrow.

  • or fome Perfon or Perfons on his Behalf;' Be it therefore enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That for

and in Confideration of the Duty fecured to be paid by the faid Ralph Barrow, in refpect of the faid twelve Tons of Rock Salt, the faid Bond or Bonds given by the faid Ralph Barrow or any other Perfon or Perfons, for-and in refpect of the Duty of the faid twelve Tons of Rock Salt, fhall from henceforth be difcharged and vacated; and the fame is and are hereby difcharged and vacated accordingly; any Act or Acts of Parliament to the contrary notwithftanding. C A P.