Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/269

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A. D. 1750, Anno vicefimo tertio Georgii IL C. 14, 225 whom any Perfon fhall be conviiSted, in Manner prefcribed by the fa!d Aft, of buying, receiving or taking A Form of Con. to pawn any of the Materials or Wares therein mentioned, fhall caufe fuch Conviftion to be drawn up in viaionon<he the Form and Words following ; (that is to fay) '""^'^ ^"^*' M'u'dkfcx, ' TlE tt remembered. That on the Day of in the To wit. ' O Year of his Majefty's Reign y^. S. was convicted before me [or us] of his . ' Majefty's Juftices of the Peace for the faid County of [or for the ' Riding [or Diviiion] of the faid County of ] or for the City, liberty or ■ ' Town of ■ in the faid County of (as the Cafe Jhallbc) of . ' buying, receiving or taking to pawn {as the Cafe Jhall happen to he) (fpe"fy'"'^S, ' the Materials or TVares fo bought, received or taken to pawn) the Property of C. D. of ' in the County of and by him [or her] delivered to to be manufactured. ' Given under my Hand and Seal [or our Hands and Seals] the Day ' and Year aforefaid.' Which faid Form and Conviction faall not be liable to be removed by Certiorari into his Majefly's Court of Not liable to bi King's Bench ; and the faid JufUce or Juflices before whom fuch Conviftion fhall be had, fhall caufe the '■™<";=<' ^y Cer- fame, drawn up in the Form aforefaid, to be fairly written upon Parchment, and tranfmitted to the next "^'^"' General or Quarter Seffions of the Peace to be held for the County, Riding, Divifion, City, Town or Li- and tranfmitted berty, wherein fuch Conviction was had, to be filed and kept amongfl: the Records of the faid General or to the Seffions. Quarter Seffions : And in cafe the Perfon or Perfons fo convided fhall appeal from the Judgment of the faid juflices to hear Juflice or Juftices to the faid General or Quarter Seffions, the Juftices in fuch General or Quarter Seffions Appeals, are hereby required, upon receiving the faid Convi£lion drawn up in the Form aforefaid, to proceed to the Hearing and Determination of the Matter of the faid Appeal, according to the Diredlions of the faid Ad j any Law or Ufage to the contrary notwithftanding. ,— CAP. XIV. An A(5l for afllgning a Place proper for holding the Market in the City oi }FeftminJler, in lieu of the ancient Market Place called the Round lVoolJlaple% and for regulating the faid Market. PR. HERE AS the Market for the City o( JVeJl?ninJier i?A^ from ancient Times, been held from or under the Dean and Chapter of the Collegiate Church of Saint Peter, Wejiminjler, by their Leflee of the Office of Keeper and Sweeper of the faid Market, in a Place called the Round IFoolJiapley in xh,e?m^ oi Saijit Alargarct, in the faid City oi JVeftininJier ; which Market Place hath been lately purchafed by the Commiffioners conftituted and appointed by divers Statutes for building a Bridge crofs the River Thames, from the Woolflaple, or thereabouts, in the Parifh of Saint Margaret, Wejtminfler, to the oopofite Shore in the County of Surry, for the Sum of eight hundred and forty Pounds; and the faid Ground hath been converted by the faid Commiffioners to the pXiblick Ufe of widening the Streets leading to and from the faid Bridge, according to the Direftions of the faid Statutes : And whereas it is neceflary for the Accommodation of the Inhabitants of the faid City oi IFeJiminJier, that the faid Market fhould be held in fome other Convenient Place ; and the moft convenient Place for that Purpofe is within the Bounds and Limits hereafter defcribed ; that is to fay, between the Place called the Broad SanSluary^ in the Parifli oi Saint Margaret

the faid. City of /F'iy?ff//;z/?tT, and Boiu Street in the faid Parifh: And 

whereas the Ground and Soil within the faid Limits, or the greatefl Part thereof, is the Freehold of the fsid Dean and Chapter, and by them leafed out for Terms of Years to their Tenants; and that the faid Dean and Chapter would be willing and defirous, for the Accommodation of the Inhabitants of the faid City, that the faid Sum of eight hundred and forty Pounds fliould be applied in buying in fuch Leafes or . ■ . Terms of Years as are out-ftanding, and in purchafmg fuch other Eftates as might be neceffary for holding the faid Market within the faid Limits, in cafe fuch Application of the faid Money was not reftrained by the faid Ads of Parliament made for the building the faid Bridge, whereby the faid Money is direded to be laid out in the Purchafc of Eftates in Fee Simple : And whereas other Difficulties may arife in the Pur- chafe of fuch Ground as may be necelTary for holding the faid Market, within the Limits aforefaid, by reafon of legal Difabilitics which the Owners or Occupiers of fuch Ground may be under to difpofe of the fame to the faid Dean and Chapter, for the Purpofes aforefaid ; which Difficulties cannot be removed but by Authority of Parliament ;' Be it therefore enaded, b'c The Commiffioners may extend the Limits of the new Market wiihin the open Space of the Broad Sanc- tuary, {<) far as a Line from the Gateway of Greens Alley, to the Front of the Houfe on the Eaft of the 'V<[i,'ij x:Qmxz BroddSanSiuary mto t^ Little SanSluary, will admit. The Commiffioners are to fet out the Ground ; and the Dean and Chapter to purchafe the fame; and to have' the Right of holding the Market, and the Rents and Profits thereof.' No Provifions to be ibid within loo Feet of the Bounds of '•' the Market, without Licence, under Penalty of 5 /. Juftices may mitigate the Penalties. Perfons ag- " grieved may appeal to the Quarter Seffions. Proceedings not to be removed by Certiorari. If any Perfon

  • ' refufe to treat, the Commiffioners are to ifTue out a Warrant to the High Bailiff to return a Jury, to view

" the Places in CJueflion, and to aflefs upon Oath the Recompence. Commiffioners to give Judgment there- •' on. 20 Days Notice to be given to the Parties interclled. before fuch AiTcilment. The Vcrdids, (s'c to Vol.. VII. G g ■ " be