Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/515

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A. D. 1753* Anno vicefimo fexto Georgii IL C. 20. 495 ncfl: Excellent Majcfly, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affemblcd, and hy the Authori.y of the fame. That from and after Aftci- the Hxpi- the Expiration of the Term for which the Bounties oi> the Exportation of Brhifo and Injh coarle Linen.3 by r.uion of the the faid herein before recited Acts are granted, coritinued and made payable, the Sum of three thoufand^°""-."'- ""Ex- Pounds be paid yearly and every Year for the Space of nine Years, to the Ca{hier of the faid CommiiTioners ^"^["^'^^^"j" ^"" and Trufcees for improving Fifheries and Manufaftures in <S'iijf/rt;.'i, to be charged and chargeable upon, coarfe Linens, and payable out of any theCufloms, Duties, Excifes, or other Revenues in Sccllc.nd, introduced by virtue the annual Sum of the Treaty of Unionj or to which the Subjefts of Scotland are or fhall be liable ; and to be applied by of 300° '-.-to te the faid Commiffioners and Truftees for encouraging and improving the Manufafture of Linens in theHigh- f''/'^ "'"^ land? oi Scotland onl)'-, and only in thofe Parts thereof, wherein the Manufacture of Linens have either notjv,g j-j'^jj^" j° been already introduced, or if the fame hath been introducedj have not yet arrived to any confiderable Scotland, for en- Degree of Perfeftion. . couragin^r, &c. the Manufa6Lures of Linens in the Highlands. n. Provided always. That no Part of the faid annual Sum of three thoufand Pounds fhall be applied To wiij^^ufes by the faid Commiffioners and Truftees, for any other Ufe or Purpofe whatfoever, than for inflruding ^nd IJ^j^^"' ^^u" J_ '*' exciting the Lihabitants of that Part of Scotland to raife, prepare and fpin Flax and Hemp to be ufed in the Manufafture of coarfe Linen, and to weave Yarn there fpun into fuch Linen, and for providing the faid Inhabitants with fit Materials and Utcnfils for thofe Purpofes, and for diflributing Rewards and Prizes to the Growers, Preparers and Spinners of fuch Flax and Hemp, and to the Weavers and other Manu- fafturers of fuch Linen, in refpeft to the Quantity or Excellence of the Flax or Hemp fo raifed and pre- pared, and of the Yarn fo fpun, wove, or otherwife manufaftured ; and for fuch other like Ufes, as by the iaid Commiffioners and Truftees fhall be thought proper for promoting the true Litent of this Aft. in. Provided alfo, That no Part of the faid annual Sum of three thoufand Pounds fliall be applied by'^oP^'t to be the faid Commiffioners and 1 ruftees for encouraging or improving within the Limits of the faid Highlands, '^f n'^'^,i"efj™~ the Manufafture of Sail Cloth, or of any fuch Linens as under the Denomination of Sail Cloth are orjju'j-^a-i.i-ec.f SdiL may he intitled by Law to any Bounty on the Exportation thereof.. Cloth. ,1V. And be it enafled by the Authority aforefaid. That the faid annual Sum of three thoufand Pounds hoiv the faid fliall be paid for the Purpofes of this Aif, at fuch Times, and by fuch Warrants and Orders, and in fuch Sum is to be Manner, as the annual Sum of two thoufand Pounds, and the Surpluffage of the Duty on Malt made in'fl"'^- Scotland, are by an Act made in the thirteenth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King George theFirft,,i3Geo. i. c. 30^ (intituled, Jn A61 for encouraging and promoting Fifluries and other ManufaStures and Improvements, in that Part 0/ Great Britain called Scotland) or by Letters Patent under the Great Seal, appointed by the Treaty of Union to be kept in Scotland, in place of the Great Seal thereof, direfted to be paid. V. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Commiffioners and Truftees Commiffioners fliall yearly and every Year, at the Feaft of the Nativity of our Lord Chrift, make up a faithful and exaft y^^y '» ™ke Account of the Monies received and ilTued by their Orders, together with a faithful and true Report of^j^^. j^lj™"^^^,,^, their Proceedings in the Execution of the Truft hereby repofed in them, and fliall within the Space of report their Pro- thirty Days lay the faid Account and Report before his Majefty, his Heirs or Succeffors, and fhall alfo, ceedings., within the like Space of thirty Days, lay true Copies of the faid Account and Report before the annual Committee of the Convention of the Royal Boroughs of Scotland, that they may perufe and examine the fame, and lay before his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, from Time to Time, fuch Obfervations as they fhall make thereon. VI. And be it further enaft ed by the Authority aforefaid. That the faid Commiffioners and Trufrees At Chriftmas fhall, at the Feaft of the Nativity of our Lord Chrift in the Year one thoufand feven hundred and fiftjr- 1753. the<^om- three, propofe and lay before his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, a Plan or Method for the Application "pj!^"^^"^^^ '"^^'^l'^ and Diltribution of the faid Sum of three thoufand Pounds hereby granted, according to the true Intent Application of and Meaning of this Aft ; which Plan or Method being approved, altered or varied by his Majefty, his the faid Sum Heirs or Succeffors, by W^riting under his or their Sign Manual, fhall be in Force and put into Execu-)"^'"^ his Ma- tion, until the fame fhall be altered or varied in like Manner and by like Authority. ^^^ ' VII. Provided, That it fhall and may be lav/ful to and for the faid Commiffioners and Truftees, in any and in any others other Year, during the Continuance of this Aft, at the faid Feaft to propofe and lay before his Majefty, Year they may his Heirs and Succeffors, any other Plan or Method for the like Purpofe; which Plan or Method ,^sing p^ ^^'J}'-^°^^'j.|^ ' in like manner approved, altered or varied by his Majefty, his Heirs or Succeffors, fhall be in Force p^^'j^ and put into Execution, until the fame fhall be in like manner altered or varied by like Autho- rity. ^ JtL i ai