Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/499

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A. D. 1752. Anno vicefimo fexto Georgii II. C. 13. 479 ' VIII. And whereas Patterns of Cloth, Silk, Stuff, and fmall Samples of other Sorts of Goods, and ' other Things, not being Paper, are frequently fent inclofed in a fingle Letter or Piece of Paper ;' Be it declared and enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That for every angle Letter or Cover coiitainina; one orL<^"="'"'^'°"s more Paper or Papers with Patterns, or containing one or more Pattern or Patterns of Cloth, Silk or Stuff/"™^' ^"""' 01 c 1 r .1 c ^ c r^ i IT T^' r 1 ' not exceeding i or one or more oample or bamples of any other bort ot (joods, or one or more Piece or Pieces of any other ounce Weight, Sort of Thing inclofed therein or affixed thereto, though not Paper, if the Hime together do not weigh anti pay only as a Ounce Weight, the Rates payable by the faid AEt for a double Letter fhail bj paid, and no more. double Letter. ' IX. And whereas by an Act made in the fixteenth Year of his prefent M?je!ly's P^eign, intituled, //«x6Geo. 2. c.'.!. j^cl for repealing certain Duties on Spirituous Liquors, cjid on Licences for retailing the fame, and for laying other Duties on Spirituous Liquors, and on Licences to retail the faid Liquors ; it is enacted. That no Licence fhall be granted to any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever for felling by Retail any Spirituous Liquors or Strong Waters whatfoever, except to fuch Perfons only who fhall keep Taverns, ViiSl;uaIling-hoifes, Inns, Coffee-houfes, or Ale-houfes, and that if any fuch Licences fhall be gr. nted to any other Perfons, the fame are thereby declared void to all Intents and Purpoi'es ; and it is thereby alfo enacted. That if any Perfon or Perfons fliall prefume or oflrer to retail any of the faid Spirituous Liquors without taking out fuch Licence as is therein mentioned, and renewing the fame yearly, in manner therein mentioned, he, fhe or they, fhall refpeftively forfeit and lofe the Sum of ten Pounds for each Offence; and in cafe fudi Perfon or Perfons fhall refufe or negleft to pay the faid Sum of ten Pounds, the fame being lawfully demanded, it fliall and may be lawful for any one or more Juflice or Juftices of the Peace of any County, Riding, Divifion, City or Liberty, upon Information upon Oath being made before him or them of fuch Refufal or Negleft, by Warrant under his or their Hand and Seal, or riands and Seals, to fuch Perfon or Perfons to the Houfe of Corre£tion for the County, Riding, Divifion, City or Liberty, wherein fuch Perfon or Perfons (hall re fide, there to remain and to be kept to hard Labour for the Space of two Months, to be reckoned from the Day of the faid Commitment ; and the Perfon or Perfons fliall not be difcharged until he, fhe or they, fhall have paid the faid Sum of ten Pounds, or until the full Expiration of the faid two Months ; and that nothing in the faid A6t (hall extend or be conftrued to enable any Perfon or Peifons to fell any Spirituous Liquors or Strong Waters by Retail, unlefs fuch Perfon or Perfons be firfi: licenfcd to fell Ale by two or more of his Majefty's Juftices of the Peace for the County, Riding, Divifion, City or Liberty wherein fuch Perfon or Perfons fhall fell the faid Liquors, under the Hands — and Seals of the faid Juftices : And whereas by one other A£l made in the feventeenth Year of his Ma- 17 Geo. 2. c,i7. jefty's Reign, (intituled, An Aoi for granting to his Maj fly the Surtlus or Remainder of the Monies arifen or to arife by the Duties on Spirituous Liquors, granted by an A£l of the lafl Seffi'in of Parliament, and for ex- plaining and amending the faid ASl in relation to th' Retailers of fuch Liquors, and for cflablifing an Agree- ment zuith the United Company of Merchants of Y.n'^d.nA trading to j'/:'^ Eaft Indies) it is enai5lcr!. That in cafe where a Licence fhall have been granted for retailing S.pirituous Liquors to any Perfon who fhall at the Time of granting fuch Licence keep a Tavern, Vi£tualling-houfe, Inn, CofFee-houfe or Ale-houfe, if fuch Perfon fo licenfed fhall afterwards during the Time of continuing fuch Licence exercife the Tr.ide of a Diftiller, Grocer or Chandler, or keep a Brandy Shop or Shops for Sale of Spirituojs Liquors, the Licence granted in every fuch Cafe fhall Ise void ; and fuch Perfons retailing Spirituous Liquors after- wards fliall forfeit ten Pounds for ever/ fuch Offence, notvi^ithftanding fuch Licence (o obtained; and that no Licence for retailing Spirituous Liquors fhall authorize any Perfon to whom the fame may be . granted to fell fuch Spirituous Liquors in any other Place except in fuch Hojfes or Places thereunto belonging wherein he, flie or they fhall inhabit and dwell at the Time of granting fuch Licence, which Penalties by virtue of the faid AiSf made in the feventeenth Year of his prefent Njajeily's Reign may be mitigated by fuch Ways, Means and Methods, as any Penalty or Forfeiture may be mitigated by any Law orLaws of Excife : And whereas in and by a Claufe in an Aft of Parliament m.ade in the twenty-24G?o. 2. c. 40. fourth Year of his prefent Majefl:y's Reign, (intituled. An Aci for granting to his iMajefty cm additional 1 ejfe£lualiy re/training the retailing of dijlilled Spirituous Liquors ; and for alloiving a Drawback upon the Exportation of Britilh ?nade Spirits ; and that the Pr.rijh of Saint Pvlary le Bon in the County ofMiddkkxJhall be under the InjpeBion of the Huid Ofjlce of Excife) reciting, That it may be doubled whether the faid Penalty of ten Pounds can be recovered within the Limits of the Head Office of Excife in London befjre a Juflice or Juftices of the Peace; it is thereby declared and ena£f:ed. That the faid Penalty may be recovered, and any Perfon retailing Spirituous Liquors without a Licence within the Limits of the faid Head Office, may be convicted before any Juftice of the Peace for the City, Coimty or I-iberty, v/here the Offence fhall be committed, as well as before the Commiflioncrs of Excife ; and that fuch Penalty fhall not in any Cafe, either by the faid Commiffioners or Juftice of the Peace, be mitigated or reduced belo^v the Sum of five Pounds : And whereas, notwithftanding the laft recited Claufe, it may be doubted whether the enafted and declared by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Penalties of ten Pounds ftiall not in any Cafe,.„e jj^i,.j ^,j be mitio-ated or reduced below the Sum of five Pounds, either by the Commiffioners of Excife, or thenot muU' Juftices°of Peace, whether fuch Juftices ad within or without the Limits of .the faid Head Office of Excife. g^teJ bcJow 5 1. ' X. And v/hereas by one other Claufe in the faid Acl of Parliament, made in the twenty-fourth Year-^ Geo, 2. c. 40, ' of his prefent Majcfty's Reign, it is enaded. That no Licence for the felling by Retail of Spirituous Liquors,