Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/388

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368 C. 40. Anno vicefimo quarto Georgii II. A. D. 1751. Exchrqucr, di- fame excepted) fliall, fiom Time to Time, be paid into the Receipt of his Majefty's Exchequer at TVeJi- ilincl from other ^„;,y;^,,.^ dilliiidtly and apart from all other Branch':s of the publick Revenues, fubjecl and liable to the R«"ciiuc ^^"'^ ^'"^^ ^""^ Purpofes refpeftively as the prefent Duties on Spirituous Liquors and Licences are now liable and appropriated unto. joGco, ;, c, ' Hi. And v/hereas by an Aft of Parliament made and pafled in the twentieth Year of his Majefty's 3'9' ' Reign, (intituled, An Jlcl for granting a Duty to his MajejJy to be paid by DijTillers upon Licences taken out ' by than for retailing Spirituous Liquorsf t is enafted. That from and after the twenty- fourth Day Oi June ' one thoufand fevcn hundred and forty-feven, it fhould be lawful to and for the feveral Diftillers within

  • the Cities oi Londo?t and IVtfiminfer^ Borough oi Southwark, or Weekly Bills of Mortality, to take out

' Licences from his Majefty's Commiffioners of Excife for retailing Spirituous Liquors ; and the faid ' Commiffioners were thereby authorized and required to grant fuch Licences to every Diftiller and Di- ' ftillers within the Limits aforcfaid, who fliould apply for the fame, upon Payment of five Pounds for ' e; ery fuch Licence, which were to be renewed yearly, upon Payment of the like Sum of fie Pounds, ' under certain Reftriclions in the faid recited Act mentioned : And whereas the permitting Diftillers to

  • take out Licences for the retailing Spirituous Liquors, has greatlj; tended to increafe the drinking of Spi-

' rituous Liquors, many of whom nave wilfully permitted and fuffered the fame to be tippled and drank

  • in their Shops, contrary to the Diredlion of the faid Act of the twentieth Year of his prefent Majeft^s

The Duty of 5 1, ' Reign ;' Be it therefore enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the twenty-fourth Day fti)hr!ff ?" ^^' J^'"^ one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-one, the Duty of five Pounds payable by every Diftiller for teaceao recoil ^ Licence to fell Spirituous Liquors by Retail, fl:a]l ceafe, determine and be no longer paid ; and that no j-ei.eaied, ' Diftil.'er lliall have a Licence, or be permitted to fell any Spirituous Liquors, mixed or unmixed with any Ingredients, by Retail, after the faid twenty-fourth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and fifty- one. Penalties of the IV. Provided always. That nothing herein contained fliall extend, or be conftrued to extend, to repeal faid Aft, to be or vacate the feveral Penalties and Forfeitures impofed by the faid Ad; of the twentieth Year of his faid pre- ftilim Force, fcnt Majefty's Reign. en Licences to ^^Y o^' -March one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-two, be raifed, levied, collected and paid unto his retail Spirituous Majefty, his Heifs and Succeflbrs, an additional Duty of twenty Shillings per Annum for every Licence I,iluor5. that fhall be taken out by any Peribn or Perfons for the retailing Spirituous Liquors, purfuant to the Di- redtions of the ASt of Parliament made in the fixteenth Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, (intituled, 1% Oeo, z. c. 8. An Aii for repealing certain Duties on Spirituous Liquors, and on Licences for retailing the fame ; and for laying other Duties on Spirituous Liquors, and on Licences to retail the faid Liquors) and of this A£t, or either of them ; wh'ch faid additional Duty of twenty Shillings fliall from Time to Time be paid down in like manner, and at the fame Time, and be raifed, levied, colleiled and paid by the fame Means and Methods, and under the like Penalties, as the Duty upon Licences to be granted by virtue of the faid Att made in the fixteenth Year of his prefent Majefty s Reign, is directed to be raifed, levied, collected and paid. Powers, &c, VL And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That all and every the Powers, Authorities, £aw"ofVcT -Direftions, Rules, Methods, Penalties and Forfeitures, Claufes, Matters and Things which in and by to be in Force' ^" ^^ made in the twelfth Year of the Reign of King Charts the Second, (intituled. An A it for taking v'ith regard to oway the Court of IVards and Liveries, and Tenures in Capite, and by Knights Service, and Purveyance, and thsfs Duties, for fettling a Revenue upon his Majefty in lieu thereof) or by any other Law now in Force relating to his Ma- jefty's Revenue of Excile upon Beer, Ale or other Liquors are provided, fettled or eftabliftied, for fecuring, enforcing, managing, raifing, levying, colle£ting, mitigating or recovering, adjudging or afcertaining the Duties or Penalties thereby granted, and for preventing, detefting and punifiiing Frauds relating thereto (not otherwifc altered by this Aft) fliall be exercifed, praftifed, applied, ufed, impofed, levied, reco- 'crcd and put in Execution, for the fecuring, enforcing, man'ging, raifing, levying, coUefting, miti- gating, adjudging, afcertaining, recovering and paying the Duties and Penalties hereby granted, and for preventing, detecting and punilhing Frauds relating thereto, as fully and effectually, to all Intents and Purpojes, as if all and every the faid Powers, Authorities, Rules, Direftions, Methods, Penalties and Forfeitures, Claufes, Matters and Things were particularly repeated, and again enafted in the Body of this prefent Aft. xSGeo. 2, c. S. ' VII. And whereas by an Aft made in the fixteenth Year of his Majefty's Reign, it is enafted. That ' no Licence fliall be granted to any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever for felling by Retail any Spirituous Li- ' quors or Strong Waters whatfoever, except to fuch Perfons only who fliall keep Taveins, Viftualliiig- ' houfes, Inns, Coffee-houfes or Ale-houfes ; and that if any fuch Licences fhall he granted to any other ' Perfons than as aforefail, the fame are thereby declared void to all Intents and Purpofes : And it is ' thereby aUb enafted, T'hat if any Perfon or Perfons fliall prefume or ofter to retail any of the faid Spiri- ' tuous Liquors, without taking out fuch Licence as is therein mentioned, and renewing the fame N'^arjy, ' in manner therein mentioned, he, flie or they fliall refpeftively forfeit and lofe the Sum of ten Pounds ' for each Oftence ; and in cafe fuch Perfon or Perfons fliall rcfufe or negleft to pay the faid Sum of ten ' Pounds, the fame being lawfully demanded, it fliall and may be lawfid for any one or more Juftice or ' Juftices of the Peace of any County, Riding, Divifion, City or Liberty, upon Information upon Oath ' being made before him or them, of fuch Refufal or Negleft, by AVarrant under his or their Hand and ' Sea), 01 Hands and Seals, to commit fuch Perfon or Pcribns to the Houfc of Corrcftion for the County, ' Riding,