Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/92

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30 C. 26. Anno tertio Georgii II. A. D. 1730. After 14 June f u i to and for any Perfon or Perfons, who now do or hereafter {hall keep any Wharf or. Wharfs m 3 co«i» e mfy S on ti ie River Thames, or on any Creek or Branch thereof, and for any other Perfon or Perfons, who now ufe their own do or hereafter (hall trade or deal in Coals or other Goods, to keep, ufe and imploy their own Light- Li^Mus. erSj Barges, and other Craft, in and for the carrying of Coals and other Goods, to and from any Ship or other Veffel, in the River Thames, and to and from any Wharf, Dock, Creek or other Place whatfoever, on or near the faid River where fuch Goods might, before the making of this Act, be lawfully landed or (hipped off, by any Lighterman or other Perfon, fo as the Perfon or Perfons, who (hall be imployed in rowing or navigating any fuch Lighter, Barge or other Craft, be fuch as by the Laws now in Being, is or are duly qualified to row or navigate the fame on the River Thames ; any Law, Statute, Ufage or Cuftom to the contrary thereof notwithstanding, titters to be II. And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid twenty-fourth Day of tntied, "June one thoufand feven hundred and thirty, all and every Perfon or Perfons (not being a Lighterman or Lightermen) who ihall by Virtue of this Act become intitled to ufe, keep, work or imploy his, her or their own Lighter or Lighters, or other great Craft for carrying Coals or other Goods on the River Thames, ihall before his, her or their fo working, ufing or imploying the fame, make or tender, before the faid Company of Watermen and Lightermen, or fome proper Officer, which the faid Company are hereby required to appoint for this Purpofe, an Entry or Entries of fuch their refpective Lighter or Lighters or other Craft, deligned to be ufed, kept, worked or employed as aforefaid ; for each of which Entries fuch Officer (hall receive from the Perfons making fuch Entries, for tha-Ufe of the Company, rive Shillings and no more ; and thereupon fuch Officer (hall forthwith regifter the fame in a Book or Books to be kept by him, on the Part of the faid Company for that Purpofe, together with the Owner's parked, Name or Place of Abode, and the Number or Mark intended to be affixed or defcribed on fuch Lighter or Lighters, or other great Craft refpectively ; and after fuch Entry made or tendred to be made, fuch Owner or Owners reflectively (hall affix or defcribe, or caufe or permit to be- affixed or defcribed, fuch Number or Mark in Metal or Colours, on the outride of the faid Lighter or Lighters or other great Craft, viiible above Water when fully loaded, there to remain without Alteration (except with Con- fent of the Company, or in Cafes of involuntary Accidents) and that until fuch Entry made or fuch Tender thereof, and fuch Number or Mark affixed or defcribed thereon, fuch Owner or Owners (hall not be intitled to ufe, work or imploy fuch his Lighter or Lighters or other great Craft, in any other Manner than he or they might lawfully do before the making of this Aet ; and that from and after fuch Entry made and regiitered, and fuch Number or Mark being affixed or defcribed as aforefaid, fuch Lighter or Lighters or other great Craft, and the Owner or Owners thereof ihall be fubject and lia- and futjea to ble, in refpect of iuch Entries, Regifters, Numbers or Marks, to fuch Orders, Rules or Conftitutions the Rules of the as are or (hall be made by the faid Company, in regard to the Entries, Numbers or Marks, of or Company? 15 on the Lighters or other great Craft, belonging to Lightermen free of the faid Company, and no other. Buyers of Coals III. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid twenty- for Sale aftmg fourth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and thirty, no Lighterman or other Buyer of Coals MaftSpky- ^ or Sale, nor any of their Partners, Agents or Servants, or any in Truft for them, ihall ait as a tog them, Crimp, Agent or Factor, for any Mafter or Owner of any Ship or Veffel importing Coals into the Port of London ; and that every Lighterman and other Buyer of Coals for Sale, his or their Partner, Agent or Servant, who ihall after the faid twenty-fourth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and thirty, act as a Crimp, Agent or Factor, for felling of Coals for any Mafter or Owner of fuch Ship or Veifel, contrary to the true Intent and Meaning of this Act, ihall for every fuch Offence forfeit and pay the Sum of two hundred Pounds ; and that every Mafter of a Ship, who ihall after the faid twenty-fourth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and thirty, imploy any Lighterman or other Buyer of Coals for Sale, or his or their Partner, Agent or Servant, or any in truft for them, knowing him to be to forfeit aoo 1. fuch, to be his Crimp, Agent or Factor, contrary to the true Intent and Meaning of this Act, ihall for every fuch Offence forfeit and pay the Sum of two hundred Pounds. 9 Ann. c. »8. ' jy. And whereas in and by a Claufe in an Act made in the ninth Year of the Reign of her late Ma- c jefty Queen Anne, intituled, An Ac! to diffolve the prcfent, and prevent the future Combination of Coal ' Owners, Lightermen, Majiers of Ships and others, to advance the Price of Coals in Prejudice of the hiaviga- 1 tion, Trade and Manufactures of this Kingdom, and for the further Encouragement of the Coal Trade, it is ' enacted, That if any Lighterman or Lightermen, Mafter or Mafters of Ships, Crimp, Coal Factor or

  • other Perfon or Perfons buying or felling or dealing in Coals, or otherwife concerned in the Coal

' Trade, by him or themfelves, his or their Agent or Servant, or any other Perfon or Perfons, ihall at ' any Time or Times from and after the firft Day of June aforefaid, receive or take for the Ufe or ' Benefit of fuch Lighterman or Lightermen, Mafter or Mafters of Ships, Crimp, Coal Factor or other 4 Perfon or Perfons, any Salary, Gratuity, Reward, Allowance, Sum or Sums of Money, from any ' Coal Owner, Fitter, Mafter of Ships, or other Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, for contracting, buying, ' vending, felling or difpofing of any particular Sorts of Coals, in Preference of any other Sorts of ' Coals, or for the loading of any Ship or Vefl'el, or for the Difpatch, Delivery or Difpofal of the ' Coals from on Board of any Ship or Ships or Veifels, before other Ship or Ships or VeiTels, or Ihall ' knowingly fell one Sort of Coals for and as a Sort which, they really are not, every Perfon offending ' (hall for every fuch Offence forfeit and pay the Sum of fifty Pounds ; but the Remedy provided ' by the faid recited Claufe, havine; been found ineffectual to prevent the Mifchiefs and Inconvenien- Receiving Gra- ' cies therein mentioned,' Be it therefore enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That every Perfon who rvmuiiorCon- from and after the twenty-fourth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and thirty (hall take or re- rfMs, ceive any Premium, Gratuity, Reward, Sum or Sums of Money or Allowance in Coals, of in Account or