Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/40

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The TITLES of the STATUTES. were prevented by the faid Doubt from being difcharged under the i'aid Act. 19. All Act to impower Judges of Courts of Record in Cities and Towns Corporate, Liberties and Franchifes, to fc-t Fines on Perfons who {hall be fummoned to ferve upon Juries in fuch Courts, and fhall negled to attend. 20. An A61; for erefling, maintaining and fupporting a Light-houfe on the Ifland oi Little Cuinray in the County oiBiite, at the Mouth of the River Clyde, in North Britain ; and for rendering the Navigation in the Frith and River of Clyde more fafe and commodious. 2 1 . An Aft for imhanking and preferving certain F'en Lands and Low Grounds, called The IVaJhes, lying and being in the fcveral Parifhcs of Sutton, Mcpal, Witcham, Ely, Witchford, TVentworth, Coveney and Downhnm in the IJle of Ely and County of Cambridge ; and of Bluntijham with Erith in the County of Huntingdon. 22. An Act for draining and preferving certain Fen Lands in the IJle of Ely and County of Norfolk, lying between the Hundred Foot River and the Oufe, and bounded on the South by the Hard Lands oi Mepall, TVicham, Went- worth, Wichford, Ely, Downham and Littleport ; and for impowering the Governor, Bailiffs and Commonalty of the Company of Confervators of the Great Level of the Fens, commonly called Bedford Level, to fell certain Lands lying v/ithin the Limits aforefaid, commonly called In'iie/lcd Lands. 2v An Act for encouraging the Fifheries in that Part of Great Britain called Scotland. 24. An Act for granting to his Majefty certain Sums of Money out of the Sinking Fund ; and applying certain Sums of Money remaining in the Exchequer, for the Ser- vice of the Year one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-fix. 25-. An Act for appointing a fufficient NumberofConftables for the Service of the City and Liberty of Wejlminjler ; and to compel proper Perfons to take upon them the Office of Jurymen, to prefent Nuifances and other Of- fences, within the faid City and Liberty. a6. An Acl for. further continuing an AiSl: of the fixth Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, for fecuring and en- cour."ging the Trade of his Majefty 's Sugar Colonies in Jinerica, to indemnify Commiffioners of the Land Tax for Counties at large and Ridings, who have afled by virtue of Lcafehold Eftates ; and to obviate a Doubt re- lating to the Qualification of Commiffioners of the Land Tax, for the City and Liberty of JVe/iminJler. 27. An Act for extending the Aft of the twenty-fecond li ear of his prefent Majefty, (for amending, explaining and reducing into one ASl of Parliament, the Laws relating to the Government cf his Majefty s Ships, Veffels and Forces by Sea) to fuch Officers, Seamen and others, as fhall ferve on Board his Majefly's Ships or Veffels employed upon the Lakes, Great Waters or Rivers in Noi th Ainerica. 28. An Act for reviving and continuing an Aft for the Re- lief of Debtors, with refpeft to the Imprifonment of their Perfons ; and for continuing an Aft made in the laft Sef- fion of Parliament, to continue feveral Laws relating to the Diftemper now raging among the Horned Cattle in this Kingdom. 27. An Act for enabling his Majefty to raife one Million, for tlic Purpofe therein mentioned ; and for further appro- priating the Supplies granted in this Seflion of Parliament. 30. An Aft for more efteftually difcouraging and preventing the ikaling, and the buying and receiving of ftolen Lead, Iron, Copper, Brafs., Bcll-metal and Solder, and for more efteftually bringing the Offenders to Juftice. 31. An Aft to enable Infants, Lunaticks and Femes Covert, to furrcnJcr Lenfcs in order to renew the fame. 32. An Aifl to indemnify Perfons who have omitted to qua hfy thrmfelves according to the F'ireftions of feveral Afts of Parliament within the Times limited by fuch Afts re- fpeftively, and for allowing further Time for that Pur- pofe ; and concerning the Admifiions of Officers and A-Jem bcrs of Cities, Corporations and Borough Towns ; and the filing of Affidavits of Articles of Clerkfhip. 