Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/21

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The TITLES of the S T A T U T E S. Drawback upon the Exportation of Britijh made Spirits ; - and that the Parifh of Saint Mary h Bon, in -the County of Michllefex, fhall be under the Infpedion of the Head OfRce of Excife. 41. An Act for the more effedual fecuring the Duties upon Tobacco. 42. An Aft to explain and amend an A6t pafled in the laft Seflion of Parliament, intituled. An All for the -more eafy and Jpeedy Recovery of Small Debts zuith'ni the City atid Li- berty of Weftminfter, and that Part of the Duichy of han- cafter, which adjoineth thereto ; and for making the faid AiSt more efFeftual. 43. An Aft for the more efFeftual Prefervation of the Turn- pike Roads in that Part of Great Britain called England; and for the Difpofition of Penalties given by A£ts of Par- liament relating to the Highways in that Part of Great Britain called England, and for enforcing the Recovery thereof; and for the more effeftual preventing the Mif^ chiefs occafioned by the Drivers riding upon Carts, Drays, Carrs and Waggons, in the City of London, and within ten Miles thereof. 44. An A6t for the rendering Juflices of the Peace more fafe in the Execution of their OfSce ; and for indemnifying Conflables, and others, afting in Obedience to their Warrants. 45. An Act for the more efFeftual preventing of Robberies and Thefts upon any navigable Rivers, Ports of Entry ■or Difcharge, Wharfs and Keys adjacent. 46. An Act for repealing the Duties now payable upon Foreign Linen Yarns, and for granting other Duties in lieu thereof. 47. An A£l for granting to his Majefly the Sum of fix hun- dred thoufand Pounds out of the Sinking Fund, for the Service of the Year one thoufand feven hundred and fifty- one ; and for Allowances to the poor Widows of Com- miflion and Warrant Officers of the Royal Navy ; and for the further appropriating the Supplies granted this Seflion of Parliament ; and for making forth Duplicates of Exchequer Bills, Lottery Tickets, Certificates, Or- ders of Loan, or Annuity* Orders, payable at the Exche- quer in lieu of fuch as fhall be loft, burnt or dcfiroyed ; and alfo for making forth new Orders of Loan or Annuity Orders, in lieu of fuch as fhall become defaced, oblite- rated, or otherwife incumbered with Aflignments or En- dorfements thereon. 48. An Aft for the Abbreviation of Michaelmas Term. 49. An Aft for allowing further Time to the Commiffion- ers appointed by and in purluance of an Aft of the twen- ty-third Year of his prefent Majefiry's Reign, intituled. An All for extending and improving the Trade to Africa, to inquire into the Claims of certain Creditors of the Royal African Company therein mentioned, and for the Relief of David Crichtcn ; and for reftraining the faid Company from difpofing of fuch of their Effects as are therein men- tioned ; and for flaying all Suits for Money due from or on the Account of the faid Company, for the Time therein mentioned. 50. An Aft' to enable his Majefty to make Leafcs and Co- pies of Offices, Lands and Hereditaments, Parcel of his Dutcliy of Cornvjall, or. aimcxed to the fame. 5 1. An Aft for encouraging the making of Pot Afhes and Pearl Afhes in the BritiJIi Plantations in America. 52. An Aft for continuing feveral Laws therein mentioned, relating to the Prcrmiutns upon the Importation of Mails, Yards and Bowfprits, Tar, Pitch and Turpentine; to Britijh made Sail Cloth, and the Duties payable on Fo- reign Sail Cloth ; and to the Allowance upon the Ex- portation of Briti/lT mzde Gunpowder. 53. An Aft to regulate and reftrain Papsr Bills of Credit in his Majcfly's Colonies or Plantations of Rhode If.and and Providence Plantations, Connecticut, the MaiTachufcis VoL.Vn. - Bay, and Neiu Hump/lnre m America ; and 10 picventtbe fame being legal Tenders in Payments of Money;. 54. An Acf for explaining, continuing and enforcing Ceve- ral Laws therein mentioned, more efte6tually to prevent the fpreading of the Diftemper which now rages amoiigll; the Horned Cattle in this Kingdom. 55. An Aft for amending and making more effcftual a Claufe in an Aft paiTed in the laft Seflion of Parliair.ent, for the apprehending of Perfons in any County or Place, upon Warrants granted by Juftices of the Peace of any other County or Place. 56. An Aft for afcertaining the Admeafurement of Wheat Meal, or other Corn or Grain ground, for which ^ Bounty is payable upon Exportation; and for making- Allowances to the Eajl India Company, for their Charges and Expences in managing, paying and transferring their reduced Annuities. 57. An Aft to continue feveral Laws therein mentioned ; for preventing Theft and Rapine on the Northern Bor- ders oi E)igland; for the more efFeftual punifliing wicked and evil-difpofed Perfons going armed in Difguife, and doing Injuries and Violences to the Perfons andProperties of his Majefty 's Subjefts, and for the more fpeedy bring- ing the Offenders to Juftice ; for continuing two Claufes to prevent the cutting or breaking down the Bank of any ■ River or Sea Bank ; and to prevent the malicious cutting of Hop-binds ; for the more efteftual Punifhment of Perfons malicioufly fetting on Fire any Mine, Pit or Delph of Coal, or Cannel Coal ; and of Perfons unlaw- fully hunting or taking any Red or Fallow Deer in Forefts or Chaces, or beating or wounding the Keepers or other Officers in Forefls, Chaces or Parks ; for granting a Li- berty to carry Sugars of the Growth, Produce or Manu- fafture of any of his Majefly's Sugar Colonies in Ame- rica, from the faid Colonies, direftly into Foreign Parts, in Ships built in Great Britain, and navigated according- to Law ; for preventing the committing of Frauds by Bankrupts ; for giving further P^ncouragement for the Importation of Naval Stores from the Britifo Colonies in America; and for preventing Frauds and Abufes in the Admeafurement of Coals in the City and Liberty of JVeJi- minjler ; and to m.ake fome further Piovifions in relation to the figning of Certificates for the Difcharge of Bank- rupts.

8. An Aft for making, widening and keeping in Repair,

feveral Roads in the feveral Pariflies of Lambeth, Nevj- ington. Saint George's Southwark and Ber?nondfey in the County of Surrey ; and Lezvifiam in the County of Kent. 59. An Aft for enlarging of the Terms and Powers, and making more effectual feveral Acts of Parliament for re- pairing and amending the Highways leading from Roy/ton in the County of Hertford, to Wansford Bridge in the County of Huntingdon, fo far as relates to the amending of that Part of the P.oad as lies between a Place called the JVhitc Pofl on Alconhury Hill in the County of Hun- tingdon, and JVansford Bridge mfX^z fame County, called the North Divifion ; and that the Tolls taken at Saltree and TFansford 1 oil-gates may, from and after a certain 'I ime, 'be lowered ; and for repairing the Road leading from Stilton in the faid County of Huntingdon, to Peter-' borough in the Count)' of Northampton. PRIVATE ACTS. Ak-i 24 Georgli II. N^Act to dilTolve the Marriage of Godfrey Cot)ley Efquire, with Anna Maria Brace, his now Wife, and to enable him to marry again, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned. 2. An Act to enable Samuel Smith Efquire to take and ufe the Surname of Holworthy only, and bear the Coat-Ar-