Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/657

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A. D. 1745. Anno decimo o&avo Georgii II. C. 9. 591 fpeftive Sums as they fhall become interefted in, or untitled unto, forthwith placet' to the Credit of the to be transfer- red Contributors, and made transferable in the Books of the Bank of England, by this Act appointed hble in iheB^nlc to be kept for that Purpofe. Books. X. Provided alfo, That in cafe any fuch Contributor as aforefaid, who fhall, on or before fuch Day or Forfeiture on Time, as fhall be appointed by the faid Commiihoncrs of the Treafury, or the faid High Treafurcr for noi competing -tfhe Time being as aforefaid, have advanced to the fain Cafbier or Cafhiers one fourth Part of his, her 'J* |l a - vmc "" h * or their Purchafe-money, and his, her or their Executors, Admir.ilt rators, Succefibrs, or Afligns, do not ^ '™ advance and pay to the faid Cafhier or Cafhiers, one other fourth Part of his, her or their Confideration- THOiiey, fo to be paid for fuch refpeftive Annuity or Annuities as aforefaid, on or before the nineteenth Day of "June one thpufand feven hundred and forty-five then next enfuing ; and one other fourth Part thereof on or before the fifteenth Day of Otlobtr then next enfuing; and the remaining one fourth Part thereof on or before the twentieth Day of December then next following; then, and in every fuch Cafe Tcfpeftively, fo much of the Cor.fideration-money as fhall have been actually paid in Part thereof only to •the faid Cafhier or Cafhiers for fuch refpeftive Annuity, fhall be forfeited for the Benefit of the Publick ; any thing in this Aft contained to the contrary notwithstanding. ' XI. And whereas it is intended that the Sum of five hundred thoufand Pounds, being the Reftdue of f the'faid Sum of two millions already charged by this Act upon the faid additional Impofitions, Rates, •or Duties, appropriated for Payment thereof in Manner before directed and appointed, fhall be raifed

  • by way of a Lottery, for the Purchafe of Annuities after the Rate of three Pounds per Centum per An-

i nam, in Manner herein after mentioned ;' Be it therefore enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the 500,0001. to Annuities becoming due and payable to the Contributors to the Lottery herein after mentioned, their be raifed by Lot- Executors, Adminiftrators, and Afligns, at the faid Rate of three Pounds per Centum per Annum, in '??• for ^ ur " •refpeft of the faid Principal Sum of five hundred thoufand Pounds, in Manner hereafter in this Aft £. * ' ^^on'Jtles ■exprefTed, until the Redemption thereof by Parliament, according to the Provifo herein after contained ■in that Behalf, fhall be charged upon the faid additional Impofitions, Rates, or Duties, from the Annuities to be Feaft Day of the Birth of our Lord Chrift one thoufand feven hundred and forty-five, and fhall ^dinonlTDu- from time to time be paid Half-yearly at the Feafts of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptift, and the tk,) 10 jfiirth of our Lord Chrift, by even and equal Portions ; the firft Payment thereof to be due and payable •for the Half-Year ending at the Feaft of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptift one thoufand feven hun- dred and forty-fix. XII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That for or towards raifing the faid Sum Tickets to be "dF five hundred -thoufand Pounds, it fhall and may be lawful for any Perfon or Perfons, Natives orFo- ,o1 ' eacl1 ' •Teigners, Bodies Politick or Corporate, to-contribute by paying at or before thetefpeftive Times by this 'Act limited in that Behalf, to any'Receiver or Receiver's to'be appointed for that Purpofe, as is herein

after mentioned, the Sum of ten Pounds, or divers entire Sums of ten Pounds upon this Aft ; and that

every fuch Contributor or Adventurer, for every fuch Sum of ten Pounds, which he, fhe or they fhall l fo advance, .fhall be interefted'in fuch Lot or Share of and in the joint Stock of Annuities, eftablifhed by this Act, as'is herein dfter mentioned and appointed in that Behalf; and-the fame entire Sums of ten Pounds eadh, are hereby appointed to be paid unto fuch 'Receiver or Receivers, at fuch Time or Times, and in fuch Proportions at a Time, as are herein after mentioned in that Behalf; that is to fay, one Times of paying tfourth Part thereof, on or before the firft Day of-Afffyone thoufand feven hundred and forty-five ; one the Purchjfe- •other fourth-Part thereof, on or before the fifth Day of July then next enfuing ; one other fourth Part w ^ tickets! ° thereof, on or before the twenty-third Day of Augujl then next enfuing j and the remaining fourth Part thereof, on or before the third Day of October then next following. '" Managers to be appointed by the Commifhoners of the Treafury. Commiffioners of the Treafury to " appoint Receivers. Receivers fhall deliver Tickets to the Contributors. There fhall be printed 50,000 " Tickets, 7,150 fhall be fortunate ; two of them io^oooI, Three-5,oco/. Five 2,000/. Fifteen 1,000/. '" Thirty-one 500 /. One hundred and fifty-one 100/. Three hundred and ninety-eight 50 /. Six thou- '*' fand five hundred and forty-five 20/. which with 500 /, to the firft drawn Ticket, and 1,000/. to the '" laft drawn Ticket, will amount to 242,900/. which added to 257,100 /. payable on the remaining 42,850 " blank Tickets, at 6 /. each, amount together to 500,000 /. to be converted into Annuities in refpeft of '" the Lottery Tickets. Manner of drawing the Lottery, Prizes to be entered in a Book. A Lift of the '" Prizes to be printed. Difputes to be determined by the Managers, Counterfeiting of Tickets, Cer- '" tificates, or the Numbers of them, Felony. Tickets undifpofed of, fhall be delivered back into the. " Exchequer. Managers, (jfc. 'to be paid by the Treafury. Guardians may adventure Infants Money "" in the Lottery, fo as -fuch Lifants Names be in the Receipts and Tickets. Tickets to be exchanged. " for Certificates, afterthe Lottery is drawn." therein, in the fame Book er-Books with the Contributors for the Purchafe of the Annuities, not ex- m ed in Cenifi- ceeding one million five hundred thoufand Pounds, 'herein before direfted to be inferted in a Book or cates. Books, or in any other Book or Books, to be by himprovided and kept forthat Purpofe, for the principal Sums contained in-every fuch Certificate ; and the Perfons to whofe Credit fuch' principal Sums fhal! be Annuities tranf- cntered in the faid Book or-'Books, his, -her or their Executors and Adminiftrators, fhall and may have ferrable. Power to affign and transfer the fame, -or any part. Share, orProporticn thereof, to any other Ptr'fon or Perfons,