Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/465

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A. D. 1752. Anno vicclimo qiimto Georgh II. C. 40. 445 VI. And for the more effeflual Encouragement of Merchants that fliall trade unto or refide in the Phices sforefaid; Be it enacted by the Authority aforelaid. That it Ihall and may be lawful to and for the and eicacou.ts. iaid Company of Merchants trading to Jfrica-, or their Committee, by and with the Confent and Appro- bation of the faid Commiirioners for 'Frade and Plrmtations, or ihs Majority of them, to ereft, coniHtute and eil:abli(h a Court or Courts of Judicature, to be held at fuch Place or Places, Fort or Forts, Plantations- or Faiflories, upon the faid Coali, as the faid Company fliall from Tim-j to 'Fime direcl and appoint, for hearing and detsrm.ining all Caules, the Matter or Pvlatters whereof fliall arife there, on account of Mer- cantile or Maritime Bargains buying, felling or bartering of Wares; or Bills, Bonds, or Promifcs for Pay- ment (^f Money, or Mercantile or 1 rading Contradis, made, tranfafted or entred into upon the feid Coaft, concerning any Perfon orPerfons reftding within the Bounds and Limits aferefaid. VII. Provided neverthelds, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That his Majefty, his Heirs His Mqofty may and Succefibrs, Ihall have full Power at his Will and Pleafure, from Time to 7'ime, by his or their Sign'"f"= ="y °^ Manual, to revoke all fuch Powers which fiiall be given to any Perfons, for raiiing, arming and training 1'"';°*'^'^^"^ the Military Forces, and all fuch Rules and Regulations, as fnall be given or eftabliihed, and to grant all R^,„j)a"io°ns'"^.<;.. Military Powers on the faid Jf rkan Coz&, and eiiabliih fuch Rules and Regulations as he or they flnll' '° from Time to 'Fime think fit; and alfo to revoke and repeal all fuch Courts of Juftice as (hall be eredted -^ and to eredl and eftablilli fuch other Courts of Juftice there, as he or they fhall from Time to Time think fit. VIII. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That all the Contraifts and Agreements Former Con- which have been made by the faid Royal Jftkan Company o^ Etizla-nd, with any of the Kings, Princes or'"?^-- ^■'■'- '"'°^ Natives of any of the Countries or Places on the faid Coail; and alfo all Deed;, Vv^ritings, Evidences or ^i^'^^^'^iS"^ " Muniments, Books of Account, and all Papers of what Kind or Nature foever, belongir.g, or which didp^l"^ """' belong, to the faid Company, lliall, on or before the faid tenth Day o( yfpril one thoul'and fevcn hundred and fifty-two, be delivc; ed over by the 'aid Royal j^frican Company of England, or their Officers,. Servants,, Agents and all other Perfon?, who have^ or fliall have the Cuilody of them, or any of them, to the faid- Company of Merchants trading to y^r/ir(7, together with an Inventory of the Books, ContratSts, Agree- , . .,■ ments, Deeds, Writings and Evidences above-mentioned, to be by them kept and preferved, for the Benefit ^,^j'^!j^^^^ji|^ and Proteftio-.i of the faid Trade, Forts and Settlements; and the faid Company of Merchants trading to Cooks to be pro- ylfrica are, from I'ime to Time, to produce to the Commifiioners hereafter mentioned, fuch of the Stock Jucerf to the Leidger, and Transfer Books, of the faid Royal yi^r/Vrt^ Company, as they fliall require.. Commiffioners. IX. And for m,aking a full Compenfation and Satisfadion to the Royal African Company oi England, m-M^l- 3 =• for their faid Charter, Lands, Forts, Caftles, Slaves, Military Stores, Books, Papers, and all other their 3 '^^ '"'j'^^'P'^^ Effects whatfoever; Be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid, I'hat out of all or any the Aids or Supplies™.; J 3S3"tirI granted to his Majetty in this Seffion of Parliament, there may and fliall be applied and paid the Sum of f:Jaioi'i to iKecld one hundred and twelve thoufand one hundred and forty-tv/o Pounds three Shillings and three Pence, with- Company^ out Account, to fuch Perfons and in fuch Proportions, and in fuch Manner, as is herein after particularly directed and appointed. X. And it is hereby further enafled by the Authority aforefaid. That out of the faid Sum of one hun- whereof dred and twelve thoufand one hundred and forty-two Pounds three Shillings and three Pence, the Com— ^55'- 3 =. fo milTioners of his Majefty's Treafury, or any three or more of them now being, or the High Treafurer, or^^f^'^ii^ig'^'^^j t„ any three or more of theCommifTioners of the Treafury for the Time being, do ilTue and pay, or caufe to ftatetheCIaitr.s be iffued and paid, the Sum of one thoufand fix hundred and ninety-five Pounds and three Shillings, to of the Cieditorsi- Richard Edivards Efquire, and Edmund Sawyer Efquire, two of the Maflers of the High Court of Chan-^ eery, and John IVaple Efquire, one other of the Mailers, and alfo Accountant General of the laid Courts- being the Commifiioners appointed to examine and ftate the Claims of the Creditors of the faid Royal- African Company, by an Acl of Parliament of the twenty-third Year of the Reign of his prefent Majeity,.. for their Trouble, and in Satisfadlion of the Expences of executing the faid Commiffion. XI. And it is hereby further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That out t5f the faid Sum of one hun- 84,6'5^ '^s. dred and twelve thoufand and one hundred and forty-two Pounds, three Shillings and three Pence, the ^;j'^j.j'"^'^j.^^^,Y further Sum of eighty-four thoufand fix hundred and fifty-two Pounds twelve Snillings and {fiiz Pence, the fccond Sche-- be diltributed and paid to the feveral Creditors mentioned and fet forth in the fecond Schedule to this Act duie. annexed, in the refpettive S-umis and Proportions in the faid Schedule mentioned, in full Satisfaction of all and every their Demands. XII. And it is hereby further enabled by the Authority aforefaid,- Tliat out of the faid Sum of one hun- ^3,6881. us; dred and twelve thoufand one hundred and forty-two Pounds three Shillings and three Pence, the Sum of 5^^^'^ 'amedfThe twenty-three thoufand fix hundred and eighty-eight Pounds fifteen Shillings and five Pence, be paid and ,hi,.d schedule, divided to and amongft the Perfons named in the third Schedule to this A(5l annexed, in the Sums and Pro- portions therein mentioned, being fuch of the Proprieors of African transferrable Stock, as were pofielTed of the fame on the thirty-firfl Day of December in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and- forty-eight, the fame being computed to be at and after the Rate of ten Pounds per Centu?n on the faid Stock, fo poffefied by them at that Time, in full of a-1 their Right and Title to the fame,, or any Parc^ thereof.. XIII. And be it further enaclcd by the Authority aforefaid. That the Sum of two thoufand one hun- 'o 'ihVpIffcns dred and five Pounds twelve Shillings and three Pence, Refidiie of the faid Sum of one hundred and twelve ^^^^j j„ ^[^^ thoufand one hundred and forty-two Pounds three Shillings and three i ence, be paid and divided to and fourth Schedule, amongft the Perfons nam.ed in the fourth Schedule to this Adt annexed, in the Sums and Proportions therein mentioned, being fuch of the Proprietors of African transferrable Stock, as have become pofiefl'ed of the fame fincethe faFd thirty-firil Day of Dcctmber one thoufand feven hundred and, being com- RuUed-i