Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/166

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22 C. 3 2« Anno vicefimo primo Georgii II. A. D. 174.8. " Notice to be ferved on the Creditors. Piifoncrs to give like Notice to the Creditors, and publick Notice " in the London Gazette ;o Di.ys before tiic Scilions. The Prifoner's Oalh not being diCproved, C5V. the " Juflices are to difcharge him. Court, if required by the Creditor, to adminifter an Oath to the Gaoler. " Debtors beyond Sea on i Jan. 1747, may iurrender ihemfclves, and bo intitlcd to the Benefit of this A&, ■" but iubjeiSl to the lame Pveilriftions as the other Prisoners. 100 /. Penalty on Gaolers not complying v/iih " the AiS, and Printer of the London Gazette. Gaolers forfwearing themfelves, to forfeit 500/. Gaolers " inferting wrong Names in their Lifts, to forfeit 200 /. Clerk of the Peace, not giving a Duplicate to the " Prifoner of his Difchnrge, to forfeit 20/. Prifoner forfwearing himfelf, guilty of Pelony. Prifoner dif- " charged for Debts before 1 "Jan. 1747, fhall not be imprifoned for the fame again. Difcharge of Prifoners " not to acquit any other. Judgments to Hand good againft his Lands, cifc. Perfons difcharged may plead " generally in Difcharge of their Perfons from Execution. Bankrupts not obtaining a Certificate, i^c. net " benefited hereby. Attornies not to be difcharged from Debts received, and due by them to their Clients.

  • ' Not to extend to Scotland. Gaoler to permit Perfons to fee thofe whofe Names are in the Lifts, i^c. un-

■" der Penalty of 40/. Prifoner not declaring the Perfon at whofe Suit he is detained, or not coming, to ." receive no Benefit. Gaoler making falfe Entries, forfeits 1000/. Petitioner to leave with the Juftices a " Copy of his intended Difcovery. Juflices of York and Lincoln to meet at the Common Gaols of the " Counties. Debtors in Gaols only for Fees, difcharged. Not to difcharge Debtors to the Crown, or " owing above 500/. to one Perfon. Creditors to allow not exceeding 3 j. 6^. /)^r Week for his Mainte- " nance. Difcharges to be obtained before 25 Dec. 1750, or excluded. Prifoners removed from one Prifon " to another, both Gaolers to make Affidavit. Prifoners in the Fleet or King's Bench by Habeas Corpus, " &c. to have the Benefit of this ASt. Perfons feifed of an Eftate Tail claiming the Benefit of this Act, " to deliver the fame to their Creditors. Aflignees to apply to two Juflices to examine Perfons whofhall

  • ' obtain their Difcharge, for Difcovery of Eftates, l3'c. Refufing to appear, or to be fworn, Juftices may

" commit them. Difcoverers of the Debtors Eftates in 12 Months after Difcharge, to have zol. per Cent. " Difcharge obtained fraudulently, void. Creditors may compel Debtors who choofe to continue in Pri- " fon, to give an Account upon Oath of their Effefts, is'c. on 30 Days Notice in the London Gazette. " Such Prifoners to be examined as the reft. Afngnees impowered to make Compofition with Debtors to ■ the Prifoner. Difputcs to be fettled by Arbitrators. Courts a.t U'e/imi>//ier, on Complaint, may remove " Aflignees. On mutual Credit, Affignees to allow the Balance. Prifoners upon Proceffes out of Courts of " Confcience to have the Benefit of this Aft. ^w.kers Affirmation to be taken, is. Perfons who had " the Benefit of the Aft of i5 Geo. 2. c. 17. excluded." CAP. XXXII. An A&. for the Relief of the Annuitants of the Wardens and Commonalty of the iVIyftery of Mercers of the City of London. HE RE AS by Indentures of Leafe and Releafe, bearing Date refpeftively the third and fourth Days of 0<3(7/^i.T one thoufend fix hundred and ninety-nine, and inrolkd in the High Court of Chancery, the Wardensand Commonalty of the Myftery of Afereers of the City of London, for the Con- fideration therein mentioned, did grant and releafe unto Sir IFilHean Hedges, and feveral other Perfons therein named as Truftees, their Heirs and Affigns, divers _Mefiuag£s or'Tcnements, Tofts, Garden?, ih With their and every oi then- Appurtenances, togctner witn one full Moiety Place called the Royal Exchange, London, and other Tenements and Hereditaments in, under, upon or near unto the fame, therein more particularly mentioned and defcribeJ ; and alfo all that the Manor of Mercers, with the Rights, Members and Appurtenances thereof, lying and being in the County of Z;;;- donderry in Ireland, and divers other Lands, "IVnements and Hereditaments in Ireland., in the fame Inden- ttu'es more particularly mentioned and dcfcribed, upon Truft, in the firft Place, to fatisfy and pay, out of the Rents and Profits thereof, all fuch charitable Gifts and Payments wherewith the faid Premijlcs were charged, n entioned in the Schedule to the faid Indenture of Releafe annexed ; and in tb.e next Place to gc],_ as i'hould happen within fix Months after the Death of their refpedive Hufbands, and after Payment of fuch Annuities, in Truft for the faid Wardens and Commonalty, and their Succefiors for ever: And whcieas by Indentures of Leafc and Releafe, bearing Date refpciftivcly the fifteenth and fixtcenth Davs of y!f(7v one thoufand feven hundred and fevcnteen, inroUed in the High Court of, tb.e f.imc Pre- - g --. named in the faid Indenture of Releafe of the fixtcenth Day of May one thoufand fevcn hundred and ' fevcnteen, of the other Part ; it is declared and agreed. That all fuch'Annuities to be granted by the faid ' Vv'ardcns and Commonalty, after the twenty-fourth Day of June then next cnfuing, (hould be only after ^ the Rate of twenty Pounds per Centum, and no more : And whereas by Indentures of Leafe and Releaie, ' bearing Date the firft and fecond Days of'June one thoufimd (even iiundred and forty-one, Richard Chif- f VJell the Elder, Sir Thomas Wehjler, David Papillon and Clement Tookicy therein nainedj being tlien the 3 ' only