Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/42

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The TITLES of the STATUTES. them paffed in the thirteenth Year of her late Majcfty Queen Anne^ for making the River Nine or Nen, run- ning from Northampton io' Peterborough navigable; and the other made in the eleventh Year of his late IXiajefty King George the Firft, for making more effectual the (aid former Act. 70. An Act for enlarging the Terms and Powers granted by an Act pafled in the twenty-fourth Year of his prefeiim Majefty's Reign, for repairing the High Road leading from Darlington in the County of Durham, to Weji Auck- land, and feveral other Roads in the faid County therein mentioned ; and for the effectual amending the fame. 71. An Act to explain and amend an Act parted in the tv^enty-iifth Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, intituled. An ASi for repairing the R-adsfrom the Taw n of Leeds through Harwood, to the South JVeJl Corner of the Liclofures of Harrogate, and from thence in two' Branches., one through Ripley over Burage Green, and the other through Knarefhorough (7W Borough-bridge, fo Ripon, and from thence to the firji Rill of JVater or Watercourfe on Huiton- Moor in the County of York, and for repairing the Sloughs or'Ruits on the Jaid Moor. 72. An Aft for changing and altering two feveral Roads' direfted to be amended and widened by an Aft made in' the twenty-feventh Year of the Reign of his prefent Ma- jefty, for amending and widening feveral Roads leading from the Borough of Truro in the County of Corniuall. 73. An Aft for building a Bridge acrofs the River Wye, from the Town o^ Hay in the County oi Brecon, to theoppofite Shore in the County oi Radnor. • 74. An Aft for the better fupplying the City of Edinburgh with freih and wholelbme Water. y^. An Aft for compleating and finifliing a new Church, and laying out and inclofmg a Cemetery thereto, in the Ifland of Portland. 76. An Afl for enlarging and altering the Term and Powers granted by an Aft made in the twenty -fecond Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, for efFeftually amending and repairing the Road leading from Wansfard Bridge in the County of Northampton, to the Town and Borough of Stamford in the County of Lincoln ; and for repairing the Road from the Borough o{ Stamford' to Staplcford Bridge, in the Parifh of Ryhall in the County of Rutland; and from thence to Bourne in the County of Lincoln. , 77. An Aft for repairing and widening the Road from the Town of Farringdon in the County of Berks, to the Town of Crickladc, and from thence to the Town of Malmeflmry in the County of JVilts, and the Road from thence to join the Turnpike Road at AtlonTurville in the County of Glouceftcr ; and alfo the Road from Tethury in the fnid County, through Malmcfbury aforefaid, to Chip- penh.m Bridge; and the Road from Sheijlon, to join the Turnpike Road leading from Tethury to Bath. 78. An A(ft for the better paving and amending, cleanfing, enlightening and watching the Streets, Higluvays, Lanes and Faffages, within the Town of Shrezu/bury in the County of Salop. 79. An Aff for the better Relief and Employment of the Poor, in the Hundreds of Colneis and Carlford in the County of Suffolk. 80. An Aft for enlaiging the Term and Powers granted by an Aft pafled in the twenty-firfl Year of the P^eign of his prefent Majefty, for repairing the High Road from the Town of Bowes in the County of York, to Barnard Cajlle in the County of Durham ; and from thetice through Staindrop, to Ncxvgatc in Bifljop Auckland; and from Nnvgatc, along Gibh Chair, to Gaundlefs Bridge ; and from thence by Mdderjion Gill, to the Turnpike Road near Sunderland Bridge in the County of Durham ; and for making the fame more effeftual. Ei. An Aft for amending and keeping in Repair the Roads leading from a Place called Fryer Bacons Study, to Chilton Pond; and horn the Top ol Hinkfey Hill, to' Fox- combe Hill Gate, in the Road leading to Farringdon in . the County of Berks. 82. An Aft for repairing and widening the Road from the fVhiie Stoop, near the North End of the Town of Derby, throu h the Towns of Duffield and Cheflerfield in the County of Derby, to the Town of Sheffield in the County of York ; and from the faid Town of Diffeld, to the Moot Hall in the Town of Wii kjworth in the faid County of Derby. 83. An Aft for repairing and widening the High Road from the Borough of Ripon by higram Bank, to the Town of Pately Bridge in the County of York. 84. An Aft for repairing and widening the Roads from the North End of Dtinjly Lane, to the South Weft Corner of FJfehohn Hedge, snd to Catholm Gate, Drinfey Ncoke, and Dunham and Littleburgh Ferries, and from the North End of Waddington Field, and the Bridge over the River JVitham, at Bracebridge, to the City of Lincoln, and from the Gate at the Foot of Canwicke Hill, to the great Bar- gates of the faid City ; and for enforcing the Performance of Statute-work upon the Highways, communicating with the faid -Roads, to a certain Diftance from the faid Roads. 85. An Aft for repairing and widening the Roads leading from the Eafl Side of Lincoln Heath, to the City of Pe- terborough ; and from the Eaft End of Marham Lane, to the Town oiWalton in the County oi Noy-thampton. ; and from the Town of Bourn, to the Town of Colfferworth ; and from Donington High Bridge, to the Crofs Pofl in the Parifh oi Hacconby; and from the Eaft End of a Lane called Hale Drove, to and through the Town of Old Steoford, to the End of Long Hedge n the Parifh of ^uar- rington in the County of Lincoln. 86. An Act for building a Bridge crofs the River T^rtWi-/, from Black Fryars in the City of London, to the oppo- fite Side in the County of Suiry. 87. An Act for regulating the Nightly Watch and Beadels, and better enlightening, paving and cleanfing the Streets and other Pafl'ages, and repairing the Highways within the Pariflies of Saint John 'P'apfing, Saint Paul Shadivelt, the Hamlet of Ratcliffe, the rarilh of Saint ,4n>!e in the County of Aliddlefex, and the Precinct of JFeil Clofe in the Liberty of the Tower of London. 88. An Act to enable the refpective Trufleesof the Turn- pike Roads leading to Highgate Gatehoufe and Hampftead, and from Saint Giless Pound to Kilbourn Bridge in the County of Middle/ex, to make a new Road from the great Northern Road at IjTn;gtcn, to the Edgwarc Road near Paddington, and alfo from the North End oi Pert- land Street, crofs the Farthing Pye Hsufe Fields, into the faid new Road ; and for enlarging the Terms and Powers granted by two feveral Acts for repairing the faid Road from Saint Gihss Pound to Ri/r:urn Bridge. 89. An Act for rebuilding the Parifh Church, and enlar- ging the Church-yard of Saint fohn of Tf'apping in the County of AJiddlfex. 90. An Act to enable the Proprietors and Inhabitants of Houfes in York Buildings, in the Pariih of Saint A/artin in the Fields in the County of AL'ddlefx, to make and levy a Rate on themfelves, fufficient to anfwer tlie Expcnce of rebuilding or repairing of the Terrace Walk and Wa- ter-gate, and fuch other Part of tl'.e Premifcs adjoining to the River Tha:r,cs, and belonging to the faid Buildings, as fliall be jiidgcd neceflary, and for keeping the fame in Repair fir tlie future. 91. An Act for explaining and making more cfTcctua] an Act palled in the twenty-fourth Year of the Reign of his prctcnt Majcily, for repairing the Road leading from the Eaft End of Brunipton High Lane in the County of York, to the Town of Richmond, and from thence to and through the Towns of Ajh'igg and Lighten in the faid County, to the Ttnvn of Z(7';i-<7//(V in the County of Lan~ caffer ; and alio for repairing the Road leading from Riih-