33. An Adl to render more efFeftual an Aft pafTed In the twelfth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King Ge^r'-e, to prevent unlawful Combinations of "^Vorkmen em- ployed in the Woollen Manufactures, and for better Pay- ment of their Wages ; and alfo an Act pafted in the thir- teenth Year of the P.eign of his faid late Majefty, for the better Regulation of the Woollen Manufacture ; and fbr preventing Difputes among the Perfons concerned therein ; and for limiting a Time for profecuting for the Forfeiture appointed by the aforefaid Act, in cafe of the Payment of the Wprkmens Wages, in any other Manner than in Money. 34. An Aft for the Encouragement of Seamen, and the more fpeedy and effectual Manning his Majefty's Navy. 3;. An Act for the better recruiting his Majefty's Forces on the Contment of America; and for the better Regulation of the Army, and preventing of Defertion there. 36. An Act for inclofing, by the mutual Confent of the Lords and Tenants, Part of any Common, for the Pur- pofe of planting and preferving Trees fit for Timber or Underwood ; and for more effectually preventing the un- lawful Deftruction of Trees. 37._ An Act for regulating the Proceedings in Perfonal Ac- tions in the Courts Baron of the Manors of Sheffield ^ni Ecclejall, in the County of York. 38. An Act to enable the Commiffioners for building a Bridge crofs the River o^Tharncs, from the City of JFeJl- muifter, to_the oppofite Shore in the County of Siti-ry, to purchafe Houfes and Grounds, and to widen the Ways, and make more fafe and commodious the Streets, Avenues and Paflages leadjng from Charing Crcfs to The two Hsa/es of Parliament, Wellminjler Hall, and the Courts of juf- tice there, and TFeftminfter Bridge ; and to enable a'lefs Number of Com.miffioners to execute the feveral Acts re- lating to the faid Bridge, than at prefent are required by Law ; and for Relief of George and Jajucs King, with regard to a Leafe taken by their late Father from 'the faid Commiffioners. 39. An Aft for explaining, amending, and rendering more efteftual. an Act made in the twenty-fecond Year of his prefent Adajefty's Reign, intituled, An Ail for making 'j free Market for the Sale of Fip in the City ii/tVeftminf^er ; and for preventing the foreflaUing and monopolizing of Fijh and for allowing the Sale of FiJh, under the Dimcnfons men- tioned in a Claufe contained in an Act of the prji Year cf his late Majefys Reign, in cafe the fame are taken ivith a Hook. 40. An Aft to improve, widen and enlarge the PalTage over and through London Bridge. 41. An Aft for explaining and amending two Afts of Par- liament, one made in the clevrnth Year of his Majefty's Reign (For repairing tl-e R-ad from Shoreditch Church, thrcvgb Hackney tc Stanfoid Hill, and f;-.;/} Cambridge Heath cwrBethn;il Green, to the Turnpike at A^Y.wdi in the County ^/" Middlefex) and the o"; her made in the twentv-fixth Year of his Majefty's Reign (For enlarging the Term and Powers granted by the Jaul former Act f zuiS. for impowerj^ng the Truflees to creft and maintain Lamps, and keep a Guard, upon the ftid Ro.ids in the Night-time. 42. An Aft for enlarging the Coemetery or Church-yard of the Parifli of Saint lilnry Ncivington Butts in the Coun- ty of Surry. 43. An Aft for making and Vv-idening a Road from the Eafl: Side of the Parifli of Saint Matthew Bcthnal Green in the County oi' Middlife.v, to the Eaft End o' Church Street i the faid Parifli ; and to open a "Way or Road into Shore- ditch, and keeping the :ame in i<ep.iir. 44. An Aft to cn;ib!e the Truftees for rcyn'w'ing Old Street Road, to repair, widen and make a Road from the Sign of The Red Lion on ffirdmill Hill, through Tf'o-jhip Street, to the Ditch Side next the Ealt Side of Hcly Well Mount, and through a certain Ground to the Sign of T/;* London Apprentice, in the Pariftaes of Saint Z,;.'Afand Saint 3 Leonard