Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/308

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264 C. 30. Anno vlcefimo tertio Georgii II. A. D. 1750. Treble Cc(l3, tlant or Defendants flwll and may recover treble Cofh, and have the like Remedy for the fame, as any De- fendant or Defendants liath or have in other Cafes by Law. Publick Aa. X VII And be it further enaded by the Authority aforefaid. That this Av^ iliall be deemed a Publick Acl, and be judicially taken Notice of as fuch, by all Judges, Juflices and other Perlons v/hatfocver, witnout fpc- See farther io ^j^Hy pieadin" the fame. Gfd, 2. f. 16. ' ' zc-tkt extends the L'.beriy granted by thn Aa. CAP. XXX. An Aft for the more eafy and fpeedy Recovery of Small Debts within the "Totvcr Hamlets. HEREAS many Perfons, Living, Refiding, Trading or Dealing within the feveral Parifhes, Li- berties, Precincts, Hamlets and Places herein after mentioned, do contraft feveral Debts, which in the Whole amount yearly to a great Sum of Money, and although fuch Debtors are well able to pay their ' refpeftive Debts, yet often refufe fo to do, prefuming on the Difcouragements their Creditors lie under from ' the Expence they are unavoidably put unto in fuing for the fame, and the Delays they meet with even af- Pavrm-oners to ' ter Judgment; and as providing an eafy and fpeedy Method for recovering of Small Debts, will greatly TticetonTueWay ' contribute to the promoting Induftry, and fupporting and encouragmg ufeful Credit;_' May it therefore after EaPerycar- pleafc your moft Excellent Majefty, that it may be enafted, and be it ena£led by the King's moFc Excelle:.: !y, and to nomi- Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Comm.ons, in th: 3iate-4oCom- pj-gj^^j- Parliament ailembled, and by the Authority of the fame. That it fhall and may be lawful to and for ^MT/y'mke. fuch Pariftiioners or Inhabitants of the feveral and refpe£live Parifhes, Liberties, Precinfts, Hamlets and rh'arel, 5t; Places within the faid Totver Hamkis, (the Precinft of the faid Tower-tvhhin only excepted) as have a Right Chrifichurchzi; to aflemble and meet for the Choice of Officers in their feveral and refpeftive Veflries, or other Places of St. Leonard Mectinn- for tranfafting the Publick Bufmefs of fuch Parifhes, Liberties, Precin£ts, Hamlets or Places, and Shorfd^tch.20; they or°the greater Number of them fo affembled as aforefaid, are hereby refpc6lively impowered and re- rey J*?" '^^ '1'^^'^ °" ^^' Tuefday next after the Feafl: oiE after, or within one Month after Eqftcr in the Year of our ■St Mat'thcw Lord oiie thoufand feven hundred and fifty; and on every Tuefday next after the Feaft of Eajlcr, in every BcthnalGrecnS; fuccjedins; Year, to nominate, aflign and appoint in the Whole, the Number of two hundred andfortyof St. Mary, j^j^^, o^ Tubftantial and difcreet Perfons refiding within their refpeftive Parifhes, Liberties, Precincts, Ham- Iromk StT'^ 'ets and Places, who fhall each be feifed of Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, of the Value of twenty Leo'nard 3;' Poimds />«" AvJiuTii, clear of all Incumbrances, or poflefTed of aPerfonal Efbate of the Value of five hundred .§!. Anne s; Pounds or more, clear of all Incumbrances, to be Comm.iffioners for the Purpofes herein after mentioned and

St. Paul siiad- exprefled in Manner following; viddlcet, fuch Parifliioners of the Parifli of Saint Maty IVJntechapcU to no-

