Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/546

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526 C. 33. Anno vicefimo lexto Georgii II. A. D. 1753. ner bepubliltied in the Parifli Church or Chapel belonging to fomeParifh orChapelry adjoining to fuch Ex- traparocliial Place: And where Banns ihall be publifhed in any Church or Chapel btrlon^ing to any ParilTi adjoining to fuch Extraparochial Place, the Parfon, Vicar, Miniftcr or Curate, publiihing fuch Banns, Mininerto (ign fhall, in V/riting under his Hand, certify the Publication thereof in luch manner as if either of the Perfons the Publication ; to be married dwelt in fuch adjoining Parifli; and that all other the Fades prefcribed by the faid Rubrickcon- ••■ cerning the Publication of Banns, and the Solemnization of Matrimony, and not hereby altered, (hall be , , duly obferved ; and that in all Cafes where Banns ihall have been pu'ojlhed, the Marriage fliall be folem- and the Marriage i^i^g J in one of the Parifh Churches or Chapels where fuch Banns have b.en pbliflied, and in no other Place to be iolemnized 1 r in one of the whatioever. Churclics where the B^nns have been publiflied, Noticeofihe II. Provided always, and it is hereby further enafted. That no Parfon, Vicar, Minifter or Curate fhall c>. to the Ml- their true Chriftian and Surnames, and of the Houfe or Houfes of their refpedtive Abodes within fuch Pa- n:(kr 7 Days be- rifli, Chapeli'y or Extraparochial Place as aforelaid, and of the Time during which they have dwelt, inha- ^'J."-g]^'^'=^"t'"' bited or lodged in fuch Houfc or Houfes refpeciively. III. Provided always, and be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Parfon, Minifter, Vicar or Miniftcr not pu-^-'yj.^j.g folemnizina; Marriages after the twentv-fitth Day oi A'larch one thouiand feven hundred and hftv- Jillnable for lo- - , ti ,- i i r i n 11 i -^ i i a r tt- r t ^ lemnizingMar- four, between Perlons, both or one of whom-iliall be under the Age or twenty-one Years, after Banns jiageatter Banns publifhed, fliall be punifhable by Ecclefiaftical Cenfures for folemnizmg fuch Marriages without Confentof [lubliftcd, where Parents or Guardians, whofe Confent is required by Law, unlefs fuch Parfon, Minifter, Vicar or Curate Hie Parents or ^^^ have Notice of the Diflent of i'uch Parents or Guardians; and in cafe fuch Parents or Guardians, or NotkeofDi'ile "1°°"^^ °'" them, fhall openly and publickly declare, or caufe to be declared in the Church or Chapel where hut where fuch 'the Banns fliall be fo publifhed, at the Time of fuch Publication, his, her or their Diflent to fuch A'larriage, ■Pifient (hall be fuch Publication of Banns fhall be abfolutely void. givcn,Pub!icationof B.'.nns to be void. Licences to be IV. And it is hereby further enafted, That no Licence of Marriage fhall, from and after the fa-id twen- grantcdto foiem-ty-hfth Day of March in the Year one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-four, be granted by any Arch- jiize Mairin-onybifliop, Bifliop, or Other Ordinary or Perfon having Authority to grant fuch Licences, to folemnize any Cha ej*^ot"'ibeh'^'^"^?^ '" '^"X Other Church or Chapel, than in the Parifh Church or Publick Chapel of or bilongin» to Paiilh only,"'^ ^^ Parifh or Chapelry, within v/hich the ufual Place of Abode of one of the Perfons to be married fhall wiierc one of thehave been for the Space of four Weeks immediately before the granting of fuch Licence ; or where both or Parries Oiaii have either of the Parties to be married fhall dwell in any Extraparochial Place, having no Church or Chapel ^w^^h ^°^-^ wherein Banns have been ufually publiflied, then in the Parifh Church or Chapel belonging to fome Parifh ^^^(.evs tore, ^^ Chapelry adjoining to fuch Extraparochial Place, and in no other Place whatfoever. Places which ^ ■ I^i'ovided always, and be it enadled by the Authority aforefaid. That all Parifhes where there fhall be no may be deemed Parifn Church or Chapel belonging thereto, or none wherein Divine Service fliall be ufually celebrated exiraparochial every Sunday, may be deemed Extraparochial Places for the Purpofes of this AQ., but not for any other by this Aa. Purpofe. Archbifliopof VI. Provided always, That nothing herein before contained fliall be conftrued to extend to deprive the Canterbury's Arclibifhop of Canterbury and his SuccefTors, and his and their proper Officers, of the Right which hath Kight toiirant hitherto been ufed, in virtue of a certain Statute made in the twenty-fifth Year of the Reign of the late li'fer'xd. '"""'King //^«r_y the Eighth, intituled. An Aa concerning Vtttv Pence and Difpcnfations; of granting Special Licences to marry at any convenient Time or Place. Surrogate depu- VII. Provided always, and be it enacted. That from and after the twenty-fifth Day of March


ted to grant Li- Year one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-four, no Surrogate deputed by any Ecclefiaftical Jud^e, who cences to take h^th Power to grant Licences of Marriage, fhall grant any fuch Licence before he hath taken an Oath be- ficc^and r've^'" ^°^^ '^^ ^^^ Judge faithfully to execute his Office, according to Law, to the bett of his Knowledge, and Sccjrk". °'^° ^^'^^ given Security by his Bond in the Sum of one hundred Pounds to the Bifliop of the Diocefe, for the due and faithful Execution of his faid Office. Perfons convifl- VIII. And whereas many Pcrfom do fohtmu%e Matrimony in Prifons and other Places without Pvhlication of vA oiioe:m!iz f BannSy Or Lic<ncc of Marriage Jirji had and obtained;' Therefore, for the Prevention thereof. Be it enaftcd. Matrimony That if any Perfon fliall, from and after the faid twenty-fifth Day of March in the Year one thoufand feven rLi^enc'tTr'in ^""'^'"'^'^ ^"'^ fifty-four, folcmnize Matrimony in any other Place than a Church or Publick Chapel, where. any ('ih"rp'j'.ic'e"-'^^""'^ ]^^^ ^^^^} ui'^^ily publifhed, unlefs by Special Licence from the Aichbifhop oi Canterbury ; or fhall &c. except by 'folemnize Matrimony without Publication of Banns, unlefs Licence of Marriage be firft had and obtained Special Licence, from fome Perfon or Perfons having Authority to grant the fame, every Perfon knowingly and wilfully f"o offending, and being lawfully conviiled thereof, fhall be deemed and adjudged to be guilty of Felony, and to be tranfported,P^^ll ^e tranfported to fome of his Majefty's Plantations in America for the Space of fourteen Years, accord- ing to the Laws in Force for Tranlportation of Felons ; and all Marriages folemnized from and after the twenty-fifth Day o^ March in the ear one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-four, in any other Pla.e than a Church or fuch Publick Chapel, unlefs by Special Licence as aforefaid, or that fhall be' folemnized with- and the Marria-Out Publication of Banns, or Licence of Marriage from a Perfon or Perfons having Authority to grant the ages to be null, fame firft had and obtained, fhall be null and void to all Intents and Purpofes whatfoever. Profccutlons for r^^' -t^tovided, That all Profecutions for fuch Felony fliall be commenced within the Space of thrco the fame to Ycars after the Offence committed. be commenced ""i"" 3 ^'"s. X. Pro-