Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/563

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A. D. 1743. Anno decimo icxto Georgii II. C. 13. 497 VIII. And be it enacted by the Authority aforcfaid, That all the Exchequer Bills which (hall be made °" "*« Fond in purfuance of this Act, and the Intereft, Premium, Rate and Charges incident to or attending the fame, % x< totV>*rBiUM ihall be and arc hereby charged and chargeable upon, and (hall be repaid, and borne by and out of the t0 b: cblr S- d - Rates and Duties on Low Wines, Spirits and Strong Waters afore mentioned ; which faid Rates and Du- ties are hereby appropriated accordingly, for and towards paying off and difcharging fuch Exchequer Bills, Interefts, Premium, Rate or Charges thereupon, until Redemption thereof by Parliament, in like Man- ner as is herein directed, concerning the Annuities authorized to be purchafed upon Credit thereof, in cafe the (aid whole Sum of one million had been advanced and contributed for the Purchafe of fuch Annuities. IX. Provided always, and it is hereby enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That in cafe the Commiffi- Cimmiffioners oners of his Majclty's Trcafury, or any three or more of them now being, or the High Treafurer, or any ""y enlarge th,. three or more of the Commiffioners of the Treafury for the Time being, fhall find it nccellary for the *""*? of T 3 i ia 6 publick Service, to allow further Time for any of the Days of Payment by this Act before limited and ^^ *" appointed for the Contributors to pay in their Contribution-money to the faid Cafhier or Cafhiers of the Bank of England, for the purchafe of the Annuities amounting to the principal Sum of one million as aforefaid ; then and in every fuch Cafe, it {hall and may be lawful to and for the faid Commiffioners of his Majefty's Treafury, or any three or more of them now being, or the High Treafurer, of any three or more of the Commiffioners of the Treafury for Time being, by Notice to be publifhed in the London Gazette fourteen Days before any of the refpective Times of Payment by this Act limited in that Behalf as aforcfaid, to alter fuch Day or Days of Payment accordingly, and to appoint fuch further Days or Times for the faid Contributors, to pay in their Purchafe-money for the faid Annuities, as to them ihall feem moil proper and fitting; any thing in this Act before contained to the contrary notwithftanding. ' X. And whereas it is intended that a further Sum not exceeding eight hundred thoufand Pounds, fhall ' be raifed by way of a Lottery for the Purchafe of Annuities after the fame Rate of three Pounds per Ceri- ' turn per Annum, in Manner hereafter mentioned, and be charged upon the fame Rates and Duties on ' Low Wines, Spirits and Strong Waters ; which faid Sum of eight hundred thoufand Pounds, together ' with the Sum of one million, before by this Act directed to be charged thereupon, will compjeat the ' faid Sum of one million eight hundred thoufand Pounds, intended by this Act to be raifed upon the

  • Credit of the faid Rates and Duties ;' Be it therefore enadted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and g 00 ,oool. Le-

afier the Feaft Day of the Nativity of Saint 'John the Baptift, which fhall be in the Year of our Lord tery Annuities one thoufand feven hundred and forty-four, the Annuities which fhall become due and payable to the charged on the Contributors to the Lottery herein after mentioned, /hall be charged upon, and payable out of the Mo- *?""." Ia,d ° n riies which fhall arife and be paid into the faid Receipt of the Exchequer, of or for the faid Rates and Du- quo"!" 01 " ties on Low Wines, Spirits and Strong Waters, and the fame are hereby declared and enacted to be a Fund and Security, not only for anfwering and paying the Annuities to grow due in refpect of the faid Principal Sum of one million by this Act before directed to be advanced and lent upon the Credit of the faid Rates and Duties, but alfo all and every the Annuities which ihall become due and payable to the Contributors to the Lottery herein after mentioned, their Executors, Administrators and Afiigns, in Manner hereafter in this Act expreffed, until Redemption thereof by Parliament, according to the Provifo herein after contained in that Behalf; and that the faid Annuites at the Rate of three Pounds per Centum Lottery Annul- per Annum, in refpect of the faid Principal Sum of eight hundred thoufand Pounds, fhall from Time to "/° be P aid Time be paid half yearly, at the Feaft of the Birth of our Lord Chirft, and the Nativity of Saint John half J " ,y ' the Baptift, by even and equal Portions, the firft Payment thereof to be due and payable at the Feaft of the Birth of our Lord Chirft one thoufand feven hundred and forty-four. •" Tickets to be 10/. each. Commiffioners of the Treafury to appoint Managers. Manner of the Lot- " tery Books. Commiffioners of the Treafury to appoint Receivers. Receivers to cut the tickets out, " and deliver them to the Contributors. Tickets undifpofed of, to be delivered into the Exchequer. " Other Books to be prepared in two Columns. The fortunate Tickets to be written upon, viz. upon " two 10,000/, four 5000/. two 3000/. five zooo/. fifteen iooo/. twenty-five 500/. two hundred and forty-

  • ' nine 100/. four hundred fixty-nine 50/. eight thoufand fix hundred and nineteen 20/. Which Sums

" together with 500/. to the firft drawn Ticket, and 1000/. to the laft drawn Ticket, will amount to " 3°S»73°^ which being added to 494,270/. on the remaining feventy thoufand fix hundred and ten Blank " Tickets, at 7/. each, do amount together to Management of the Tickets to be done pub- " lickJy. Manner of drawing the Lottery. Tickets to be filed as they are drawn, together with the " Blank or Prize drawn againft it. A Lift of the Prizes to be printed. Penalty on counterfeiting Tic- " kets or Certificates. Purchafer not paying his whole Contribution-money by the Time fixed, fhall " lofe what he has paid. Tickets undifpofed of fhall be delivered back into the Exchequer. Guardians " of Infants may place their Money in the Lottery. Tickets to be exchanged for Certificates after the " Lottery is drawn. EXP. XXVI. And be it further enacted, That fuch of the faid Managers as any three or more of the Com- T ; me] Notice miffioners of the Treafury, or the High Treafurer for the Time being, fhall appoint to take in the faid t0 be advertikd, Tickets, and deliver out the faid Certificates for and in lieu thereof, (hall give timely Notice by Adver- when Tickets tifement, to be printed and publifhed in Manner as they (hall think fit, of the Days and Times for taking wll betaken in, in the faid Tickets, and delivering out the faid Certificates for and in lieu of the fame ; and every Per- * nd . Cer ' lficaI = s fon's Certificate fhall be numbered in Courfe, according to their bringing their Tickets to the faid Officer e lveie ' or Officers fo to be appointed for exchanging the fame j to which Purpofe fuch Officer or Officers fhall Vol. VI. S i.L~ enter