well 16; niinate, aflign and appoint thirty-one of the faid Perfons; fuch Parifliioners of the Parifli of Chrlji Church St' Tnhn'^Wap- Other twenty-one; fucii Parifhioners of the Parifli of Saint Leonard Shoreditch, other twenty; fuch Pa- ',i^gjy. rifliioncrs of the Parifh o^ Saint John Hackney, other eighteen; fuch Parifliioners of the Parifli of Saint Ht.Botolphvihh. Jlfaitheiv Bethnal Green., other eight; fuch Parifhioners of the Par'iih of Saint Mary, Stratford Boiv, other imt Aldgate 15; f^uj. . f^^-i-, Parifliioners of the Parifh of Bromley Saint Leonard, other three; fuch Parifhioners of the Parifli Triniiy Mino- ^^ ^^y^^ ^^,^^^^ ^^y^&v eight; fuch Parifliicners of the Parifli of Saint Paul Shadivcll, other fixteen; fuch MUe^llna Old Parifliioners of the Parifli of Saint George, other eighteen; fuch Parifliioners of the Parifli of SairJ Js'r: Town S; Wapping, other feventeen; fuch Parifliioners of the Parifli of Saint Botolph withc-iit Aldgate, commonly callcj New Town 3; the Liberty of Eajl Smithfield., other fifteen; fuch Parifliioners of the Parifh of Triniiy ATtnories, other three; RaJclifiei5; fuch Parifliioncrs or Inhabitants of the Hamlet of Mile End Old Toivn, other eight; fuch Parifhioners or B^'rwau' • Inhabitants of the Hamlet of Adile End Nnu Toivn, other three; fuch Parifliioners or Inhabitants of the Towervviihouie- Hamlet of RadcUjfe, other fifteen; fuch Parifliioners or Inhabitants of the Hamlet of Poplar and Bhckiva!', St. Katheiine's other feven; (which faid laft-mentioned four Hamlets, arc v/ithin the Parifli of Saint Dwrjlav, Stehunlieat': 7) . otherwife Stepney, in the County of ATiddlefex) fuch Inhabitants of the Precinft of the 7ji£,v;--tt';Vi'W-'f, otlier fix; fuch Inhabitants of is?rcQ di of Saint Katherine's, other feven; fuch Inhabitants of. the Prccinft of I'^'.'i i' lix; inch inhabitants ot the rrecmct of iamt i<i.ati?er!nc s, otaer leven; lucli JniiaDitants or. the rrccmct ol tro-onrir'^ ' Well-Clofe, other three; fuch Inhabitants of the PrecineT: of hIace. true Copy thereof, to be fixed and flack tip in fome publick and convenient Place, in each of tht,ir refpec- Notxe to be tive Liberties, Prccinfe or Places aforefaid, not being a Parifli of itfelf; and fuch Churchwardens and Over- fiven to the fcers of the Poor rcl'pecllvcly fl'iall forthwith give or caufc to be given Notice to all and every the CommiC- CommiiTioners. fio^ers fo norn.inated, alTigiied and appointed, for each of their refpecftive Pariflies, Liberties, Preciniflsi A Lift to bc^ Hamlets and Places, of their being fo appointed Commiifioners as aforefaid; and fliall alfo v.-ithin two Days " ' after every Nomination of Commiff.oncrs, puifuant to this Adt, caufe a true Copy of fuch LiltS to be made him^ lip in the Couit-lloure ,nd v^-rote fair in one compleat Lift, taking the feveral Pariflies, Liberties, Precincfs, Han-:lets ani Places 1ft Order as they {land in this ici, and fliall flick up the fame in fome convenient Part of the Court-Houfff, or other convenient Place, to be provided by the fiiid CommiiTtoners, or the major Part of them, at fome . General Meeting to be held for that Purpofe; which faid Perfons, fo nominated and returned by the faid Cnirmlffioners fevcral Pariflies, Liberties, Precinib, _ Hamlets and Places refpedively as aforefitij, from time to time, are j coiinitutc.d a hereby declared, conftituted and appointed to be CommifRoners to hear and determine all fuch Matters of , Cymt. I^ebt as are herein after-mentioned; and fuch Comniiflioners are hereby conflitutcd a Court of Juftice, by t'"-m '^" '^'i t.Xvi'H^ii-nz of The Citirt of Retjtce/Js for ihe'YowetYii.mleti; and the faid Coinmiilioncrs, or any three of! Fridiv^wecklv "^oi'^ of thctji, arc hereby authorized, 'impowered and required to aflemble, fit and hold the faid Court twct in