Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/351

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A. D. 1751.
Anno viceſimo quarto Georgii II.
C. 23.

new Calendar, Tables and Rules, hereunto annexed, ſhall be prefixed to all ſuch future Editions of the ſaid Book, in the Room and ſtead thereof; [1] and that from and after the ſaid ſecond Day of September, all and every the fixed Feaſt-days, Holy-days and Faſt-days, which are now kept and obſerved by the Church of England, and also the ſeveral ſolemn Days of Thankſgiving, and of Faſting and Humiliation, which by virtue of any Act of Parliament now in being are, from Time to Time, to be kept and obſerved, ſhall be kept and obſerved on the respective Days marked for the Celebration of the ſame in the ſaid new Calendar; that is toſsay, On the ſame reſpective nominal Days on which the ſame are now kept and obſerved; but which according to the Alteration by this Act intended to be made as aforeſaid, will happen eleven Days ſooner than the ſame now do; and that the ſaid Feaſt of Eaſter, and all other moveable Feaſts thereon depending, ſhall, from Time to Time, be obſerved and celebrated according to the ſaid new Calendar, Tables and Rules hereunto annexed, in that Part of Great Britain called England, and in all the Dominions and Countries aforeſaid, wherein the Liturgy of the Church of England now is, or hereafter ſhall be uſed; and that the two movable Terms of Eaſter and Trinity, and all Courts of what Nature or Kind ſoever, and all Meetings and Aſſemblies of any Bodies Politick or Corporate, and all Markets, Fairs and Marts, and Courts thereunto belonging, which by any Law, Statute, Charter, Cuſtom or Uſage are appointed, uſed or accuſtomed to be holden and kept at any moveable Time or Times depending upon the Time of Eaſter, or any other ſuch moveable Feast as aforesaid, ſhall, from Time to Time, from and after the ſaid ſecond Day of September, be holden and kept on ſuch Days and Times whereon the ſame ſhall reſpectively happen or fall, according to the happening or falling of the ſaid Feaſt of Eaſter, or ſuch other moveable Feasts as aforeſaid, to be computed according to the ſaid new Calendar, Tables and Rules.

[2] IV. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforeſaid, That the ſeveral Meetings of the Court of Seſſion, and Terms fixed for the Court of Exchequer in Scotland, the April Meeting of the Governor, Bailiffs and Commonalty of the Company of Conſervators of the great Level of the Fens, and the holding and keeping of all Markets, Fairs and Marts, whether for the Sale of Goods or Cattle, or for the hiring of Servants, or for any other Purpoſe, which are either fixed to certain nominal Days of the Month, or depending upon the Beginning, or any certain Day of any Month, and all Courts incident or belonging to, or uſually holden and kept with any ſuch Fairs or Marts, fixed to certain Times as aforeſaid, shall not, from and after the ſaid ſecond Day of September, be continued upon, or according to the nominal Days of the Month, or the Time of the Beginning of any Month, to be computed according to the said new Calendar, but that from and after the ſaid ſecond Day of September, the said Courts of Seſſion and Exchequer, the said April Meeting, and all such Markets, Fairs and Marts as aforeſaid, and all Courts incident or belonging thereto, ſhall be holden and kept upon, or according to the ſame natural Days, upon or according to which the ſame would have been so kept or holden, in caſe this Act had not been made; that is to ſay, eleven Days later than the ſame would have happened, according to the nominal Days of the ſaid new Supputation of Time, by which the Commencement of each Month, and the nominal days thereof, are anticipated or brought forward, by the Space of eleven Days; any Thing in this Act contained to the contrary thereof in any wiſe notwithſtanding.

'V. And whereas, according to divers Cuſtoms, Preſcriptions and Uſages, in certain Places within this Kingdom, certain Lands and Grounds are, on particular nominal Days and Times in the Year, to be opened for Common of Paſture, and other Purpoſes; and at other Times, the Owners and Occupiers of ſuch Lands and Grounds have a Right to inclose or ſhut up the ſame, for their own private Uſe; and there is, in many other Inſtances, a temporary and diſtinct Property and Right veſted in different Perſons, in and to many ſuch Lands and Grounds, according to certain nominal Days and Times in the Year: And whereas the anticipating or bringing forward the ſaid nominal Days and Times, by the Space of eleven Days, according to the ſaid new Method of Suppuration, might be attended with many Inconveniencies;' Be it therefore further declared, provided and enacted by the Authority aforeſaid, [3] That nothing in this Act contained ſhall extend, or be construed to extend, to accelerate or anticipate the Days or Times for the opening, incloſing or ſhutting up any ſuch Lands or Grounds as aforeſaid, or the Days or Times on which any ſuch temporary or diſtinct Property or Right in or to any ſuch Lands or Grounds as aforeſaid is to commence; but that all ſuch Lands and Grounds as aforeſaid ſhall from and after the ſaid ſecond Day of September be, from Time to Time, reſpectively opened, incloſed, or ſhut up, and ſuch temporary and diſtinct Property and Right in and to ſuch Lands and Grounds as aforeſaid, ſhall commence and begin upon the ſame natural Days and Times on which the ſame ſhould have been ſo reſpectively opened, incloſed or shut up, or would have commenced or begun, in caſe this Act had not been made; that is to ſay, eleven Days later than the ſame would have happened, according to the ſaid new Account and Supputation of Time, ſo to begin on the ſaid fourteenth Day of September as aforeſaid.

[4] VI. Provided alſo, and it is hereby further declared and enacted, That nothing in this preſent Act contained shall extend, or be conſtrued to extend, to accelerate or anticipate the Time of Payment of any Rent or Rents, Annuity or Annuities, or Sum or Sums of Money whatſoever, which ſhall become payable by Virtue or in Conſequence of any Cuſtom, Uſage, Leaſe, Deed, Writing, Bond, Note, Contract or other Agreement whatſoever, now ſubſiſting, or which ſhall be made, ſigned, ſealed or entred into, at any Time before the ſaid fourteenth Day of September, or which ſhall become payable by virtue of any Act or Acts of Parliament now in Force, or which ſhall be made before the ſaid fourteenth Day of September, or the Time of doing any Matter or Thing directed or required by any ſuch Act or Acts of Parliament to be done in relation thereto; or to accelerate the Payment of, or increaſe the Intereſt of, any such Sum

  1. Feaſts and Faſts, &c. to be according to the new Calendar.
  2. Courts of Seſſion and Exchequer in Scotland, and Markets, Fairs and Marts to be held upon the ſame Natural days.
  3. The Times for opening and incloſing of Commons, not altered.
  4. Times of Payment of Rents, Annuities, &c.
