Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/300

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2 ^'6 C. 27. Anno vicefimo tertio Ge org 11 II. A. D. 175c. ' of the Chancery, the Earons of the Court of Exchequer, the Chancellor of the Dutchy of Lancqftcr, and ' the Juilges of the other Courts of Equity, in the faid Aft mentioned for the time being, or any of them ' reipedively, fliould, upon examining fuch Attorney, touching his Fitncfs and Capacity to aft as a Soli- ' citor in Courts of Equity, be fatisfied that fuch Attorney is duly qualified to be fo admitted ; but there ' bsing no Provifion made in the faid in Part recited Aft, for admitting Perfons (who had been, or fhall be ' fvvorn, admitted and inrolled Solicitors of any of the Courts of Equity in the faid Aft mentioned) At- ' tornies of any of his Majefty's Courts of Law therein alfo mentioned, although fuch Solicitor (hould be ' duly qualified in all other P»efpefts ;' Wherefore, and to fupply fuch Omiffion, Be it enafted by the Au- Solicitors in the thority aforefaid. That from and after the fecond Day oi May one thoufand fe'en hundred and fifr', any ^™"^ be ad*"'" Psrfon who hath been already, or who at any Time or Times hereafter iliall be fworn, admitted and inro!- n^ittej'Attornies '^d a Solicitor in any of of his Majefty's Courts of Equity at Wcftminjicr, in fuch Manner as by the faid Aft without Fees, is direited, may be fworn, admitted and inrolled to be an Attorney of his Majefi:y's Court of King's Bend- See fanker or Common Pleas at JVeJlminfier, without any Fee for the Oath, or any Stamp to be imprefied on the Parch- tlGm.z.c, 16. nient whereon fuch Admiffion (hall be written (his having been fworn, admitted and inrollcrd a Solicitor in any of the Courts of Equity afore-mentioned notwithftanding) if the Judges of the faid Courts of Kings Bench or Common Pleas for the time being, or any of them refpeftively, fhall, upon examining fuch Soli- citor, touching his Fitnefs and Capacity to aft as an Attorney in the faid refpeftive Courts, be I'atisfied that ' fuch Solicitor is duly qualified to be fworn, admitted and inrolled an Attorney, purfuant to the fiiid in Part recited Aft, and other the Laws now in Force concerning Attornies and Solicitors, CAP. XXVII. An Aft for the more eafy and fpeedy Recovery of Small Debts within the City and Liberty of Wejiminfter, and that Part of the Dutchy of Lancajier which adjoineth' thereto. Amendfd by ' ^IT 7 H E PvE A S for want of an eafy and fpeedy Method for the Recovery of Small Debts, many ill- a+Geo. ». t. 41. ' yy difpofed Perfons, who have contrafted Small Debts within the City and Liberty of //^£/'.'.';.'/«/?cr, ' and that Part of the Dutchy of Lancajier which adjoineth thereto, and reful'e to pay the Debts which they ' have fo contrafted, to the Lofs and Prejudice of their Creditors, and to the Detriment of ufefu! Credit.

  • within the faid City and Liberty of JVeJlminJier, and the faid Part of the Dutchy aforefaid :' For the Re-

