Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/551

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A.D. 1743. Amio decimo fexto G'eorgii II. C. 1 r. 485 XI. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That at the annual Meetings of the Free- Who are to he holders at Michaelmas, the original conftituent Members fhall be fuch Perfons only as llitill (land upon original the Roll, that fhall have been Jaft made up, whether at a Michaelmas Meeting, or at a Meeting for an tu ">' Member:. Election of a Member to ferve in Parliament, and that a Copy figned and extracted of the Roll made up by the Freeholders at their Michaelmas Meetings, or Meetings for Elections, together with the Minutes Minutes of Pro- of their Proceedings at their faid Meetings, fhall, by the refpective Clerks of fuch Meetings be forthwith ceedingicobe delivered to the Sheriff or Steward's Clerk gratis, and fhall be inferted in Books to be kept by the faid She m * tei "' l! ">'" riff or Steward's Clerk for that Purpofe, who fhall forthwith deliver Copies of the fame, extracted and kept b ****& figned, to any Freeholder who fhall defire ths fame, paying the legal Fee for an ordinary Extract of the cieik. ' fame Length, and fhall at every fubfequent Meeting at Michaelmas, or Meeting for any Election, pro- Mj niKe rt 00! t3 duce the faid Books, for the Ufe of the Freeholders; and in Cafe fuch Sheriff or Steward's Clerk fhall to be produced neglect or refufe to enter the aforefaid Rolls of Election, or Minutes of Proceedings, into Books fo to be at pubiick kept for that Purpofe as aforefaid, or fhall neglect or refufe to give Copies thereof, extracted and figned, M «"g'. or fhall omit to produce the Books at any fubfequent Meeting as aforefaid, he fhall for every fuch Ortcnce Pe alt y « n R =- forfeit the Sum of one hundred Pounds Sterling, to be recovered by any Freeholder within fuch Shire or fufal " Stewaitry, who fhall fue for the fime, in fuch Manner as is hereafter directed; and if the aforefaid prin- cipal Books, containing the Rolls and Minutes as aforefaid, fliall not be produced at the Michaelmas Meetings, or Meetings for Election, a Copy of the faid Roll and Minutes, extracted and figned by the Sheriff or Steward's Clerk, fhall be fufficient; and if the Sheriff" or Steward's Clerk fliall give out falfe Penalty on giving Copies of the faid Roll or Minutes, extracted and figned by him, he fhall for every fuch Offence forfeit f? lfe .V- opl " ot the Sum of one hundred Pounds Sterling to the Perfon to whom the falfe Copy is given, to be recovered ' e mute *' by him or his Executors, in the Manner herein after directed, and fhall be for ever after incapable of holding or enjoying his faid Office. XII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That at every Election of a Commiffioner The Roll of to ferve in Parliament for any Shire or Stewartry, within that Part of Great Britain called Scotland, the Eieflors hft Roll of Electors which fhall be laft made up by Freeholders, whether at the Michaelmas Meeting, or at made u?> m "U the laft Election of a Member to ferve in Parliament, fhall be the Roll to be called over by the Commif- be ufc ^, a ' the fioner laft elected, or in his Abfence by the Sheriff or Steward's Clerk, in order to the Election of Prefes nsxc c l0n ' and Clerk, as alfo by the Prefes, after he is chofen, for the Choice of the Member to .ferve in Parlia- ment, and for the Determination of all the Queftions that fhall arife in the adjufting the Roll, and in the Courfe of the Election, excepting fo far as the faid Roll' fhall, after the Meeting is duly conftituted by the Choice of Prefes and Clerk, be altered by Judgment of the Majority of the Free- holders ftanding on that Roll, by leaving out thofe whofe Circumftances are altered, and by adding others, who produce proper Titles. XIII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That at every Meeting for an Election of Penalty for ta- a Commiffioner to ferve in Parliament, if the Commiffioner laft elected, or in his Abfence the Sheriff or king falfe Votes. Steward's Clerk fliall, in the Choice of Prefes or Clerk, receive the Vote of any Perfon that does not ftand upon the faid Roll, he fhall, for every fuch Offence, forfeit the Sum of three hundred Pounds Ster- ling to every Candidate for the Office of Prefes or Clerk refpectively, for whom fuch Perfon fhall not have given his Vote, to be recovered by him or them, his or their Executors refpectively, in Manner herein after directed; or if the Commiffioner laft elected, or in his Abfence the Sheriff or Steward's Clerk fhall, Penalty on re- in the Choice of Prefes or Clerk, not call for, or fhall refufe the Vote of any Perfon whofe Name is upon y^, 600 the faid Roll, he fhall, for every fuch Offence, forfeit the like Sum of three hundred Pounds Sterling to the Perfon whofe Name fhall not be called for, or whofe Vote fhall be refufed, to be recovered by him, or his Executors, in the Manner herein after directed; and if the Prefes after he is chofen fhall, in the Election of the Member to ferve in Parliament, receive the Vote of any Perfon who. does not ftand upon the Roll duly made by the faid Meeting, he fhall, for every fuch Offence, forfeit the Sum of two hundred Pounds Sterling to every Candidate for whom fuch Perfon fhall not have given his Vote, to be recovered by ■ him, or his Executors, in the Manner herein after directed; or if the Prefes after he is chofen fhall, in the Election of the Member to ferve in Parliament, not call for, or fhall refufe the Vote of any Perfon whofe Name is upon the faid Roll fo Tnade up as aforefaid, he fhall, for every fuch Offence, forfeit the like Sum of two hundred Pounds Sterling to the Perfon whofe Name fhall not be called for, or whofe Vote fhall be refufed, to be recovered by him, or his Executors, in the Manner herein after directed: And it is hereby declared, That in cafe of Equality of Votes in the Choice of Prefes or Clerk, the Com- On Equality of miffioner laft elected, and in his Abfence any Freeholder prefent who laft reprefented the Shire or Sewar- Votes - * n c *>"- try in any former Parliament; and if no fuch Perfon is prefent, the Freeholder prefent who prefided laft ^£0 fhall have' at any Meeting for any Election, and in his Abfence the Freeholder who laft prefided at any Michaelmas the ca ft^ g Vote.. Meeting; and if none of the faid Perfons fliall be prefent, the Freeholder prefent who ftands firft on the Roll, fhall, befides their own Votes as Freeholders, have the cafting and determining Vote, and that the Prefes chofen fhall, after his Election, in the Choice of the Commiffioner to ferve in Parliament, and all other Queftions, where the Votes are equal, in like Manner, befides his own Vote as a Freeholder, have the cafting and determining Vote. XIV. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Perfons chofen to be Prefes and Clerk, by the Majority of the Freeholders prefent, ftanding on the faid Roll, fhall be Prefes and Clerk - of the Meeting for fuch Election; and it fliall not be lawful for any Number of Freeholders to feparate The cierk bring- from the Majority of the Perfons prefent, who ftand upon the faid Roll, and fet up any Perfon as Prefes chofen by the Majority of Freeholders, no fcpnated Party fhall choofe another. or