Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/588

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522 C. 5. Anno decimo feptimo Georgii II. A. D. 1744. rials, and Furniture for keeping, relieving, fetting to work, employing, and correcting all' idle and dif. orderly Perfons, Rogues, Vagabonds, incorrigible Rogues, and others, who (hall be fent to, confined or continued in the fame ; and two of the Juftices of the Peace within the refpective Hundreds, Divifions, or Jurifdidtions, where there Oia.ll be any Houfe or Houfes of Correction, or any two Juftices who (hall fce appointed at the General or Quarter-Seflions for that Purpofe, fhall and are hereby required to vifit the fame twice, or oftner if need be, in every Year, and to examine into the Eftate and Management thereof and to report the fame to the next General or Quarter-Seflions ; to the Intent, that if any thing be amifs therein, the fame may, by Older of fuch General or Quarter-Seflions, be reformed and amended ; and the (aid Juftices at their refpedtive General or Quarter-Seflions, fhall have the like Power and Au- thority over the Houfes of Correction to be erected or purchafed by virtue of this A£t, as they have by M. (lets eft loufcs virtue of any Law now in Force, over thofe already erected and provided ; and further, that if the faid ot Ccnetfion to Governors or Mafters of the faid Houfes of Correction fhall not fet or keep the faid idle and diforderly u- fined lor Ma- p er f onS) Rogues, Vagabonds, or incorrigible Rogues to hard Labour, and punifh and correct them ac- t aviour , cording to the Directions of the Warrants or Orders by which they (hall be committed to, or detained in their Cuftody, or fhall otherwife mifbehave themfelves, or be defective, remifs, or negligent in their Duty ; the faid Juftices, at their faid General or Quarter-Seflions, are hereby required to fet and impofe fuch Fines and Penalties upon them, as they fhall think fit and convenient, in the fame Manner as Fines and Penalties may be fet and impofed on Governors or Mafters of Houfes of Correction, for the Neglect 7 Jac, r. c. 4. therein mentioned, by an Act of Parliament paffed in the feventh Year of the Reign of King James the P'irft, intituled, An Acl for the due Execution of divers Laws and Statutes heretofore made againjl Rogues t Vagabonds, and Sturdy Beggars, and other lewd and idle Perfons; which Fines and Penalties fhall be paid to the Treafurer of the County, Riding, Liberty, or Divifion, and fhall be accounted for by him as Part of cr turned out, the Publick or County Stock; and the faid Juftices at their refpective General or Quarter-Seflions, may at tl" Difcretion f rom t i m e to time appoint and remove the Governor or Governors, Mafter or Mafters, or other Officers J" '" s> of fuch Houfes of Correction, and make fuch Orders and Regulations as they fhall think fit, for the better governing and regulating of the faid Houfes of Correction, and for employing, relieving, and punifhing the Perfons therein, or for fending them to or from thence, according to the true Intent and Meaning of this Act ; which faid Order or Orders of fuch Juftices (hall be final to all Intents and Purpofes, and no Certiorari (hall be granted for the Removal of the fame : And in Cafe the Perfon or Perfons removed by Order of any General or Quarter-Seffions, (hall refufe or neglect to quit the Pofleflion- of fuch Houfe of Correction, from whence he or they are ordered to be removed, for the Space often Days next after No- tice given him or them in Writing by the Clerk of the Peace ; it (hall and may be lawful to and for any two or more Juftices of the Peace of the fame County, Riding, Divifion, or Place (upon producing to them fuch Order of Seflions, or an attefted Copy thereof, and upon Oath made before them by one or more credible Witnefs or Witneffes, of fuch Notice having been given to the Perfon or Perfons fo re- moved, and of his or their having refufed or neglected to quit Pofleflion) by Warrant under their Hands and Seals, to diredt the Sheriff of the fame County, Riding, Divifion, or Place, to remove him or them out of fuch Houfe of Correction, and he is hereby authorized and required to clear the Pofleflion thereof, in like Manner as upon a Writ of Habere facias foffejfwnem. ' XXXII. And whereas Doubts have arifen, and may arife, where Authority is given to any Juftice c or Juftices of the Peace, to commit Offenders to the Houfe of Corredtion for Offences cognizable be- ' fore them, out of the General or Quarter-Seflions of the Peace, how long Offenders may be there de- ' tained, and, in what Manner treated, where the Time and Manner of their Punifhment is not by Law Power of Juftices ' exprefly directed, limited, or appointed ; Be it therefore enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That where Ofr'd" 11 "" 18 an y Offenders (hall be committed as aforefaid, by virtue of any Law now in being, or hereafter to be made, and the Time and Manner of their Punifhment is not exprefly limited, diredted and appointed, the faid Juftice or Juftices (hall commit fuch Offender to the Houfe of Correction, there to be kept to hard Labour until the next General or Quarter-Seffions, or until difcharged by due Courfe of Law; and it (hall and may be lawful for two Jultices (of which the Juftice who committed fuch Offender to be one) to difcharge the faid Offender before the faid Seflions, if they fee Caufe ; and if he (hall not be fo dif- charged, the faid Seflions may either difcharge him, or continue him in Cuftody for fuch Time as they fhall fee fit, not exceeding three Months. XXXIII. And to defray the Expences of apprehending, paffing, conveying, and maintaining Rogues, Vagabonds, and incorrigible Rogues, and likewife the Expences of eredting, purchafing, hiring enlarg- ing, altering, and repairing Houfes of Corredtion, and of purchafing Land to eredt them upon, and for Backfides and Outlets, and of fitting up and furnifhing fuch Houfes of Correction, and of fending Per- fons to and from the fame, and employing them there, according to the Directions of this Act, and for luftiees to raife defraying all other Expences neceffary for the Execution of this Act, not herein before provided for ; Be Money to defray it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Juftices of the Peace at the General or Quarter- b) '.-Expences by Seflions, may and (hall caufe fuch Sums of Money as (hall be neceffary for all or any of the Purpofes Rates as dircaed aforefaid, to be raifed in the fame Manner as Rates are diredted to be railed by an Adt made in the twelfth hy 17. Geo. a. y ear Q f ^ R e jg n f his prefent Majefty, intituled, An AcJ for the more eafy affejfmg, collecting and levy- ing of County Rates. °XXX1V. And be it further enadted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Perfon or Perfons (hall be fued for any Matter or Thing which he or they fhall do in Execution of this Act, he or they may plead t General NTue. the General Iffue, and give the Special Matter in Evidence ; and if a Verdict (hall pafs for the Defen- Trelk Cofts. dant, or the Plaintiff (hall be nonfuited, or difcontinue his Suit, the Defendant may recover Treble Coftsi