medy of the faid Inconvenience, and for the providing an eafy and fpeedy A-Iethod for the Recovery of Small Debts within the faid City and Liberty of ;7^^??«/;z/?ifr, and the faid Part of the Dutchy aforefaid;' May it pleafe your moft Excellent Majefty, that it may be enafted ; And be it enafted by the King's mofl Exccel- lent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in The Varlililon- this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame. That it fhall and may be lawful to and irs ot Weftmin- f^^ gj] gjjj every the Parifhioners of the feveral and refpeftive Parifhes within the faid City and Liberty of i th"h- vXks'on Wejiminjler, and the faid Part of the Dutchy aforefaid, who have a Right to aflemble in Veftr^', within thejr iM.iv yearly, refpeftive Pariflies, and they are hereby refpeftively impowered and required to meet on the firft Day of i and nominate Aiay in the Year of our Lord one thoufand (even hundred and fifty, and fo on the fame Day in every fuc- 242Com.Tiif- ceeding Year, provided the fame fhall not fall on a Sunday ; and if it fhould, then upon the next Day at teo i fioDcrs, of the Clock in the Forenoon, in the feveral and refpeftive Veftries in every of their refpeftive Parifhes, I saret ■10 '^' ^"'^ nominate and aiTign in the Whole, the Number of two hundred and forty-two of the moft fuhftantialJ St. John 10, find difcreet Perfons refiding within their refpeftive Parifhes, who are to be Commiffioners for the Purpo- | St. James 42, fes herein after-mentioned and exprefl"ed ; to be appointed by fuch Parifhioners of the faid feveral Parifhes, j St. George Ha- in Manner following ; (that is to fay) of the V7yc^ oi Saint Margaret to nominate and appoint thirty of I srAnnTrr ^°' ^'^^ ^^i Perfons ; of the Parifh of Saint John the Evangelijl, other twenty of the faid Perfons ; of the Parifll f St'. Ivalitin in of Saird James, other forty-two of the faid Perfons; of the Pariflr of Saint George, Hanover Square, other J the Fields 40, . thirty of "the faid Perfons ; of the Parifh of Saint Jnne, other twenty-four of the laid Perfons ; of the Parifll I ft. Clement of Saint Martin in the Fiehls, other forty of the faid Perfons ; of the Parifh of Saint Clement Danes, as wdl'l Danes 14, within the Liberty oi Wejlininfter as without, other twenty-four of the faid Perfons ; of the Parifh of Sa'm/t Strmd?-' Mary Is Strand, other twelve of the faid Perfons ; and of the Parifh of Saint Paul, Covent Garden, other J St. PaulCovent twenty of the faid Perfons : And the Churchwardens of each refpeftive Parifh for the time being, or oneofl Cart'en 20. them, fhall, within two Days after fuch Nomination, caufe two Lifts to be made out of the feveral Perfons f Churchwardens fo refpeftively nominated and appointed, as aforefaid ; and fhall caufe one of the faid Lifts, or a true Cop^l '"j"'fr;"^ * ^^^' thereof, to be fixed or ftuck up on the Church Door of each refpeftive Parifh ; and fhall deliver, or caufe to] thf Church' °" ^s delivered, the other of the faid Lifts to the High Bailiff of the laid City and Liberty, or his Deputy, whoJ nonv, and it- fhall forthwith caufe a Copy of fuch Lifts to be made and if uck up in the feveral Places where the faid Com-^ liver the other mifTioners fhall afTemble ; which faid Perfons ib nominated and returned by and for the faid feveral P»* to the High riflies refpeftively, as aforefaid, from time to time, ftiall be, and are hereby declared, conft-ituted and ap^ ^.'^V- r po'"ted CommilTioners to hear and determine all fuch Matters of Debt ns are hereafter mentioned ; and fucf ronftiti'ifcd a Commiffioners, fo from time to time to be nominated and appointed, as aforefaid, are hereby conftituted Court of Juilice: Court of Juftice, by the Name o( The Court of Rcque/is for the City and Liherty of We&min^cr, and ik Three to hold Part of the Dtitchy of hancnAev, which adjoineth thereto ; and the faid Commiffioners, or any three or moi the Court, of them, are hereby authorized, impowered and required to afTemble, fit and hold the faid Court, in an m St. Margaretj ^^^ jj^g j-^jj f(.ygf_.ji Parifhcs, in (uch feveral Divifions, and on fuch Days, and in fuch Manner, as is herein i^St. TamtVs' aftcr-iTientioned ; videlicet. The Commiffioners of the Parifhes of Sai>!t Alngaret and Saint John the ■^^'^jH tvery vvcdnei-' gelijf, on every Tuejday in every Week, or oftner, if necefl'ary, in fome convenient Part of the faid Pari(o »)a>; ; of Saint Aiargarct the Commiffioners of the Pariflies of Saint Ge:rge Hanover Square, Saint James, and and in St. t'.iul ^aint Anne, on every Wcdnefda^ in every Week, or oftner, if neceflarv, in fome convenient Part of the faifll ^vmTl^rfdaT' ^^^^^ oi Saint James ; and the CommifTioners of Saint Martin inthc 'Fields, Saint Paul Covent Garden, Saiti^