Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/671

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A. D. 1745. Anno decimo odavo Georgii If. C. 15. 605 dinances, Rules and Conftitutions, as to them fhall feem rcquifite, proper or convenient for the Regula- tion, Government, Profit or Advantage of" the faid Company or Corporation of the Barbers of London, and the Members thereof, and the fame, from time to time, to alter or repeal ; fo as the By-laws, Or- dinances, Rules and Conftitutions fo to be made and eftablifhcd, fhall bo examined, approved and al- lowed of, ;is by the Laws and St: tutes of this Realm is provided and required. XVI. Provided always, and it is hereby enacted and declared, That the feveral By-laws, Ordinance;, By-hwi of the Rules and Conflitutions, made and eftablifhcd for the Regulation and Government of the faid United t-'mtcdCompany, Company or Corporation, fo far as the fame do not relate to,or concern the Art or Science of Surgery, " ot fcla,,n 8 " and which on the faid twenty-third Day of June fhall be fulfilling and in Force,. and fhall not be re- ^f"*' pealed, annulled or abrogated by virtue of this prefent Aft, , fhall continue and be in Force, and fhall be exercifed, obferved and executed by the faid Company of Barbers eftablifhcd :uid incorporated by this Aft, until fuch Time and Times refpedtively as the fame By-laws, Ordinances, Rules and Conftitutions until repealed by fhall refpeftively be repealed, annulled and made void, by Virtue and under the Authority of this pre- virtue oi this fent Aft. . Aa - XVII. And it is hereby further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That the M after and Governors Mafter and Co- of the faid Company or Corporation of Barbers of London fhall be yearly elected and chofen on the fe- vemors when and cond Thurfday in Augujl, by the Court of Affiftants, or the major Part of them, or in fuch Manner as b L , j£?™ co bc by the By-Jaws, Rules, Oiders and Conftitutions of the fame Company or Corporation fhall be ordained ' or provided ; and that when and as often as any Member of the faid Court of Alliltants of the faid Coin- Member of the pany of Barbers fhall happen to die or be removed, it fhall and may be lawful to and for the furviving Cour ! : of Afril j- Members of the faid Court of Afliftants, or the major Part of them, to nominate and cleft one other j""j^"* e " to" Perfon, being a Freeman of the fame Company, to be a Member of the faid Court of AfTiftants, in the tefupp'.icd. ' Room of the Perfon fo deceafed or removed ; and the Perfon fo nominated or elected fhall continue in, hold and exercife the faid Office for and duiing his natural Life, or until he fhall be removed out of the fame. XVIII. And it is hereby further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Mafter, Governors and Company of Bar- Commonalty of the Myftery of Barbers of London, hereby made, eftablifhed and incorporated as afore- ben toenjoy the faid, and their Succeflbrs, and all Perfons who fhall be free of the fame Company or Corporation, fhall J^^'tef^' and may from time to time, and at all Times for ever hereafter, have, hold and enjoy all and every fuch exc 'epunSurgery. and the fame Liberties, Privileges, Franchifes, Powers and Authorities, as the faid United Company or .Corporation, with refpeft to eyery Thing but Surgery, and the Members of the faid United Company, ■occupying the Feat or Craft of Barbery or Shaving, could or might refpeftively have had, held and en- joyed by virtue of the faid recited Aft of Union or Incorporation, and Letters Patents of his late Ma- jefty King Charles the Firft, and other the Royal Grants, Charters and Patents therein refpeftively mentioned and referred to, fo far as the fame do not concern or relate to the Art and Science of Surgery; and that in as full, ample and beneficial Manner, to all Intents and Purpofes, as if the fame had been exprefly repeated, fet down, and enafted in and by this prefent Aft. XIX. And it is hereby further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Sum of five hundred and Gift of 510!. ten Pounds now vefted in the faid United Company, and which was given and paid to the faid United and Annuity Company by Edward Arris, for the Ufe of the publick Anatomy Leftures on the Mufcles, and alfo the °' ,6 '• m ^ ei Annuity or yearly Rent-charge of fixteen Pounds given to the faid United Company by the Will of ^^ e " r . S£ons John Gale Gentleman, for one Anatomy. Lefture, by the Name of Gale's Anatomy, and charged upon ' certain Mefluages and Tenements at Snow Hill, in the Parifh of Saint Sepulchre, without Newgate,. London, fhall from and after the faid twenty-fourth Day of 'June one thoufand feven hundred and forty-five,- be vefted in, and be deemed the fole Property, Eftate and Effects of the faid Company and Corporation of Surgeons eftabliihed and incorporated by this Aft; and that the faid Sum of five hundred and ten Pounds to b? paid to be accordingly paid by the faid Company or Corporation of Barbers' of London, out of the Eftate and them by the Bar- Effects .of and now belonging to the faid United Company or Corporation, within three Months next bers Cum P an . v J after the faid twenty-fourth Day of June; and that the faid Sum of five hundred and ten Pounds, and the faid Annuity or yearly Rent-charge of fixteen Pounds per Annum, fhall be held and enjoyed by the faid Company of Surgeons eftablifhed by this Aft, upon Truft, to be applied and difpofed of for the Purpofes intended by the Donors thereof refpectiveiy ; and that from and after the Payment of the faid five hundred and ten Pounds by the faid Company of Barbers to the faid Company of Surgeons, they the iaid Mafter, Governors and Commonalty of the Myftery of Barbers of London, and their Succeflbrs, fhall for ever be difcharged of and from the faid Sum or Gift of five hundred and ten Pounds, and every Part thereof, and of and from the faid Annuity or Gift of fixteen Pounds per Annum, and every Pare thereof, and of from all Duties and Trulls in refpeet of the faid Gifts, or either of them ; and fhali, .mi held inTruft from time to time, be faved harmk-fs and kept indemnified by the faid Company of Surgeons, of, from [^ the Purees and againft the fame, and all Actions, Suits, Charges and Expen'ces which they the faid Mafter, Go- intende-d by the vernors and Commonalty of the Myftery of Barbers of London, or their Succeflbrs, fhall or may, from ono "' time to time, be put unto or fuftain on account thereof; and that all the Reft and Reftdue of the Real and Perfonal Eftate and EfFefts of and belonging to the faid United Company or Corporation, and the Arms or Enfigns Armorial of the farre Company or Corporation, fhall from and after the faid twenty- fourth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and forty-five be vefted in, and the fame are hereby from thenceforth vefted in the faid Company or Corporation of Barbers of London, and their Succeflbrs, to and for their own fole and feparate Ufe and Benefit for ever, 3 XX. And