Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/666

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51 Hen. S. c.40. incorporating and uniting Bar- bers of London and Surgeons of London ; 600 C. 15. Anno decimo o&avo Georgii II. A. D. 1745* being Surgeons, ufing the Myftery of Barbers in the fame City, and of other Surgeons whatfoever, be- ing Foreigners, praftifmg and ufing the Myftery of Surgery, within the fame City and Suburbs of the fame, and the Punifhment of them, as well Freemen as Foreigners, for their Offences in not perfectly executing, performing and ufing that Myftery ; and fhould alfo have the Survey and Search of all Man- ner of Inftruments, Plaifters and other Medicines, and the Receipts to be given, applied and ufed by the faid Barbers and Surgeons, for the curing and healing of Sores, Wounds, Hurts and fuch like Infir- mities ; and that no Barber ufing the faid Myftery of Surgery, within the faid City, or Suburbs thereof, or other foreign Surgeon whatfoever, mould be in any Manner thereafter admitted to execute, perform and exercife the fame Myftery of Surgery, unlefs he had firft been approved of, as well inftrufted in that Myftery, by the faid Mafters or Governors, or their Succeffors, fufficiently qualified in that Be- half; and his faid Majefty did further grant, that the faid Mr.fters or Governors and Commonalty of the faid Myftery of Barbers, and their Succeflbrs nor any of them, fhould in any Manner thereafter be fummoned or put upon any Aflizes, Juries, Inquefts, Inquifitions, Attaints, or other Recognizances, to be taken within the faid City and Suburbs thereof, before the Mayor or Sheriffs, or Coroners of the fame City for the Time being, or fummoned by any of his Officer or Officers, Minifter or Minifters, although fuch Juries, Inquifitions, or Recognizances, fhould be fummoned upon a Writ or Writs of Right ; but that the faid Mafters or Governors, and Commonalty of the aforefaid Myftery, and their Succeflbrs, and every of them, fhould be thereof acquitted, and wholly difcharged for ever; and his faid then Majefty thereby further granted unto the aforefaid Mafters or Governors, and Commonalty of the faid Myftery of Barbers, and to their Succeflbrs the following Liberty; to wit, That they at all Times thereafter fhould and might admit Perfons able and fufficiently learned and inftrufted in the faid Myftery of Surgery, and by them approved of in Form, and prefented to the Mayor of the faid City for the Time being, and no other Perfons, or in any other Manner, into the faid Myftery of Barber Surgeons, and Liberty of the. faid City: And whereas by an Aft of Parliament made and pafled in the thirty-fecond Year of the Reign of the late King Henry the Eighth, intituled, For Barbers and Sur- geons, after taking Notice that it was very expedient and needful to provide for Men expert in the Sci- ence of Phyfick and Surgery for the Health of Man's Body, when Infirmities and Sicknefs fhould hap- pen ; for the due Exercife and Maintenance whereof, good and neceflary Afts had theretofore been made and provided, and that within the City oi London, Men of great Experience, as well in Speculation as in Practice of the Science and Faculty of Surgery, were abiding and inhabiting, and had more com- monly the daily Exercife and Experience of the fame Science of Surgery than was had and ufed within any Parts of the Realm; and by Occafion thereof, many expert Perfons were brought up under them as their Servants. Apprentices and others, who by the Exercife and diligent Information of their Ma- fters, might exercife the faid Science within divers other Parts of the Realm; to the great Relief, Com- fort and Succour of much People, and to the Safegard of their bodily Health, Limbs and Lives; and reciting, That within the faid City of London there were then two feveral and diftinft Companies of Surgeons occupying and exercifing the Science and Faculty of Surgery, the one Company being com- monly called The Barbers ^London, and the other Company called The Surgeons of London ; and that the faid Company of Barbers were incorporated to fue and be fued by the Name of Majiers or Governors of the Myftery or Commonalty of the Barbers of London, by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of King Edward the Fourth, dated the twenty-fourth Day of February in the firft Year of his Reign, and which were confirmed by feveral fubfequent Letters Patents in the faid Aft mentioned and referred to ; and that the other Company, called The Surgeons, had not any manner of Corporation; and that the faid two feveral and diftinft Companies of Surgeons were neceflary to be united and made one Body Corporate, to the Intent that by their Union and often Affembly together, the good and due Order, Exercife and Knowledge in the faid Science or Faculty of Surgery, fhould be, as well in Speculation as in Praftice, both to themfelves and their Servants and Apprentices, and by their Learning and dili- gent and ripe Informations, more perfeft, fpeedy and effeftual ; it was therefore enafted, That the faid two feveral and diftinft Companies of Surgeons, that is to fay, both the Barbers and the Surgeons, and every Perfon of them, being a Freeman of either of the faid Companies, after the Cuftom of the faid City of London, and their Succeffors, fhould from thenceforth be immediately united and made one en- tire and whole Body Corporate, and one Commonalty perpetual, which at all Times thereafter fhould be called by the Name of Mafters or Governors of the Myftery and Commonalty of Barbers and Surgeons of London, and by the fame Name to implead and be impleaded before all Manner of Juftices in ail Courts, in all Manner of Aftions and Suits; and .alfo to purchafe, enjoy and take to them and their Succeflbrs, Lands, Tenements, Rents and other Pofleflions whatfoever : And it was alfo thereby enac- ted, That they fhould have a Common Seal to ferve for the Bufinefs of the faid Company and Corpo- ration; and that they fhould, by the fame Name, peaceably, quietly and indefeazibly, have, poffefs and enjoy, to them and their Succeflbrs for ever, all fuch Lands and Tenements, and other Heredita- ments whatfoever, which the faid Company or Commonalty of Barbers then had and enjoyed, to the - Ufe of the faid Myftery and Commonalty of Barbers of London; and fhould alfo peaceably and quietly have and enjoy all and Angular Benefits, Grants, Liberties, Privileges, Franchises and Free Cuftoms, and alfo all Manner of other Things at any Time given or granted unto the faid Companies of Barbers or Surgeons, by whatfoever Name or Names they or any of them were called, or which they or any of them, or any of their Predeceflbrs, then or theretofore had by Afts of Parliament, Letters Patents or otherwife, by any lawful Means at any Time before the faid Aft, in as large and ample Manner and Form, as they or any of them, had, might or fhould enjoy the fame, notwithftanding the faid Union or Conjunction of the faid Companies, and as if the fame were and had- been fpecially and particularly ' exprefled