Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/146

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ij Gso, a. c, 6. 102 C. 13, 14W Anno vicefimo prlmo Georgii IL A. D. 174.8. the fait! Town of Buckin?;ham, and at no other Place within the faid County of BucL'/igham ; any Law, Sta- tute, Ufage, Matter or Thing to the contrary notwithftanding. In cafes of Exi- II. Provided always, and it is hereby enafted and declared by the Authority aforefaid, That if at any gency only, the Time hereafter the faid Town of Buckingham fhal! he wholly unfit for holding the Aflizes there, by Accident Affizcs may b<; qjt p;,.,,^ ^^ jjy Means of any Contagious or Epidemical Diftemper, or by any other unforefcen Caufe or "th Mni'°'Ti'^ Exigency, to be made appear before the Lord High Chancellor, or Lord Keeper, or Lords Commiffioners ring^theircon-" for keeping the Great Seal of Gycai Britain for the time being ; that then, and in fuch Cafes only, it {hall tinuaoce. and may be lawful to and for the Lord High Chancellor, or Lord Keeper, or Lords Commiflioners for keep- ing the Great Seal of Great Britain for the time being, with the Advice of the Juftices of AiBze, from time to time, in and during the Continuance of fuch refpe£tive Exigencies only, and for and at no other Time or Times, to appoint another convenient Place within the faid County for holding the faid Affizes, inftead of the faid 'Fown of Bucki/igham ; any thing in this prefent ASt contained to the contrary notwithftanding. C A. P. xiii. An A£t to re£tify a Miftake in an A£t made in this Seflion of Parliament, intituled, An A51 for pinilhing Mutiny and Defertion ; and for the better Payment of the Army and their ^<ar- ters. EXP. WPI E R E A S by a Cbufe in an hSi. made this Seffion of Parliament, intituled, jin ASi for punifning Mutiny aiid Defertion ; and for the better Payment of the Army and their ^iarters ; it is provided and declared, That from and after the twenty-fifth Day Oi March one thoufand feven hundred and forty-eight, when and as often as any Perfon or Perfons fhould be inliiled as a Soldier or Soldiers in his Majefty's Land Service, he and they were to be carried before the next Juftice of Peace of any County, Riding, City or Place, or Chief Magiftrate of any City or Town Corporate, who was required, in cafe fuch Perlbn or Perfons appeared to be duly inlifted, to certify under his Hand, among other Things, that the feventh and tenth Articles of War againft Mutiny and Defertion were read to fuch Perfon and Perfons : And whereas in the faid Claufe, Mention is made of the feventh and tenth Articles of War by Miftake, inllead of the fecond and fixth Sedions of fuch Articles :' For redifying the faid Miftake, be it enacted, is'c. " Juftices to certify, that the fecond and fixth Sections of thofe Articles of War were read to Perfons in- " lifted. CAP. XIV. An Acl for permitting Tea to be exported to Ireland, and his Majefly's Plantations in America^ without paying the Inland Duties charged thereupon by an Aft of the eighteenth Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign -, and for enlarging the Time for fome of the Payments to be made on the Subfcription of fix millions three hundred thoufand Pounds, by virtue of an A(St of this Seffion of Parliament. |8Geo.2.c.26. ' "fX/ HE RE AS in and by an AQi pafted in the eighteenth Year of the Reign of his rrefcnt IMajefty ' Vv (intituled. An A£i for repealing the prefent Inland Duty of Four Shillings ytx Pound JFcight upon ail ' Tea fold in Great Britain, and for granting to his Majcfly certain other Inland Dutws in lieu thereof; cmd for ■ ' the twenty-fourth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and forty-five, and alfo a further Dutv c;

  • twenty-five Pounds for every one hundred Pounds, of the grofs Price at which fuch Tea fiiould be Ibid ;:;

' the publick Sales of the United Company of Merchants of England trading to the i",?/? Indies, and pro- ' portionably for a greater or lefler Sum, over and above all Cuftoms, Subfuiies and Duties payable to iiis ' Adajefty for the fame upon the Importation thereof; which faid feveral Duties of one Siiilling j/:/"r Poinid ' Weight, and twenty-five Pounds per Centum, it is tlicreby cnaiSted fiiould be paid down in ready Money ' by the Proprietor or Proprietors of fuch Tea, or fuch Perfon or Peribns as fliould be appointed by him, ' herorthcin, to the Receiver or ColletSor of the faid Inland Duties, before fuch Proprietor or Proprietors, ' or other Perfon or Perfons, fiiouId receive or take out for any Purpofe whitfocver inch Tea, from the Warehoufe or Warehoufcs wherein the fame was appointed to be lodged, by an A&. made in the tcntli {toCco.i.c. 10. ' Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King George the Firft, according to the DircJIions of the faid ' AGi : And whereas the Importation of Tea into this Kingdoin, by the faid United Company of A'Lrchants ' of England trading to the Ea/l Indies, may be greatly increafed, if the be permitted to be exported . ' to Ireland, and his Majefty's Plantations in America, without paying the Duties charged thereupon by the ' faid Aft ;' We your Majefty's moft dutiful and loyal SubjeiTts, the Commons of G';vrt/ Britain in Parlia- ment aflembled, do moft hiunbly befeech your Majefty, that it may be cnaiTtcd ; and be it enaftcd bv the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Tem- •feapprniittcJto poral, and Commons, in fdiis prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, Tliat from be exported to and after the firft Day of June one. tlioufand ievcn hundred and firty-eight, all fuch Tea as lliall then have Ireland aii'i A- been, or hereafter fliall be imported into the Kingdom of Gr<;/ £?•//:«';/ from any Foreign Parts, and which rica vithoui: flj^Ji ^g afterwards exported to the Kingdom of Ireland, ox to his IVLijefty's Plantations in y?//;£v;V.'7, and ■ ' "^ "' which ftiall have been duly entered, and for which the feveral Subfidics und additional Impofls due on the Iniporta-